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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    I recently setup my CNC 3040T and after some help from a user here got everything working...or so it seemed.

    I found someone on upwork.com to make a design I created into Gcode. As soon as I loaded the Gcode into Mach3 and started the cycle my stepping motors make a loud sound. It seems they are trying to go past the bounds that the machine is capable of working on. Is this an easy fix? The design looks great from a Gcode standpoint; however, not sure if coordinates should be adjusted.

    *This is my first time using the machine*

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    If you are using the stock screens, then the toolpath tab should tell you the outside work area limits.

    I think Mach will warn you if the work area is outside the table size, if you have soft limits set up for your table. You can also see the table outline if you select that display and then regenerate tool path.

    Also check if the units are in metric...

    Maybe post the first several lines of your g-code?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1875 View Post
    If you are using the stock screens, then the toolpath tab should tell you the outside work area limits.

    I think Mach will warn you if the work area is outside the table size, if you have soft limits set up for your table. You can also see the table outline if you select that display and then regenerate tool path.

    Also check if the units are in metric...

    Maybe post the first several lines of your g-code?
    Thanks for the insight. It looks like only part of my design falls into a rectangular solid that represents my work space. Weird because I specifically asked the designer to make it an A4 sized area.

    Units in Mach3 are in metric.

    Here is some of the Gcode I have:


    G90 G17
    G80 G49 G40

    N1 M6 T1
    ( TOOL -1- DRILL DIA 0.15 MM )
    G90 G00 G40 G54
    G43 H1 G0 X283.135 Y183.486 Z25. S8000 M3
    G10G91 L2 P1 X-270.371 Y-136.139 Z20.
    G0 X283.135 Y183.486 Z5.
    G1 Z-0.5 F250
    G0 Z5.
    X283.493 Y183.436
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X283.877 Y183.298
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X284.305 Y183.185
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X284.708 Y183.059
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X285.079 Y182.971
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X285.475 Y182.845
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X285.815 Y182.706
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X286.236 Y182.593
    G1 Z-0.5
    G0 Z5.
    X286.632 Y182.48
    G1 Z-0.5

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    The code displayed stays well within the A4 boudaries so long as you have the orientation of the axis correct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis_Cannell View Post
    The code displayed stays well within the A4 boudaries so long as you have the orientation of the axis correct.
    How do I determine if my axis is correct? I'm assuming it's not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    Simply jog the X axis and make sure you are moving the axis you want to, if it is as you expect then the workpiece is loaded in wrong direction i.e. landscape portrait on a print.
    Otherwise your setting in the software are incorrect, although if you were configured correctly a4 would be ok both directions.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis_Cannell View Post
    Simply jog the X axis and make sure you are moving the axis you want to, if it is as you expect then the workpiece is loaded in wrong direction i.e. landscape portrait on a print.
    Otherwise your setting in the software are incorrect
    I see, when I jogged the left arrow key it would move the head right instead of left causing it to hit the outermost bounds of the workspace causing the noise. Not sure if this is the issue because i could easily flip the machine and be fine.

    The workpiece loaded in the wrong direction as in the Gcode?

    I appreciate all the info your shooting my way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    you need to swap 2 of the wires from 1 phase on the stepper motor that should reverse it

    Under Config - Motor Home/Soft Limits, Check the Reversed column for the Axis you need to revers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    "Under Config - Motor Home/Soft Limits, Check the Reversed column for the Axis you need to revers." This worked perfectly, thank you!!

    It seems we're working in landscape instead of portrait for this design, how would I go about changing this?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?


    Did you just want to drill some holes,then that is not how you do a program to drill holes, what really were you trying to program

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post

    Did you just want to drill some holes,then that is not how you do a program to drill holes, what really were you trying to program
    I am trying to make micro perforations on paper. All I need done is a program to drill these holes, this program won't do that?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilipY View Post
    I am trying to make micro perforations on paper. All I need done is a program to drill these holes, this program won't do that?
    Whats the grid pattern and your start point, is you machine set up in inch or metric

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Gcode or problem with my CNC 3040T?

    Metric, the grid pattern is a simple rectangle for testing purposes. The start point of the Gcode or the actual machines coordinates?

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