Hi there - great to read some of your content regarding Weike laser cutters your experiences so far - hopefully more good then bad experiences!

I recently bought the G.Weike LC1490 which is 900x1400 bed and 150w tube. After a few weeks for operation I have encountered a problem with the engrave feature.
In short when I engrave the file starts out ok but then slowly begins to distort or elongate resulting in a stretched image which varies from file to file. There doesn't appear to be a problem with the cut layer as this goes back and highlights the extent of the distortion but as you can image this is really frustrating not to mention costly on materials & time.

I have played around with the setting adjusting the speed and power and even the gap which was originally set a 0.1 and my Weike rep. recommended I change as a possible solution, unfortunately even .2 gap still begins to distort. I'm wondering if anyone else has encounter a similar problem with these machines and if you have any suggestions.

I've cleaned and aligned mirrors, added another fan (I thought it might be a smoke build up but wasn't) and given some of the forums I've read today I will go home and make sure everything is plugged in correctly and all visible screws are tight. Anyone got any other suggestions and possible remedies? I'm still waiting for Weike to get back to me so hopefully they have some solutions but so far they don't seem to be that bothered...