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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    short description of our problem.
    We have 2 punch machine Murata Wiedeman Centrum 3000Q with Fanuc control OP-B.
    Our FANUC OP (model B) stopped working: the screen is blank and there is no diagnostic whatsoever.
    (When switching off - the CRT flashes a little, so we can see that it was a kind working but did not have a signal)

    On motherboard No A16B-1010-210 there are 3 LEDs: SI SO and WDA (red greed red). Only SI(red) is On. SO and WDA are Off.
    The power supply is Ok - we checked the voltages.

    We have two same machines and we replace a motherboard from one machine to another machine. Now the both machine not work, and have same symptoms.

    before the replacment off the board the bords and the machine was ok

    Any hint how to trace the problem will be greatly appreciated.

    With kindest regards

    Besir Izairi
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails fanuc 1.jpg   fanuc 2.jpg   fanuc 3.jpg   fanuc 4.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Did you swap the motherboards completely? You may have lost the parameters/diagnostics on either control.
    What is likely, that something (short, high voltage) outside the motherboard damaged the original one, and now damaged the good one. Did you return the boards to their original machines?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Hello memoryman
    Thanks for you post
    The idea off the change off mother board from machine number 1 to number 2 olny was for diagnose propose the machine number 2 vont transmit the programs from normal pc to the machine via dnc softwere and the machine number one was ok and transmits program

    The both machine works ok before the change

    No to anser your questions
    From machine number 1 we take out complete the mother board atached in the board the power suple the o1 cards the grafic card the pmc m card memory card and the drive 4 axis card

    Then take oll from machine number 2 out complete then install the complete board from machine number1 in to the machine number2 and the power up and the scren blank during the instalation off the board number 1 to machine number 2 no fire no smoke no fuse blown all normal

    Then take board number 1 from machine nubet 2 out put the original complete board from number 2 to machine number2 and power up the same no screan nothing

    Then take the board from machine number 1 to the original place machine 1 and power up the same no screnn no start

    Regarding the machine parametre we hawe them on pc like photo all pages all parametres and diagnostick number
    Thanks in advance
    Best regardes and thanks for your help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    To be clear: after swapping the complete motherboard assemblies and swapping back to the original configuration, both controls show a blank screen?
    No smoke or blown fuse is good but does not mean that there is no short or overvoltage outside the mother board assembly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Hello memorymen

    Yes after swaping the motherboard to the original machines the both machines the display the screen are blank

    After power down in both machines the screen blinks for a sec

    Thanks in advance for your help

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    You will have to check all signals connected for shorts or high voltages. One possibility is that a relay/coil has a bad suppression diode that causes spikes going into the motherboard. Other than that, I can't think of more, without being there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by memoryman View Post
    You will have to check all signals connected for shorts or high voltages. One possibility is that a relay/coil has a bad suppression diode that causes spikes going into the motherboard. Other than that, I can't think of more, without being there.
    thanks for you reply
    In you opinion you think the mother board asembly and the bords atached are ok
    Regarding the relay /coil we hawe to chek them all the are many off the in the all machine
    After the check will inform
    Thanks for you help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    No, they WERE ok. Both have a problem.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by memoryman View Post
    No, they WERE ok. Both have a problem.
    Hello memorymen
    We hawe chek all conection ,relay coils in the machine all are ok
    We think thet motherboard or some memory card wont give the signal to the crt scren and them machine starts

    You think iff is bed mother board or memory card then the crt wont start ?
    The next idea is to send the mother board and all the atachments to some repair company
    If you hawe any good repair company in us or europe will by nice
    We hawe a servis compay they think its the memory card is bed its the pmc-m card ?
    Best regardes to you and all cnczone people

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    It is a very expensive solution to ship the complete assembly out for testing/repairs, although we can do it.
    Until you find what caused the problem, you are not solving the original problem.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Hello memorymen
    We are traying oure best no results
    If we send the complete assambly to you can you do the repair and test ?
    If you was i oure position ?
    You can send as a offer for both complete asambly in [email protected]

    Wat else we need to chek ?

    Best regardes to you

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    If I were you, first of all, I would take off additional cards one by one and observed the reaction
    By the way SI LED on PCB indicates a normal condition

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    I doubt that it will make a difference; something going into the control is damaging the control.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Hello guhl and memorymen
    Yes we did these with no results only the graphic bord wen is out the screnn its on but only gren no numbers
    We swapt bord from one machine to a nother no results
    If you point my in direction withch board its giving the signal to start the crt scren
    If we take out the honda connector to the crt wat we shod to mesure
    If we are lucky to start the crt and the board are ok its shood by o procedure for inputing the parametres in to the machine
    They shod by lost by now
    Thanks i advance

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    have you tried to erase all memory?
    there is HD46505 (or similar) CRT controller on masterboard

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Erasing the memory won't work if during booting nothing is displayed on the screen. It is possible that the display itself has a problem caused by the motherboard.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    At least you can verify VSYNC and HSYNC according to attached picture
    and look at 1, 4, 5 pins, where some squares must be as well
    Attachment 341930

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Hello guhl and memorymen
    Yes the mother board hawe the HD46505RP
    We hawe teste them its the 1 its grund GND
    And the 20 its 5 volts
    We chek vss and vcc the syply and input power its ok
    Regarding the vs the vertikal dignal and hs horizontal signal we dont hawe osciloskope to test these we test with multimeter its only 0.150 volt
    We think these no signal
    In the crt its brightnes nob we turnet more and the screen lits up grenn but no number
    We think the display its ok

    We try oure best no result so far

    Thanks in advance

    Do you hawe more ideas ?
    At the moment we hawe 5 machines with some problems
    2 press brakes
    One the ram its some times its not moving
    The ather one it hawe some problems with x axses
    Its cybelec control
    The motorum 2034 its hawe psikology problems
    Some day it will not go to zero set
    The 2 murata wiedeman the problem they we hawe at the moment

    God machines 1 murata wiedeman centrum 3000 like the 2 machines with the problem
    And press brake from eht cubelec control

    We need a company to come and stay in oure company for a month fix all

    Haha best regardes to you all

    All the help is welkommed

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    if you havn't got an oscilloscope you can't repair electronics qualitatively
    our company is able to help you.
    if you are interested in you may PM to me

    Можете да се пишува на македонски, јас ги разбирам вашиот јазик.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: fanuc mother board problem a16b-1010-210

    Even if you have the instruments, you still have to know how to use them.
    Guhl, you are a lot closer than I am to Macedonia. I have board schematics, if needed.

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