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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Post Where has common sense gone?

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA! In 1978 the Midwest experienced a near record snowfall and blizzard, the like of which we have not experienced since. Climate change? No. This is an example of weather. For climate change, one needs to look backwards many centuries to determine if a trend in weather patterns is shifting. If you do take the time to look thru historical weather data please make certain the data has not been tampered with or changed. For example, the years 1928 thru to the beginning of World War II recorded the warmest temperatures ever experienced for hundreds o years. Oh, we had some warm days in 2012 but not as high as in the 30's. Interestingly, The Weather Channel, the News Agency Tass of the climate change chicken little's ran a one hour special last year detailing the 10 most devastating hurricanes on record for the US since 1851'. My wife and were amazed that they listed half pre 1940, (1900, 1926, 1928, 1935, 1938). Coincidence? This is certainly not climate change.
    Reading thru the data our own government uses to push their agenda one will learn that if every person a every business in the country reduced their so called carbon foot print to the prescribed levels we would only reduce the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere by .03% (that's point zero three percent). The human race has not, cannot and will not have a impact o the earth' climate.

    The alternate fuel might be all the BS being released by the climate alarmist robbing the US treasury, (a.k.a the American tax payer.)

    Common sense, the lost ideal.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    That`s the problem with common sense...... It`s not that common ! This might be due to the dumbing down of the education system over the last fifty years but if I continue down this route then I`ll be going way off topic !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    I checked the charts, and couldn't find any confirmation of this warming trend in the 1930s; did you have a source for that? According to the NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, the 1930s were somewhat cooler than average, the 1940s somewhat warmer, but nothing like the rise in average temperatures we've seen lately. And of course the industrial revolution had been going strong for a century before then; if in fact heat records had been set then in contrast to previous centuries, this would confirm, not disprove, the theory of anthropogenic global climate change.

    Of course, common sense tells us that isolated incidents like the snowstorm of 1978 referred to above prove nothing about gradually rising temperature averages. The fact that it gets cold somewhere for a while is pretty irrelevant in the face of overwhelming evidence of global warming. Whether a hurricane is "devastating" or not depends on where it makes landfall, which is fairly random. If it happens to hit a major population center, it will cause a lot of damage, even if it's a relatively small storm, while a big one that misses won't do much more than tear up trees and cause flooding. Measuring wind speeds or the pressure of the central depression tells us more about a hurricane's force than the amount of economic damage it inflicts. Of the ten most intense hurricanes on record, measured by these standards, five of them occurred since 2003, and only two of them happened before Camille in 1969: https://weather.com/storms/hurricane...es-20130911#/1 So common sense would tell you that these things are getting worse lately, right?

    If the "prescribed levels" of carbon footprint reduction only achieve a .03% reduction in greenhouse gasses (a claim I couldn't find any confirmation for), then common sense should tell you that they aren't prescribing enough of it, probably for political reasons. What we really have to do, on a global scale, is to move quickly toward using energy sources that don't compromise our atmosphere, and look hard at other sources of carbon pollution like cement processing and methane from cattle-feeding. It may be that devastating climate change is already beyond our power to reverse, but our common sense should tell us to do what we can about it now, rather than deny the scientific facts that make the situation abundantly clear.
    Andrew Werby

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    Look at this link sunshine and after reading the story you can see he has supplied all of the links showing where the original charts reside in the archives to compare to the doctored ones links are supplied for both the Original and the altered ones and on both the EPA site and NASA

    Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions - NaturalNews.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    Golbal warming = Co2, co2 = cows with three stomaches, Solution = Eat lots of beef until cows are extinct apart from few holy ones (Emergency supply), problem solved, COMMON SENSE!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    Actually, a lot of that bovine indigestion is caused by the practice of feeding grain to cattle, to fatten them up quickly. Even with 3 stomachs, they can't handle it, and fart a lot more than cows fed naturally on grass. The gas in cow farts (and from their manure as it decomposes) is not CO2 but methane, which is a much more potent greenhouse gas.

    The reason they're fed antibiotics even when they're not sick is to help them digest all that grain, and this has led to the emergence of super-bugs immune to antibiotics. Common sense would eliminate the feedlots, which would help with global warming, increase the supply of grain available to humans, and combat the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria at the same time. Here's some food for thought: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/the-...grassfed-beef/
    Andrew Werby

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
    Actually, a lot of that bovine indigestion is caused by the practice of feeding grain to cattle, to fatten them up quickly.
    It has the same effect on humans.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    It's hot here, but that is usually the case in South Alabama.

  9. #9

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    The climate is changing harsh these days. Somewhere gets hotter, somewhere gets colder.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Where has common sense gone?


    This should give you something to think about and you can check the links yourself the 1930's was hot but WW2 made everyone forget about that remember the stories about the great dust bowl of the mid west from the 1930's what do yoy think caused that Hot and No rain means no Grass and dust storms

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Coxsteve View Post

    This should give you something to think about and you can check the links yourself the 1930's was hot but WW2 made everyone forget about that remember the stories about the great dust bowl of the mid west from the 1930's what do yoy think caused that Hot and No rain means no Grass and dust storms
    You also have to consider how much of the landscape changed, deforestation and agriculture in particular, that could have had an effect as well. Trees in particular absorb a lot of sunlight and if used properly can also help increase energy savings in your house in both summer and winter months, so the production of co2 and other green house gasses is not the only issue, our impact on how our planet can handle those green house gasses is also a potential factor in climate change, should climate change be true.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  12. #12

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    Common sense is just confirmation bias. It never existed truly. It’s a function of you wanting to confirm your own beleifs. Emphasis on beliefs.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    I must disagree
    Common sense is for the most part about forward thinking. If you fail to see what you are about to do will have negative consequences then what results is ignoring your common sense.
    Think Darwinism.
    The iradication of faulty genes by survival of the fittest.
    The problem occours when people in power over others make ill informed decisions and jugements and laws that have a big impact on the populace.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    Hi, what you're talking about is anarchy.....that is where everyone is not bound by someone else's thinking and does it as they think best........usually as THEY think best, not for the common good best etc.

    Common sense is where you use a rule of thumb approach and hope it turns out right.......if it doesn't then probably you get another go if you are still breathing.

    Common sense also means that just because it has worked for someone else in the past then everyone should adopt it without thinking of a better alternative due to changing conditions.....like climate change.

    If your thinking is bound by a common sense approach then you will never look over the edge of the pail with the spirit of adventure for pastures greener.

  15. #15
    ericks Guest

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    I am no expert on climate change, thus i can't say it's real or not. I did however see how the environment was damaged in my home country. Some of the water supplies are so polluted that soon they will be unable to clean it for human consumption. Surely all these big Industries must have an impact on the environment/climate!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Where has common sense gone?

    It's purely a money thing........big business talks louder than an environmental paradise because the people making the money are here today and gone tomorrow........one thing you can be sure of.......you won't get out of this life alive anyway, that's why the big money people live for today only because they can't take it with them......LOL.

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