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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Benchtop Machines > Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?
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  1. #81
    Join Date
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Thats just shows the wrapping function O realy bugger I should check facts

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Quote Originally Posted by yohudi View Post
    Well having checked out the posted video.... I see they have made progress.... but STILL no simultaneous 5 axis...

    soooo... to re re answer the original question of this thread. no. no it won't...



    um, you might want to check a little more.... theres 2 videos on simultaneous 5 axis.

    im not sure why you have such a desperation to stick with cnctoolkit. it was a barely functional hack when nothing else existed. it's dead jim.

  3. #83
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Hi there,

    um, you might want to check a little more.... theres 2 videos on simultaneous 5 axis.

    You might like to take your own advice... and actually try out the updates on a real job.... I have spent a little time with the November 2016 update of Fusion 360 Ultimate. At this point I can state with some authority that.

    1. The simultaneous 5 axis contour and Swarf modes available in Fusion 360 are of limited use. They are only really useful for objects designed and constructed in Fusion 360 itself.

    2. There are NO 5 axis methods in the November 2016 update that offer simultaneous 5 axis operations using triangular mesh objects.... or quad mesh objects derived from them.... Fusion 360 performance with triangular meshes is notoriously bad. Without additional work in the likes of 'MeshMixer' and or 'Remake' to retopologise triangular meshes, Fusion 360 can do little with them. This is a serious problem.. as a lot of the content that users might want to carve using 5-axis machines will be created or provided as high resolution mesh objects..

    To offer up a REAL example, I used Fusion 360 to perform the toolpathing required to rough the Satyrs head (from my successful gmax and cnc_toolkit XYZAC/BC development job). There are no contours in a surface like this... They cannot be derived without considerable re-building of the mesh.. requiring an impractical amount of time for a mesh like this... and this is only the head.....

    The Satyrs head mesh starts out with 286K faces... No matter the approach I tried to resolve the mesh to a Fusion 360 compatible surface, (and I tried a few methods.. including Meshmixer, Remake and other mesh retoploogy apps) I was unable to get a usable surface inside Fusion of more than 40K faces or there abouts. Anything with higher face count caused Fusion 360 Brep or TSpline body conversion operations to bail-out with error messages related to too many faces. If a triangular mesh cannot be converted to Brep or water-tight mesh (via T-spline conversion) then Fusion 360 CAM cannot see the object to operate upon it.

    In order to be able to perform any toolpathing using this object, I was obliged to reduce it's facecount to less than 50K faces. Such a drastic reduction in face-count results in considerable loss of detail in the surface the toolpath is based on. So-much-so that, being honest, the final result would not justify the work required to get there. By contrast, gmax + cnc_toolkit IS able to use the unmodified 286K face surface, to produce TRUE simultaneous 5-axis toolpaths that capture the original level of detail.

    To toolpath this type of object in Fusion 360 Ultimate boiled down to adopting the Pocket NC impeller method from some time ago. It results in a 3+2 type toolpath, requiring indexing of A and C axis orientation... six times in the case of the Satyr example. I did not bother performing the finishing operations. The result would also have been six 3+2 toolpaths and being based on a surface having less than 50K faces, the quality of the result would be inferior to that produced by gmax and cnc_toolkit.



    im not sure why you have such a desperation to stick with cnctoolkit. it was a barely functional hack when nothing else existed. it's dead jim.

    From the point of view of building and processing geometry to serve as the basis of a cut.... there is very little that Fusion can shape and build that gmax cannot... and as has been clearly demonstrated in this thread.... gmax / cnc_toolkit performs work that Fusion cannot.... I would rather learn / use one integrated application.... that can perform any cut I want to perform.. using any source that I find / make... As I would think would be the case with most people.... This strikes me as pragmatic rather than desperate....

    You are entitled to your opinion and may make as many disparaging remarks as you like.... but in FACT.... if you want to perform true simultaneous 5-axis cutting... based on any type of source... without laying out $$$$$$$.... then gmax / cnc_toolkit is the only viable option. There remains considerable hype around Fusion 360... and sadly, many of those who incorrectly advocate it's 5-axis abilities have not gone beyond watching promotional / tutorial videos.... or re-iterating what someone else incorrectly proffers as being the case.... There are many assumptions made which do not in fact bear out when put to the test....



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  4. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    yohudi so you find the thing fusion has never been able to do at all, and pick that as your target there is no where it's says fusion can machine mesh's, then you go about it the wrong way. so can you please stop.

    Another comeback is Gmax cnc toolkit is older than fusion why can it not do the stuff fusion can do.

    You said this yourself the 2 toolpaths that are the 5 axis toolpaths then you do a vid on a 3 + 2 toolpath, sort it out man you're just going to get yourself some hate.

    Fusion is a young program that works on two systems it takes time to get both working so they can put out a update for windows and apple at the same time, they are adding more toolpaths as they are working under both systems.
    What there is to come is more 5 axis toolpaths better mesh handling (machining of mesh is a way off) just making stuff better as time goes on.

    so comparing a old program with a baby program is well

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  5. #85
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    one more thing Yohudi, I do fusion support so I do more than just look at vids

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Hi there

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall
    yohudi so you find the thing fusion has never been able to do at all, and pick that as your target there is no where it's says fusion can machine mesh's, then you go about it the wrong way. so can you please stop.
    I have simply demonstrated a valid reason why Fusion cannot accurately be described as a 'replacement' for gmax / cnc_toolkit for trunnion users.. which is the premise of this thread.

    Like it or not... regardless of it's age etc... there is work gmax / cnc_toolkit can complete that Fusion cannot. As you concede... this is likely to remain the case for some considerable time.... which goes to my point earlier in the thread... that gmax / cnc_toolkit will offer benefits to users of 5-axis CNC for some time to come....

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall
    Another comeback is Gmax cnc toolkit is older than fusion why can it not do the stuff fusion can do.
    From the point of view of creating objects to serve as the source for shapes / toolpaths / machining.. there's not a lot that Fusion can make that gmax can't... Fusion is much more about the application of modern thinking and methods to the design process.... but ultimately.. shaped geometry to provide tool-position / angle is really all that matters.

    g-code does not care about the nature of the surface from which it derives tool locations. As long as position is defined in a suitable coordinate system... and any required angle calculations are performed... then the code will be made.... and the cut will execute in much the same way... regardless of the application used to make it...

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall
    You said this yourself the 2 toolpaths that are the 5 axis toolpaths then you do a vid on a 3 + 2 toolpath, sort it out man you're just going to get yourself some hate.
    The reason niether of the new 5-axis methods appeared in my video is very simple.... they were of no assistance to performing the demonstrated task... if this generates a hateful response this is your problem... not mine... grow up son !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall
    Fusion is a young program that works on two systems.....so comparing a old program with a baby program is well
    I didn't ask for excuses... justifications... or support.... I just pointed out the FACTS....

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall
    one more thing Yohudi, I do fusion support so I do more than just look at vids.
    If you feel I suggested you only "look at vids".... this is you applying that description to yourself.. I spoke in generalities.. and avoided making things personal... There are many who speak of things on the basis of something they've seen or heard.. but have never tried... If you work in Autodesk support, you need to be able to address problems / issues in a calm, rational and polite manner.

    Hope this helps

    What one man can do another man can do..
    BitMaps to Models, 3D2Relief, tutorials and FREE CNC Software http://cnc4free.org

  7. #87
    Join Date
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    I don't work for autodesk, (they support something I do) You pointed out something that people who use fusion know you saying this and that, on stuff that is not finished or does not work very well yet at all.
    You are not proving anything at all, stuff may be fact but comparing a program that has years and years under its belt to a program that started a couple of years ago is wrong. when fusion is the same age and has the same amount of dev time then yer.

    It is stated what the 2 5 axis toolpaths are for, so try the faces inverted

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  8. #88
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Just got an email,

    Thank you very much for being part of the Autodesk Fusion 360 community! You are coming up on the renewal of your Fusion 360 subscription. We want to make sure you are aware of a special offer to get Fusion 360 at a highly discounted rate, you can purchase for 2 years at only $60 per year ($120 for 2 years). This is a savings of 80%.

    It does not say if it is "Ultimate" or the base version. I don't have 5 axis capability, so frankly I never looked into that. I am truly a beginner in solid modeling, although I consider it necessary. For a solids beginner and going the self-taught route, the amount of online training is awesome. The $25 for last year and now $60 a year are as close to free as it gets.

    I am still using BobCAD version 27 for 2D design (started with V15), but it is probably the last version of theirs I get due to no support without a $$$ support plan.


  9. #89
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    It's standard the question was asked on the forum

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall View Post
    I don't work for autodesk, (they support something I do) You pointed out something that people who use fusion know you saying this and that, on stuff that is not finished or does not work very well yet at all.
    You are not proving anything at all, stuff may be fact but comparing a program that has years and years under its belt to a program that started a couple of years ago is wrong. when fusion is the same age and has the same amount of dev time then yer.

    It is stated what the 2 5 axis toolpaths are for, so try the faces inverted
    Hi There,

    First of all I must say that you seem to be missing the point entirely....

    From the hobbyists perspective, there are many FREE resources providing high-resolution mesh objects.. and much interest in acheiving simultaneous 5-axis cuts using this type of source. ANY 5-axis CAM that is unable to process high-resolution triangular meshes, leaves hobbyists unable to successfully address 5-axis carving using this type of content.

    The 5-axis strategies in the November Fusion 360 Ultimate version are driven by contours... if contours cannot be succesfully created or extracted from the surface, they are of no assistance in deriving a toolpath from an object.... you cannot for example select a Brep or T-Spline based water tight body and apply a multi-axis option.... and then Fusion generates a toolpath.... just doesn't work like that.... I've tested these options and I'm aware of how they work.. and what the suggested use is....

    Also... flipping faces has absolutely zero-impact on the ability to derive contours from this type of object...

    Even if Fusion could automatically generate contours from a mesh to drive 5 axis operations.... this would not help when it cannot process a mesh surface comprising more than 40K faces. The contours would describe a greatly degraded surface.... that would have lost much of the detail..... certainly not something you would want to use much machine time on...

    With regard to comparing gmax and Fusion 360:-

    Firstly.. look at the premise of the thread... answering the question that was posed demands such a comparison... which you didn't seem to mind previously...

    As I look back over the thread I lose count of the times it's stated by you and others that gmax is dead, has seen zero development for 11 years, how gmax/cnc_toolkit is some kind of rubbish hack that doesn't bear mention in the same breath as Fusion 360 etc etc. At this point you have changed the tune and it's now 'unfair' to compare an in-development application like Fusion against gmax.. that gmax benefits from longer history and more settled development.... etc etc..

    You can't have it both ways....


    What one man can do another man can do..
    BitMaps to Models, 3D2Relief, tutorials and FREE CNC Software http://cnc4free.org

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    All you are doing is showing what gmax cnctool kit can do, and it's stuff what fusion has not been able to do, or do very well at all YET.

    Going on about something anyone who uses fusion knows it can't do is well pointless, all you are doing is showing where fusion needs more work and it will get it,

    A program that is around 2 years old and somethings are not finished yet comparing it to a program that can do stuff fusion can not do yet and is very old, you could get the reply no poo sherlock it will in a few years time.

    dans question the answer is simple.

    Yes it will depending on what you need to do, and the features that are not there yet will come with time, as they are making fusion to work on Apple and windows it takes extra time for features to get completed.

    what it can not machine yet are mesh (.stl, .obj so on), you can convert them to sold models but at this time there is a limit and type that can be processed, there are various ways to get around it.

    it can do wrap what is axis subbing, it can do 3 + 1 and 3 + 2 indexing, it has 2 5 axis toolpaths available at this time there purpose is stated in the blog post about the November update.

    Now if you ask a employee they will agree fusion will be ahead of where it is now if they did not want it on 2 OS.

    now does cnc tool kit and gmax work on Apple.

    So if someone wanted to machine mesh why would you get fusion you wont, That would be a wasted of time getting fusion to it could work with mesh.

    so compare something fusion can do and gmax cnctoolkit can do Apples to Apples, Then hammer me over that and I will eat my hat, if I can not do it better.

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Hi there,

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall;
    All you are doing is showing what gmax cnctool kit can do, and it's stuff what fusion has not been able to do, or do very well at all YET.
    Well that's rather the point isn't it ??? If there is work Fusion 360 cannot do... and gmax can do.... Fusion is at best a partial replacement... This type of qualification has been notably absent from the discussion until these most recent posts.... Previously Fusion was described as the bees-knees, the canine's testicles... why would you even look at something 'Dead' for eleven years etc etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall;
    Going on about something anyone who uses fusion knows it can't do is well pointless.........
    This might seem the case from your perspective.. but I am not trying to win over Fusion 360 fanboys... I'm addressing those who want to use 5-Axis for more than manufacture of fairly simple geometric forms / parts and assemblies... gmax/cnc_toolkit can easily design / manufacture parts and assemblies.... but I'm speaking more about 5-axis tool-pathing higher resolution / detail and larger objects.... both of which by their nature often involve use of dense mesh objects.....

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall;
    A program that is around 2 years old and somethings are not finished yet .........
    Again... you had no problem with this type of discussion when you felt it was going more favourably... but now you seem to be calling foul.... It IS to be hoped that Autodesk will resolve issues with mesh objects..... Unfortunately hope cuts no chips when work arrives as high-resolution mesh.

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall;
    dans question the answer is simple.

    Yes it will depending on what you need to do....... ....... (.stl, .obj so on), you can convert them to sold models but at this time there is a limit and type that can be processed, there are various ways to get around it.

    it can do wrap what is axis subbing, it can do 3 + 1 and 3 + 2 indexing, it has 2 5 axis toolpaths available at this time there purpose is stated in the blog post about the November update.
    Again it's notable that this type of qualifying statement has not been made until now... Also can you please detail your 'various' ways to 'get around it'... I'd be most interested.... gmax / cnc_toolkit can do all of the above.... and simultaneous 4 and 5-axis... It's not an automatic process.... but it is ultimately VERY flexible...

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall;
    Now if you ask a employee they will agree fusion will be ahead of where it is now if they did not want it on 2 OS....... now does cnc tool kit and gmax work on Apple.
    The two OS thing is mainly aimed at an admitted Autodesk goal... dominating the marketplace and eradication of competitor software... I'm not aware of Apple being able to run gmax / cnc_toolkit... although I think the do have 3DSmax running on Apple and cnc_toolkit runs on 3DSMax.....but I don't use Apple products... so I can't say for certain.... If something has Apple on it I make a point of avoiding it.... I don't agree with Apple's pay more-and-more get less-and-less design philosophy.... If you can con people into accepting that.. you can con them into anything....

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall;
    So if someone wanted to machine mesh why would you get fusion...
    At last we can agree on something... .... but I would go a bit further... learning to machine high-resolution meshes with gmax / cnc_toolkit provides the knowledge required to apply the same tools to design / machine basic geometry and shapes.... and this then changes the question to something more like.... why would you get fusion ??

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall;
    so compare something fusion can do and gmax cnctoolkit can do Apples to Apples, Then hammer me over that and I will eat my hat, if I can not do it better.
    I don't really want to get into a gmax / Fusion tit-for-tat argument... or 'hammer' anyone or make them feel victimised..... there are obviously things that Fusion does better than gmax / cnc_toolkit and /or things that gmax / cnc_toolkit can't do... In my experience of BOTH applications 5-Axis tool-pathing for trunnion doesn't fall into that group of 'things'.

    Hope this helps

    What one man can do another man can do..
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  13. #93
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    I could show you but you would have to help clean up the mess around here, at the moment I don't have a lot of time. I know where a vid is for another way to deal with the mesh is look up makersmuse on youtube.

    So you will show what fusion can not do but you wont rise to the challenge, If someone challenges you feelings don't come into it, it's a challenges not a cock fight.

    the 2 5 axis toolpaths work on a trunnion, the next big update there will be a couple of other 5 axis toolpaths, they are in preview now I think its adaptive and morph spiral, they drop hints at times wont do come true sometimes. morph spiral has be in preview for ages.

    So if someone wanted to machine mesh why would you get fusion...

    At last we can agree on something... .... but I would go a bit further... learning to machine high-resolution meshes with gmax / cnc_toolkit provides the knowledge required to apply the same tools to design / machine basic geometry and shapes.... and this then changes the question to something more like.... why would you get fusion ??

    In my experience of BOTH applications 5-Axis tool-pathing for trunnion doesn't fall into that group of 'things'.

    no quite correct there people who use a umc with fusion.

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  14. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    The original question was if Fusion can replace CNC Toolkit for 5 axis.
    As Yohudi has shown, at the present time, no, it can't. At least for continuous 5 axis toolpaths.

    So until it can, let's stop the pointless arguments.

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    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  15. #95
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Technically, the question was WILL fusion 360 replace..., not " does" it replace...

    I believe it WILL, but only time will tell.

    However, it truly depends on what someone us doing with their 5 axis machine. If making sculptures, then yohudi may be right, but who says everyone with a 5axis machine is making something from a model with 100k faces. Maybe someone is using it to make mechanical items that aren't all that complicated in terms of CAD modeling, but still require 5 axes. Model turbine rotors come to mind. One turbine blade repeated several times around an axis but requiring 5axis machining.kind of like the one in the attached picture. I'd haven't tried it but I would bet that it can be done in fusion now. Using a sculpture model with a gazillion faces only answers the question for people wanting to do that type of work. I for one could care less about carving sculptures, so that example is list on me.

    Attachment 339918

  16. #96
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    109jb that can be done with ultimate on a 5 axis machine.

    ger21 ok Apples to Apples

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  17. #97
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Hi There,

    It was my intention to acknowledge and respect the moderators request to end this discussion.... but I believe I have a right of reply at least to this 'challanges' nonsense.

    re: 'challenges'

    I don't see the point of 'challenges'.... I have already made ample documentation and examples / overviews of the CNC work possible with gmax and cnc_toolkit available... via my FREE ebook and also a number of videos at my YouTube channel....

    re: 'Apples'

    As far as assessment of CNC performance and abilities goes... the decider (as far as I'm concerned) is parts coming off the machine.... The actual process of building the parts doesn't really come into it.... In fact I'd say you need the freedom to be able to use parts made in anything ... solid or mesh ... simple or complex... and still be able to arrive at the gcode to cut the part... using the desired machine configuration.

    If your interest stops at creating mechanical parts.... and you design them entirely yourself..... in Fusion 360 ..... the two new modes of 5-axis functionality may suffice for your needs... but IMHO this is a somewhat limiting and short-sighted view....If (or more likely when) you want to go beyond this type of stuff... as far as simultaneous 5-axis machining goes.... Fusion 360 Ultimate is NOT as capable as gmax / cnc_toolkit.... as demonstrated with REAL examples.....

    The 'Chatham Carvings' job..... a paid commission I might add.... arrived as a very large .STL file... from a photogrammatic scan. The 'Satyr' head was also from 3D scan I think.... You never really know what's going to turn up.... If I'd only had the November 2016 Fusion update available when I got these two jobs.... they would never have been cut.... This is as true after the November 2016 Fusion update as it was prior to it....

    My final contribution on this topic is this:-

    Either Fusion 360 Ultimate can create / code the same 5-axis toolpaths as gmax / cnc_toolkit... in which case it could be said to be a viable replacement.... or it cannot, in which case it is not.... You can dance around this fact juggling any fruit you like.... but it doesn't change anything....

    Hope this helps

    What one man can do another man can do..
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  18. #98
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    Yohudi - The plain fact is that Fusion can do 5 axis and can do it well enough to satisfy a whole host of people. Obviously not you, and you have made that clear, but when I suggested that not everyone has your needs, you still feel compelled to find fault in that.

    Quote Originally Posted by yohudi View Post
    If your interest stops at creating mechanical parts.... and you design them entirely yourself..... in Fusion 360 ..... the two new modes of 5-axis functionality may suffice for your needs...
    Couldn't stop there

    but IMHO this is a somewhat limiting and short-sighted view...
    An opinion you have made abundantly clear, but others are entitled to their opinions as well. Quite frankly, your opinions, views and how you use your machine apply ONLY to you. There are some, myself included, that have absolutely no intention of doing the kind of things you have posted, Your fallacy is that you are presuming that others have or will have the same needs you do, and that is not the case.

    .If (or more likely when) you want to go beyond this type of stuff...as far as simultaneous 5-axis machining goes.... Fusion 360 Ultimate is NOT as capable as gmax / cnc_toolkit.... as demonstrated with REAL examples.....
    Again, you have absolutely no idea what anyone else's interests or desires are, so stop assuming that everyone uses or will use their machine as you use yours. I can state emphatically that I will never use my machine to carve a bust or a Satyr head, or anything else that even remotely resembles that kind of work. My interests are purely mechanical.

    The 'Chatham Carvings' job..... a paid commission I might add.... arrived as a very large .STL file... from a photogrammatic scan. The 'Satyr' head was also from 3D scan I think.... You never really know what's going to turn up.... If I'd only had the November 2016 Fusion update available when I got these two jobs.... they would never have been cut.... This is as true after the November 2016 Fusion update as it was prior to it....
    OK. Fine, you got some jobs that Fusion can't do at this point in time. Jobs that others would have zero interest in doing. I have zero interest in doing jobs for others, so can't ever imagine needing to be able to do a run from an STL file. As for not knowing what will turn up, I know exactly what will turn up because it comes straight from my head into the CAD system.

    My final contribution on this topic is this:-

    Either Fusion 360 Ultimate can create / code the same 5-axis toolpaths as gmax / cnc_toolkit... in which case it could be said to be a viable replacement.... or it cannot, in which case it is not.... You can dance around this fact juggling any fruit you like.... but it doesn't change anything....
    And YOU can dance around the fact that for many many users Fusion is completely sufficient for their needs and CAN serve as a viable replacement. You may not like it, but that is a fact. Is it a 100% replacement? For many users it probably is. Others maybe not. However, you state in no uncertain terms that it is not a viable replacement because it can't do everything that GMAX/CNC toolkit can. Is Notepad a 100% viable replacement for MS Word? Notepad can't do 10% of what MS Word can but it is a viable replacement for MS Word if you only want to generate a simple text document because it does everything needed to make a text document. It may not be much use if you want more than that, but it is nonetheless as capable of creating a simple text document as MS Word. Likewise, Fusion 360 is capable of creating 5 axis toolpaths that satisfy the needs of many, and just because it can't do something that someone might not even care about is immaterial. It only matters what the needs of the end user are. Not the needs of yohudi.

    Finally, the original question was WILL Fusion replace GMAX/CNC toolkit? My opinion, which I am totally entitled to, is that Fusion does replace GMAX/CNC toolkit for many users right now, and with each update and added feature it WILL for many many many more users to come.

  19. #99
    Join Date
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    Re: Will Fusion 360 replace GMax and th CNC tool kit for 5 axis trunnion tables?

    you win I give up

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

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