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IndustryArena Forum > Business Practices > Business Practices / Pricing > My Experience with Blurry Customs
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Earlier this year, I decided that I wanted a cnc for my shop. My shop is small and the footprint of this machine needed to fit within a 4'x5' envelope.

    I wanted a machine that could:

    • process a 3'x4' part,
    • be turn-key (i know very little about CNC's),
    • be able to have a vacuum hold-down,
    • ATC,
    • dust boot with 4" port
    • a price that fits within my budget.

    After researching various vendor offerings, I always came back to the Blurry Customs machine. I was extremely nervous about going down this path as I couldn't find reviews anywhere on the web. There were half-started attempts... but they seemed to stop at... my machine has arrived... but never went any further. Never-the-less, I started communicating with Alex Burt and found him to be knowledgeable, personable, and believable. His attendance at the 2015 Ceramics Expo where he partnered with some big-name vendors also gave me comfort. The final piece was being able to talk to one of his existing customers. After some long talks with my wife, i decided that i was going to go down this path. It was either this machine... or no machine. All of my friends, acquaintances, and co-workers knew how nervous I was... but I did go into this fully aware of what I might be getting myself into. As they say... Buyer-beware!!!

    It was always my intention to post a review once I had the machine up and running, so that I could give honest feedback as to its quality and precision. Unfortunately, my machine is not yet operational (after 7 months)... and so I leave that for perhaps a future thread.

    I hope that this information will help others who are considering a purchase to be more fully aware going forward.

    Following is the history of my dealings with Blurry Customs. It is not a happy tale, it is not over yet... and perhaps may never be. All of the proceeding information have been gleamed from the roughly 200 emails and phone calls that Alex and I have exchanged.

    March 2015

    12th: received an email from Alex regarding specs of machine: Turn-key, complete with laptop pre-loaded with software configured for the machine

    18th: Alex pointed me to the 2015 Ceramics Expo where he is partnered with some big name players. Gives me confidence to move forward.

    19th: talked to one of his previous customers who has had his cnc for a few years. Happy with the machine, but cautioned that it will take a bit of time for Alex to complete the order.

    April 2015

    7th: ordered the machine and wired the deposit to Alex
    7th: Alex states that he has ordered material, but his production challenge right now is dealing with the Ceramics Expo at the end of the month... building and testing will start after the show is over and once the parts have arrived

    May 2015

    4th: back from show and they have the frames for my cnc and should have the remaining parts by the end of the week.

    11th: Alex will have ship date by the end of the week

    18th: Machine should ship by the 25th

    29th: Alex is ready to ship and asks for remaining payment

    June 2015

    2nd: Shipping company has no record of cnc being shipped

    3rd: talk to Alex on the phone. Says the spindle motor had a vibration and they need to replace it. It will take a couple weeks for the parts
    to arrive. Offers free upgrade to servo motors. (Note: he had originally told me that he used Technic brand servos... but what I ended up getting
    was a Chinese brand).

    19th: shipment made, Alex sends tracking number.

    27th: Machine Arrives. Absolutely no crating, machine is zip tied to a pallet with a cardboard box over the spindle and a heavy plastic cover
    over the machine and stapled to the pallet. It traveled some 1500 miles like this!!! Machine appears intact with the exception of a few missing/broken plastic parts.

    27th: Control PC and Dust boot were not included in shipment.

    27th: Alex confirms that the PC and dust boot were separated from the main shipment and he would send them out immediately the next morning.

    29th: emailed Alex the pictures of how the cnc arrived at my doorstep and expressed my concern that it could have been protected better... no
    response from Alex.

    July 2015

    8th: No package from Alex yet. He apologizes and says it took longer than expected to get in some of the parts that I requested... it shipped

    17th: still no package... Ask Alex to check with his shipping company to track it down.

    22nd: Alex reports back that he doesn't have my shipping address (he was right... he didn't... so he couldn't possibly have shipped earlier without it).

    24th: Ask Alex where I should hang the control panel? The cables aren't long enough for me to mount on the end of the cnc. I end up having to
    lie it on the floor on its back.

    30th: Alex apologizes (again) and says that everything is ironed out and shipping shows a delivery of this Tuesday.

    August 2015

    17th: Came back from holidays... yup... still no parts.
    19th: Phone Alex... he has to re-order parts??!!!
    24th: Alex will ship via courier tomorrow
    25th: Asked Alex if the parts shipped
    26th: The parts went out last nite (ya right!)

    September 2015

    1st: Still no parts. I phone Alex and leave an urgent Message. I send Alex an email telling him how nervous and upset I am at the run-around that I am getting. I tell him that my days of trusting him are over and now is the time for him to decide how our relationship will be defined going forward. I now want tracking numbers with any promise from him that a shipment was made.

    1st: Alex sends me a tracking number.

    3rd: package is at customs... no invoice is attached (I specifically told Alex that he had to attach an invoice itemized with country of origin and value for each part shipped)

    3rd: he sends me the invoice

    5th: Received the package... emailed Alex that it wasn't apparent how the dust shoe fit onto the machine (it also appeared to be broken) and there was no place for the air lines to hook up to. I wanted a dust boot with 4" hose connection... he sent one with a 2 1/2" port. Also... the PC has Mach3.. but only the demo version... and appears that the software has not been tuned to my machine.

    7th: Alex remotes into the PC and sets up the Mach3 software (doesn't have much time today to do all the setup). The servo motor hits the frame when moving the gantry to the limit switch. Alex suggests that I put a block against the frame to overcome this problem (what???)
    7th: I ordered a 3'x4' machine with the assumption that I would be able to process that size of a sheet. The bed can handle it... but the spindle travel does not allow for it. I end up fabricating a part to move wires out of the way and increase processing size... still now what I asked for... but better than before. Looking more and more like a DIY machine to me.
    7th: Started up the spindle and tried different speeds... at 12000 rpm, the spindle is vibrating and howling and gettin very hot... yikes!
    7th: X Axis wobbles.. question whether the screw is straight.

    10th. Alex remotes in to the PC again. He had the spindle calibrated for 24000 rpm rather than 18000... spindle runs smooth now.
    10th. Setup the software to handle the tool changer.. .things are looking promising.
    10th. Appears Alex forgot(???) to add the required solenoid to handle the dust boot hookup. If I understand correctly, i am now going to have to
    modify his machine and add electrical wires to the existing bundle... do i hear DIY?
    10th. One final test before we end our online session. We do a dry run where mach3 will pick up tool1, run a pattern, change to tool2 and do another. Everything is going good until it picks up tool 2. The spindle ramps up and starts its pattern... but the bit is barely rotating. We stop the program and Alex asks me to give the tool holder a "wiggle". It snaps up and into place... we continue on and the bit is spinning properly. Alex suggests that we unload the tool manually (hmmm... has he encountered this issue before?). Alas... it is stuck in the spindle. He suggests taking a piece of wood (2x4) and tapping against the side of the spindle, just above the tool holder... nothing. I tap harder... and harder... nothing. After several minutes of trying different things, Alex says that he will have to ship a new spindle. (OMG!!!)

    12th: I send Alex a list of the parts the we agreed that he would send with his next shipment. In all there are still 7 parts that I do not have)
    13th: Did some calibration tests... appears that the machine is not square. cutting out a rectangle gives me a parallelogram. I measure the frame cross-corner and it is out by 4mm (5/32"). I look at the position of the gantry as it sits on the rails... one side is measurable further ahead of the other. I take my machinist square and lay it across the end of a piece of extruded aluminum... it has not been cut at 90". This would explain why the frame is not square as the extruded aluminum is butt jointed to the steel sides. If this holds true for the extrusions on the gantry... then it will not be sitting perpendicular to the base.. and this explains why my rectangles are parallelograms.

    14-17th. Alex suggests that I shim the sides where the gantry arms attach to the linear bearings... i'm willing to give anything a try... but it doesn't make sense to me. I can't get this to work and I decide that the two solutions are: Dis-assemble and re-cut all of the extruded aluminium so that they are 90 degrees.. or enlarge the holes in the gantry arm where the gantry extruded aluminum fastens to it so that I have some room for adjustment. I do the latter and am able to bring things back into tolerance. who knows how long that will last though!

    October 2015

    Oct 4: Alex is waiting on the arrival of the new X axis screw.. should be here by weeks end.
    Oct 14: Where are my parts?... You should have them by Tuesday
    Oct 21: still no parts... I resend the list of the parts that he has promised to send me.
    Oct 22: Brokers notify me that I have a package from Blurry Customs!!!
    Oct 22: There was no invoice sent with the package (again!!!)
    Oct 22-30: Alex sends me several invoices... each with missing information regarding the shipment.. finally I get the one I need and the package clears customs.

    November 2015

    4th: I receive the package. It only includes the spindle... but the invoice that he has sent me includes several of the missing items that he promised to ship. I have now paid brokerage fees, taxes, and duty on non-existent parts.
    4th: Enough is enough!!! I phone Alex, he doesn't pick up, I leave him a message saying how upset I am at him and his practices. He needs to call me back to discuss how he is going to rectify this matter. He doesn't return my call.

    10th: I email Alex giving him 7 days to bring this transaction to a successful conclusion. The options that I am agreeable to are: get my machine running to my satisfaction, Treat this as a DIY machine and refund half my purchase price, and lastly, refund my entire purchase and I will send his cnc back COD. Failure to agree with my terms means that I will seek satisfaction by other means.

    11th: Alex responds that he fully intends to supply the missing parts and honor his contract. He is ready to ship "tomorrow".

    18th: 7 days are up and nothing has happened since his last promise.
    18th: I email Alex stating that I'm going ahead with my other plans.
    18th: Alex immediately emails me stating that the package is due into my location "tomorrow" (ya... right!) He states that "he is drowning here"... hmmmm... let me help you with that!

    22nd: Here I sit with a machine that is far from what I ordered, never is or never will be the machine that I asked for.
    Paul V.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs


    I appreciate your time on the phone this morning, and like I mentioned, we are cleaning this mess up, and working through some core changes to the business to make sure these issues do not continue into the future.

    Again, we are making drastic changes. I am still working out the specifics of what that entails, but please feel free to contact me if any additional issues come up that need to be addressed.

    If anyone else has any questions or concerns about the nature of these issues, please feel free to contact me by email. I am happy to be as open as possible about the changes we are working through, and would always appreciate any feedback that can be provided in the spirit of moving forward.

    Thank you,

    IronMan CNC Router 24"x36"x6" -- http://www.blurrycustoms.com/

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Scary! Good luck, hard to know these days who is a professional BS'r operating out of a garage and who is legitimate. Hope all goes well and continue to update. Justice will be served in the form of karma or otherwise.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs


    You and I have been living parrallel lives... I could write at least twice what you have. In brief:

    Simply put, dealing with Alex has been the worst purchase experience of my entire life. I'm 48 so I've done plenty of purchasing and until now I've always trusted people will do what they say.
    Appauling communications - Alex screens his calls and ignores emails too.
    Final delivery was months late and right upto actually seeing it we were never confident it was going to appear.
    Shoddy shoddy build - most fixings were loose and some only had 1/2 a turn of thread in the fixing holes.
    Unsupported and uncut Vac bed was a joke - it sank 6mm in the centre after we cut it and we eventually had to fit a t-slot bed under it ourselves.
    Pipework for connecting the vac pump was missing valves, elbows and was 2M short.
    Vac pump howls - nobody should have to work within 100 meters of it!
    X Axis ball screw has gone in the bin. We replaced with a proper direct drive unit ourselves because we couldn't bare to ask Alex for help.
    Y axis needs to go next.
    Wiring is hopeless
    Packing fell appart on route so it was difficult to know what Alex had really despatched - dustboot was missing and took months to appear.
    Vac pump arrived in seperate hopeless packing 10 days later... Damaged of course.
    Massively oversized inverter drive howled all the time because of cooling fan
    We only went with Blurry because of the ATC... It failed on day 3 and Alex took weeks to deliver a replacement.
    No instructions - and getting help from Alex is like pulling teeth.
    No air pressure switch interlock on the ATC means that the machine will happily rip itself appart. - Until you learn and eventually fit your own of course!
    It felt like Alex was drip feeding us with setup help and almost willing us to go off and break the machine ourselves. As if he needs to be in control somehow?

    Alex needs to be stopped. Really.

    Class action?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs


    I'd like the opportunity to make this right for you. As I have already mentioned, we are making some major structural changes here as a whole, but would like to talk with you directly to make sure I can address your concerns specifically.

    Please get in touch as soon as you can.
    IronMan CNC Router 24"x36"x6" -- http://www.blurrycustoms.com/

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Hi Grassbank,

    Thank you for sharing! It is sad to know that I have a fellow owner that shares the same experience. There is another Blurry Custom thread on this website where the owner looks to be travelling down our path. I hope that Alex has reached out to him and that he makes every effort to get the machine up and running in short order.

    I have to thank you as you might be the one that saved me from getting a vacuum table. I had wanted to order it, but Alex pulled that option off the table. I assumed that it probably had something to do with the size of machine that I was ordering... boy I was waaaay too trusting.

    I agree 100% that the build of the machine is shoddy. I haven't cut my first piece yet, and I've already pulled wiring apart to re-attach loose wires. Just like you, I have found loose screws, damaged parts everywhere and the closer I look, the more I find. I was working in the control box yesterday and noticed that the breakout board is physically damaged.

    I did receive the rest of my parts from Alex shortly after I posted to this forum and they appear in good condition. As glad as I am that I now have my parts, I am not looking forward to the work of getting them installed and operational. Again, these are all things that should have been there when I first received the machine.

    With the troubles that you have had regarding ballscrews and spindle failure, I am really troubled as to how much more to sink into this machine. Am I finally going to get everything working only to start having major part failures? I've got half the making of a vacuum table sitting in the shop and am struggling with whether or not to buy the remaining parts.

    I agree that the pain that Alex has inflicted warrants action, and he needs to be held accountable for that and his terrible business practices. As Alex has said, he needs to make major changes... hopefully his business won't survive without it. I would invite him to publicly comment on how he is going to fix things! For my part, I will try to keep this thread current and not let it be swept under the carpet! As they say... Whatever doesn't kill you... only makes you stronger.

    I hope that others will come forward with their stories... good and bad!
    Paul V.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs


    I appreciate the invitation to publicly document the changes that we will be making to address the major concerns and issues that have come up. Most of this is be actively worked on right now, but if I may summarize briefly where we stand today.

    At this time, we will be practically closing the company down for a minimum of 6 months. I say practically, because, I will NOT just close our doors, disappear and leave everyone hanging who is having issues. We will address each of those situations individually, and do our best to make things right. Those who have commented, I believe we are in ongoing discussions. If we are not making progress for you, please get in touch and let me know.

    So the goal with shutting down the company for the next six months is to restructure, and implement new management, products, procedures, policies, etc to make sure we do not get into a situation like this again and can provide a product that people can have confidence in. This is only generic information right now, because the exact actions are currently being developed. Since Paul has opened up the discussion on this front, I will utilize the continued conversation here to describe publicly what changes we are making as they are developed and implemented.
    IronMan CNC Router 24"x36"x6" -- http://www.blurrycustoms.com/

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Over the past few days I have been calibrating, setting up the temporary work surface and sacrificial sheet. I've tried out my environment from design to shop floor with small test cases and on Saturday I was ready to cut my first cabinet.

    Put the sheet on the bed, started the program.. it went to pick up its first tool... and... it only partially picked it up. The spindle was moaning and groaning and the bit was only partially rotating. I stopped everything, gave the tool holder a wiggle and it snapped into place. This is exactly what happened to the original spindle for this machine... and like that first spindle... I am no longer able to eject the tool holder. Like the first spindle, I am still able to use it with whatever bit is in it... but I can no longer use the ATC.

    Watching tool changes, it appeared to me that there was always excessive force required for the spindle to release the tool holder... the tool rack flexed quite a bit during this procedure! I also noticed during the last several tool changes that the spindle didn't seem to go low enough to pick up the new tool so I would stop, check the alignment, eject and manually re-install the tool holder. With each successive change, it appeared that the spindle was sitting a bit higher than the time before... as if the atc drawbar was being bent out of shape each time a tool holder was released... causing it to interfere more and more with the next tool pickup. Simply conjecture on my part.. but plausible?

    After being so close, it's disheartening to take such a major step backwards. I would hate to try to put a $ value on what this has cost me. The price of the machine is only a small part! The disruption to my shop as it lay torn apart waiting for the machine to become operational, the lost opportunities, the time invested that could have been spent with family and friends and the time lost from growing my business is the much bigger part.

    There isn't much more for me to say in this thread about the quality of this machine... there simply is none!
    Paul V.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Exactly the same happened with ours, jammed up solid, couldnt remove the tool holder. When the new one arrived we put a scope up inside to see what was happening, there is a claw that locks on to the top when no air is present. When air is added to the piston the claw opens and releases the tool. The air pressure we were told to apply, was nowhere near enough to open the claw. In the end we put the pressure right up to 8bar which is as high as we could go and the claw still wasnt opening fully. It works ok at the moment (until you forget to put the air on and it just rips itself to pieces!!)
    As everyone else we have spent days/weeks trying to get it up and running without much assistance from Alex.

  10. #10
    zzhyzyg Guest

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_V View Post
    Over the past few days I have been calibrating, setting up the temporary work surface and sacrificial sheet. I've tried out my environment from design to shop floor with small test cases and on Saturday I was ready to cut my first cabinet.

    Put the sheet on the bed, started the program.. it went to pick up its first tool... and... it only partially picked it up. The spindle was moaning and groaning and the bit was only partially rotating. I stopped everything, gave the tool holder a wiggle and it snapped into place. This is exactly what happened to the original spindle for this machine... and like that first spindle... I am no longer able to eject the tool holder. Like the first spindle, I am still able to use it with whatever bit is in it... but I can no longer use the ATC.

    Watching tool changes, it appeared to me that there was always excessive force required for the spindle to release the tool holder... the tool rack flexed quite a bit during this procedure! I also noticed during the last several tool changes that the spindle didn't seem to go low enough to pick up the new tool so I would stop, check the alignment, eject and manually re-install the tool holder. With each successive change, it appeared that the spindle was sitting a bit higher than the time before... as if the atc drawbar was being bent out of shape each time a tool holder was released... causing it to interfere more and more with the next tool pickup. Simply conjecture on my part.. but plausible?

    After being so close, it's disheartening to take such a major step backwards. I would hate to try to put a $ value on what this has cost me. The price of the machine is only a small part! The disruption to my shop as it lay torn apart waiting for the machine to become operational, the lost opportunities, the time invested that could have been spent with family and friends and the time lost from growing my business is the much bigger part.

    There isn't much more for me to say in this thread about the quality of this machine... there simply is none!

    my story is very similar to yours, Missing parts, absolutely no documentation, don't even know what kind of lube to use for the bearings and screw nuts and of course, nothing close to a turn key system, etc. I bought mine in 2013 and I was so discussed, I just left it there until a couple weeks ago. This time I'm determined to have it making chips and a lot of it.

    Beside the great looks and outstanding features which sound all so promising on paper, the machine is very poorly designed and so out of square in all direction that it is useless. What is worst IMHO, there is no provision to adjust anything in a controlled and methodical way. Mine is a dual X rails and they came connected, Alex says it was because of shipping but of course he forgot to include the parts for the disconnected version and the second home switch required to square the gantry and not forgetting that there is no input setup on the control box to accommodate for the second X home switch. Fortunately, the Gecko drive provide a free input for the second switch, just a question of installing the missing input plug and wire up a few things. Remember, this is supposed to be a turnkey system. If I had known it would be so far from a turnkey system, I would have saved half of what I already invested and many headaches.

    Maybe, we should start a new thread to show every one else the problems and solutions we came up with to help others save time and money. Of course, the best recommendation I could make is to stay as far as you can from Blurry Customs as possible.

    Yves G.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Ive spent plenty $ with Alex Burt of Blurry Customs and received the biggest piece of crap CNC. My story is totally the same. The guy quit answering his phone, owes my corporation parts and money. How about a class action law suite against Alex Burt of Blurry Customs. (We can use my Attorney, Anthony P. Picadio c/o Picadio Sneath Miller & Norton, P.C. (Anthony Picadio | Picadio Sneath Miller & Norton, P.C. | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ).
    Jason Berg
    Diversified Musical Industries, Inc.
    Alex Burt Call Me and make my machine right now or I have no choice but to take Legal Action.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with Blurry. I also had a similar experience with Alex Burt.
    I was lucky enough to get most of my money back. As you can imagine, I didn't come close to recouping the dozens of hours wasted trying to complete the CNC machine. I decided to put it behind an move forward. I purchased an American made Techno LC4896 plus right before the company was sold. Not again. I had the Techno for just over three years. Now I'm making the move to Thermwood. Good luck.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Have any of you guys that were wronged by blurry been made whole? I'm building a 4 x 8 router, and the blurry spindle looks to be perfect. I've emailed Alex and he acknowledges the issues on this thread and has assured me that things were taken care of. I've been running 2 manual change cnc's for about 2 years and need to make the switch to atc, but for the life of me cant find anyone that can provide me with everything that I need, including support on how to get it running and providing the Mach3 macros. Except for Blurry. I machine foam, so I don't need much power, I just need it to work. Hopefully he's worked thru the problems.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    Well after numerous discussions with Alex Burt of Blurry Customs our shop has been able to get things all straightened out. Alex has been helpful and replaced parts that had been missing or not up to standard when the machine was initially received. I feel as if he is getting his house in order and see Blurry making improvements in customer service, machine support as well as making improvements to there machines. At this point in time I am working with Blurry in regards to testing new products (as we run the piss out of there machine) and look forward to working closely with Alex on improving and verifying new and up and coming Blurry components. Feel free to PM me if you have questions. I am not getting paid for this.
    Jason Berg
    DMI Guitar Labs Inc.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    A leopard never changes its spots..........

    Despite us spending $30k on a machine with Alex back in Dec 2015 and it being completely useless, he has not once contacted us since our disagreement to make things right. It has cost us a further $10k in time, parts and labour to get the machine just working!!

    Things maybe improving as you say but to be spending this sort of money there are far better companies with better customer relations and a proven track record out there, without threads/articles like this written about them.

    Caveat Emptor

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: My Experience with Blurry Customs

    I just wanted to chime in and add my story. I was in the same spot as the OP a few years back (small shop) and bought a router from Blurry hoping it would help me move into larger parts. They were about 6 months late on delivery and the machine was in terrible shape when it arrived. It was almost unusable due to vibration issues from poor design and the controller wasn't even wired properly. All-in-all it was an incredibly sloppily assembled and poorly designed machine. Support was awful and Alex was happy to leave me with unresolved issues.

    I didn't know nearly as much then as I do now, and would caution anyone against making the mistake of buying a Blurry machine. Their website is all renders and bull****, the actual machine is a total POS and the purchase experience is akin to being scammed. A part of me believes that Alex would like to build decent machines, but he and his business partner are happy to screw over customers and leave them with almost useless machines in return for cash.

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