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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > Need to change parameter #3772 from macro, G10 L52 or G314 or ??? 31i-B
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Need to change parameter #3772 from macro, G10 L52 or G314 or ??? 31i-B

    I need to change parameter #3772 from within a macro. I have been trying G10 L52, but cant seem to get the parameter to change. I think there may be a another parameter preventing the rewrite.

    I need to change the parameter to the value of macro variable setting #720

    G10 L52 N3772 R[=720]

    or something similar.

    The goal is to use a set of macro variables for max RPM of each tool, then have the macro change setting #3772 to the corresponding max RPM for the tool that's been called.

    Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Need to change parameter #3772 from macro, G10 L52 or G314 or ??? 31i-B

    Quote Originally Posted by Chriseg1 View Post
    I need to change parameter #3772 from within a macro. I have been trying G10 L52, but cant seem to get the parameter to change. I think there may be a another parameter preventing the rewrite.

    I need to change the parameter to the value of macro variable setting #720

    G10 L52 N3772 R[=720]

    or something similar.

    The goal is to use a set of macro variables for max RPM of each tool, then have the macro change setting #3772 to the corresponding max RPM for the tool that's been called.

    Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks
    Hello Chriseg1,
    The syntax should be as follows when using a Macro Variable.

    N3772 R#720



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Need to change parameter #3772 from macro, G10 L52 or G314 or ??? 31i-B

    thank you for your reply,

    I am getting an "illegal expression" error with the code on the line with N3772 R=#720

    here is my code:

    O9022(MAX RPM)
    #720=#[#149+400] (sets #720 to value of #500-510 depending on t code value in #149)
    G10 L52
    N3772 R=#720
    #3000=100(RPM TO HIGH)
    N190#3000=101(NO MAX RPM)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Need to change parameter #3772 from macro, G10 L52 or G314 or ??? 31i-B

    "=" symbol after R is not given.
    Read Bill's post again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Need to change parameter #3772 from macro, G10 L52 or G314 or ??? 31i-B

    removed the"=" after R

    code is:
    G10 L52
    N3772 R#720

    now getting a "missing axis error" ? no axis on this parameter. its just a single input box.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Need to change parameter #3772 from macro, G10 L52 or G314 or ??? 31i-B

    GOT IT!

    its a spindle parameter and has to have a P value before the R

    so final code looks like:

    O9022(MAX RPM)
    #720=#[#149+400] (sets #720 to value of #500-510 depending on t code value in #149)
    G10 L52
    N3772 P1 R#720
    #3000=100(RPM TO HIGH)
    N190#3000=101(NO MAX RPM)


    This works and put the value where I need it.

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