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Thread: Okuma RS-232

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Okuma RS-232

    I recently purchased a used Okuma LB15 cnc lathe. Does anyone know the RS-232 parameters for this machine? Even a close guess will get me started.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Okuma New Machines

    Do anyone know about ADMAC ON NEW OKUMA MACHINES.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    OkUMA RS-232

    You can e-mail directly: [email protected], and I can send you the parameter settings I use. I assume you have an OSP5000/5020L control?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Do you mean the IGF programming or the stand alone ADMAC PC software?

    The ADMAC software contains the IGF component (boy id love to have that, can I borrow $10,000?).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    RS-232 Info

    Attached Files Attached Files
    JR Walcott
    Georgia Machine Tool Resources, LLC

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I have a copy of a manual written by Okuma that contains comprehensive information on RS232 communications for Okuma machines if you are interested? It is at work and I can scan it for you. Drop me a line if interested.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Hey broby,
    Could you post the error codes and what they mean?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The manual I was refering to is too large to attach in the forum... (only 1.7Mb)
    Send me a pm with your email address and I will send you a copy direct.
    If you have a specific error code, could you post it here?
    I may or may not be able to assist.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Wink OSP5020L manuals for RS-232 transmision

    Quote Originally Posted by broby View Post
    I have a copy of a manual written by Okuma that contains comprehensive information on RS232 communications for Okuma machines if you are interested? It is at work and I can scan it for you. Drop me a line if interested.
    I Broby. I would like you quote me a copy of hte OSP5020L or similar RS-232 Pc to control transmission programs.. thanks a lot for your response!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by broby View Post
    The manual I was refering to is too large to attach in the forum... (only 1.7Mb)
    Send me a pm with your email address and I will send you a copy direct.
    If you have a specific error code, could you post it here?
    I may or may not be able to assist.
    I Broby. I would like you quote me a copy of hte OSP5020L or similar RS-232 Pc to control transmission programs.. thanks a lot for your response!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    As stated before... SEND me your email address so that I can email the file!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Previous Thread

    Check out this thread *Communications RS-232*

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    my email : [email protected]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Wink Need osp5000m manual.

    Quote Originally Posted by broby View Post
    I have a copy of a manual written by Okuma that contains comprehensive information on RS232 communications for Okuma machines if you are interested? It is at work and I can scan it for you. Drop me a line if interested.
    I have interested osp5000m manuals.
    Would you mind send 1copy for me?
    e-mail : [email protected]


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I have interested osp5000m manuals
    Me too. I need OSP-5000M operator manual and OSP-5000M programming manual. <[email protected]>

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Algirdas View Post
    I have interested osp5000m manuals
    Me too. I need OSP-5000M operator manual and OSP-5000M programming manual. <[email protected]>
    Say Al,

    Big question for you.
    you seem to put your hand up saying you work for Okuma, or a rep for that company,
    good for you if you do,
    But with an addy <[email protected]>
    tells me you are not what you make out to be, I checked Okuma addresses in Europe and your's do not appear to be genuine.

    I believe you are a fraud, an inexperienced backyarder
    How and Why would an Okuma guy want to get manuals off the "Zone"
    anyone associated with Okuma would have these at their disposal, they would also be well versed in diagnosing problems and explaining solutions in a clear concise manner that is understood by those asking the questions---you don't !!!

    You also created a thread to try to rectify a problem that occured after a machine re-location ( an important piece of info ) and it took nearly a month to fix.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Superman View Post
    Say Al,

    Big question for you.
    you seem to put your hand up saying you work for Okuma, or a rep for that company,
    good for you if you do,
    But with an addy <[email protected]>
    tells me you are not what you make out to be, I checked Okuma addresses in Europe and your's do not appear to be genuine.

    I believe you are a fraud, an inexperienced backyarder
    How and Why would an Okuma guy want to get manuals off the "Zone"
    anyone associated with Okuma would have these at their disposal, they would also be well versed in diagnosing problems and explaining solutions in a clear concise manner that is understood by those asking the questions---you don't !!!

    You also created a thread to try to rectify a problem that occured after a machine re-location ( an important piece of info ) and it took nearly a month to fix.
    Say Al... Looks like you have been caught out!
    Looks like Superman beat me to the punch on this one...
    I think that this forum is a fabulous source of information for all and to misrepresent your affiliation with Okuma is so wrong!
    Enough said...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hwangbogeun View Post
    I have interested osp5000m manuals.
    Would you mind send 1copy for me?
    e-mail : [email protected]

    Have emailed you a copy of the RS232 manual... not OSP5000M manuals, do not have a soft copy of them only paper copies.

    PS I have been having a few problems with work email lately, if you do not get the email soon, please let me know here.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    to Mr. Superman

    saying you work for Okuma
    can You quote, where I said, that I work for Okuma? There is a bit a true, however, because I'm closely related to Okuma and I promote Okuma allways. I never said, that Mori Seiki is worse then Okuma.
    ou are not what you make out to be
    wow, You're shaman. You can tell about person just from e-mail address ...
    I checked Okuma addresses in Europe and
    and what?
    do not appear to be genuine
    so You didn't checked my e-mail address, I guess. Please, ask some school girl and she will answer to You if my address is genuine or not. You know - the truth comes out of the lips of a kid :-) I watched em-m-m-m ... three movies with Superman and there is absolutelly nothing related to machining.
    I believe you are a fraud, an inexperienced backyarder
    so You are not a christian. Not a muslim. Not jewish ... What a waste.
    anyone associated with Okuma would have these at their disposal
    first of all, there are different issues of these manuals. Some are very valuable, some are just garbage for me. Next: Okuma support of old control is discontinued. Japanese are very though - if they said, they do. Third, there is possibility, that a kind of manuals are available on other languages than English at Okuma. Fourth, I want to have digital proper format file. It hapens, that officialy Okuma supplies *.pdf without text - so I don't have search possibility then. Fifth ...
    they would also be well versed in diagnosing problems and explaining solutions in a clear concise manner that is understood by those asking the questions---you don't !!!
    oh really? Sorry for that. I can explain every of my answer in details. Just ask.
    and it took nearly a month to fix
    I can do even worse. We have one big double collumn MCV-B here and with discontinued support from Japan we do repair three years already. This machine is working, fortunatelly. We have abandoned Okuma machines here, which are waiting for repair for 12 years. Okuma official policy is clear - profit calculation.
    Speaking about this case specifically, it took several weeks because I visited the client occasionally. They asked for help from their mother company in Sweden, then I asked through my channels also and it takes time to decide, that you are on your own with that problem. It' quite a distance to go there - 620km one way, €130 only fuel cost. If I will not fix the problem, I don't ask client to pay.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Okuma RS-232

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo47 View Post
    Hi Brian, Jim in Australia would be interested in a PDF of that Manual if you are still around to [email protected],au
    Please - Cheers Jim
    Sorry, now retired and no longer have the manuals available.

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