Quote Originally Posted by RCaffin View Post
On thinking about it, I have to agree. Trying to go 6+ mm DoC with a 2 mm cutter in one pass is not smart. Two passes (or 3), but with a high feed rate. Might even give a better surface finish.

I would like to hear a performance comparison of 'milling cutter' vs 'wood burr' too. I wonder whether there is really all that much difference between a wood burr and a notched roughing cutter - on wood.

Lol 6mm doc. not exactly what i ment. 1.75mm to 2mm fine, not at 180 ipm tho, you will likely get 1mm doc max before you start over heating the bit and its dulling its tip doing more work than necessary.

better finish with more passes. best finish you can get in ply is with a full depth finishing pass. so not sure about your theory there. not that im saying thats possible with a 2mm bit in 6mm wood.