Quote Originally Posted by Inexorable View Post
Hello. I need to spin a 48oz wheel mounted to a stepper at 1200 rpm. Time required to achieve maximum acceleration is not critical. For example, 5 or 10 sec, etc., is fine. The assembly would be oriented horizontally (like a turntable), and the wheel would not be interacting with any other parts. I realize a regular motor would give the same result, spin wise, but I'd prefer to use a stepper for (undisclosed) control reasons. Any assistance you can provide in selecting the right sized stepper would be most appreciated. Thanks.
You need to measure the weight of the wheel, perhaps the friction of the bearing (if significant) and then apply the calculator below.

This page:
techref.massmind.org/techref/io/steppers.htm#Estimating Will help you estimate the combined size of the drivers, supply, and motors. It's NOT about the size of stepper /only/; its about the combination of driver, supply and motors /together/.