Quote Originally Posted by daedalus
PS: it really is a small world, just checked your webpage out, didnt expect to find anyone else from reading uni here.
Indeed it is. What are you studying & what year are you in ? - I'm guessing eng/cyb cause of the CNC connection but you could prove me wrong.

Do you have msn messenger or anything like that ?

CNCGR - I'm running Mach 3 through a parrallel port. My plan was already to have x-, y- and z+ as combined home and limits. As for having + and - limits for each axis also on the same pin, it is a possibility but I would have liked to have done it 'properly'.

Do you know if mach has an option to automatically reverse off a limit once hit or does it always have to be done manually. If the former is true then it would make sense to have separate inputs for + and - otherwise i might was well stick +, - and home all on one pin.

I have already considered another parrallel port card but even with that I worry about running out of inputs and outputs. In addition to the limit switches I also need inputs and outputs for charge pump, VDF, spindle reverse, estop, x,y,z,a axis motor encoders, x,y,x,a step/dir, an MPG, switches to jog each axis, power drawbar, ATC, suds pump, auto lube system, lights, vacuum table and no doubt more things I havent thought of.