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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > Is anything made in America?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Is anything made in America?

    Is it me or is everything being make in china, now Levis jeans are being made in China. Oh well no more Levis for me!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I know my son was made in the good 'ol US of A

    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    What is really funny is that it seems like everyone in every other part of the world complains that they can't get anything and that we have easy access to it all... You'd think that with so much of our industrial parts being made internationally there would be an abundance of parts elsewhere.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    My problem is that I'm not employed, I was laid off and work is getting harder to come buy when everything is going overseas.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Paul, the economy is on it's way back up, hold tight, something will come along.

    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    This is a jobless recovery! I'm in the software industry and I see our jobs moving off shore. With all us Americans out of work, who's going to buy the Levi's?

    There are 10 types of people in this world; those that understand binary and those that don't.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Even customer support is done in India, for support of US customers.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Tonight on the news. 300,000+ people gave up looking for work last month. Only 1000 new jobs created last month. Mostly in the retail and foodservice industries. Didn't say how many were lost. Did say last year was the 3rd year in a row with more lost jobs than created(i think thats how it went) Worst case in over 60 years. Sounds like we are still in a depression.
    I wish I governmet would get into gear and pass a energy buget. It should have been passed back in October. But I guess they decided it was more important to go on vacation than work. My business depends on that budget. Havent had work in 2 months.
    Guess its more important to rebuild other contries than fix our own.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    There are reasons.

    The American consumer is to a large part responsible for this off shore catastrophe we are in. We will not pay the price that companies must have to make a profit from their ever-increasing expense to produce a product. They are after all in business to make a profit. It is not a company’s obligation to raise us, feed us, retire us, care for us, provide an education for us and all the other factors America thinks companies ought to do for them. America has no reasonable priorities, I see it every day here at my store when they will pay $500 for a new gun and in the next breath tells how bad their employer is taking advantage of them or complain that they just had to spend $200 to get their cars brakes fixed. Who needs a $500 gun? While saying they cannot afford the price of food, gas or the cost to repair their car. America has lost sight of reality. We have asked for it and now we are getting it.

    My motto and advice for our world is “Stop Global Whining”

    For all the readers who the above statement is going to anger, I ask…. Is it not true? Certainly not in all cases but in most.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: There are reasons.

    Originally posted by Ken_Shea
    The American consumer is to a large part responsible for this off shore catastrophe we are in. We will not pay the price that companies must have to make a profit from their ever-increasing expense to produce a product. They are after all in business to make a profit. It is not a company’s obligation to raise us, feed us, retire us, care for us, provide an education for us and all the other factors America thinks companies ought to do for them. America has no reasonable priorities, I see it every day here at my store when they will pay $500 for a new gun and in the next breath tells how bad their employer is taking advantage of them or complain that they just had to spend $200 to get their cars brakes fixed. Who needs a $500 gun? While saying they cannot afford the price of food, gas or the cost to repair their car. America has lost sight of reality. We have asked for it and now we are getting it.

    My motto and advice for our world is “Stop Global Whining”

    For all the readers who the above statement is going to anger, I ask…. Is it not true? Certainly not in all cases but in most.

    [list=a][*]49% of America's 'poor' are home owners.[*]57% of America's 'poor' have air conditioning.[*]76% of America's 'poor' live in a home with 2 rooms per person![/list=a]

    To me, this seems a bit out of context in that America's 'poor' are not poor at all. Hell, if a pan-handler can make $10.00/hr begging for money...

    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    My company is huge, I work in their IT department, we've got approximately 5,000 IT employees in my building alone. We do a lot of our own in-house development for about any major system that you can think of. The last few years we've been contracting out a lot of development companies from India. India is making a big dent in the business software industry. They do a good job and are very timely. India has been educating their people in a very viable field. We don't under pay the offshore developers so it's not like the sweat shops of the past and we still hire regularly for domestic developers. I think that Timely deliverables is the key to why we keep going back to India.

  12. #12

    Thumbs up

    You go in Wal-Mart and what do you see but signs that say "KEEP AMERICA WORKING" as you check out with all your "made in China" crap........Hmmm.

    Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream

    Malcolm Muggeridge

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Originally posted by DaSigntist
    You go in Wal-Mart and what do you see but signs that say "KEEP AMERICA WORKING" as you check out with all your "made in China" crap........Hmmm.
    Exactly DaSigntist,
    We are all getting that Wallymart mentality, cheap, cheap, cheap, we all need to start whistling like a bird when we go there
    They are a huge company that hypes "We are a family" crap to their employees while they pay them wages that one can barely exist on. Wall-Mart is not America’s friend or answer and has been the demise of more small business then one can imagine.

  14. #14
    BTW: Did you know Wal-Mart (AKA China crap pushers) is the biggest world employer with 1.5 million employees!

    They employ more people then the US military . . . scary.

    Wal-Mart better be ready to protect us when China wants to use all the weapons they bought with our money.

    Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream

    Malcolm Muggeridge

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Just Checking DaSigntist

    While checking the accuracy of DaSigntist statement of Wal-Mart being the worlds largest employer (And he is correct)

    I did find this,


    This greed is what so often puts good people out of a job.

    This is my last statement about Wal-Mart "They Suck"

    Next post will be CNCZone related.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Just Checking DaSigntist

    Originally posted by Ken_Shea

    Next post will be CNCZone related.
    This is the NON-CNC section.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: Re: Just Checking DaSigntist

    Originally posted by CNCadmin
    This is the NON-CNC section.
    I see it is Paul,

    Well every one.......carry on

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I removed my last remarks. They sounded much better late last night with a little rum. Paul you have a great site here and I’m only a minor member, as we get closer to Nov. things will get very polarized, I would hate to see that happen here. The net is full of sites to debate politics, this is where I come to get away from them. Just my opinion.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Its a world economy... United States was built upon free enterprize. Everyone is just joining in. We talk of "china" or "India" as objects, but we must be reminded that these countries(neighbors) are comprised of people. Who profitted when the prices of OSB board, commonly used for siding and roofing, jumped from $9 bucks a sheet to almost $30 bucks a sheet after the US government bought up large quantities and shipped to Iraq to rebuild an infrastructure that was unnecessarily destroyed?

    my "off the cuff" 1.5 cents worth here in this thread...
    Shoptask rebuild:
    Home built gantry router:

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    What I find most perplexing, is the real advantages that accrue from the totally fictitious values placed on different currencies. China pegs their money at a fixed, low rate relative to the US Dollar. How can you compete with that? How can they afford to consume some of what is produced in North America?

    Competition through better technology is also a mirage, the proverbial carrot in front of the donkey. Any advantage bestowed by better manufacturing technology soon becomes the accepted standard. In the meanwhile, all that technology has accomplished is driving the price down, "forcing" everyone to work just as much as they did before (because we are greedy), producing more, and flooding the market with more goods, at the lower price.

    I don't know what the real solution is, but it might even the score a bit if there were a universal medium of exchange, and we all agreed that a loaf of bread was worth 10 minutes of your time
    First you get good, then you get fast. Then grouchiness sets in.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

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