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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > I've Requested a Trial Download of V29
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  1. #1

    I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Now it's relatively mature I've requested a trial download, I have a couple of pockets which V25 struggles with but which V28 managed cleanly with no change to the file, I'm hoping V29 is as good as the paucity of problems reported here seems to suggest,

    - Nick

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    So far V29 is working well for me. Only a couple of new projects under my belt but it did well. Sometime I have find some time to go through the new training videos to figure out how to do all those new features. I upgraded from V25.

  3. #3

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    I was fobbed off to the UK vendors who didn't understand "Trial" and gave me a link to the "Demo", yeah, I can't find the Demo guys, it's not like it's plastered all over BCC's site or anything! :-(

    - Nick

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    I was fobbed off to the UK vendors who didn't understand "Trial" and gave me a link to the "Demo", yeah, I can't find the Demo guys, it's not like it's plastered all over BCC's site or anything! :-(

    - Nick
    Hi Nick

    Trial = Demo = Trial, one and the same thing, when the Demo (I`ll stick with that name) is downloaded it is normally FULLY FUNCTIONAL for the first 5 days, during that time you can use any/all of the software and even generate G code, after that time the software is still FULLY FUNCTIONAL except for the ability to generate G code, it will still open all BobCAD files up to and including the version and build that has been downloaded but you can`t save files out that can be opened with a licensed version.

    Don`t know where you are looking but the download link is on the BOBCAD website home page, there is also a tab to click that is labeled "Free Demo", see image below

    Attachment 356602

    FYI Went to V29 from V28, wasn`t impressed so I am currently back on V28, if you are going from V25 to V29 then that will be a very big improvement over what you have, pity you can`t go to V28, it is less "buggy" and more stable, on my hardware here anyway

    :rainfro: :rainfro: :rainfro:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Finally moved my brothers production setting into V29.

    Made hime start to use all the "advanced" paths (Advanced planar, Advanced Z-Level Finish, etc etc....) instead of the old ones.

    The new V29 has the completely new POSTING ENGINE. V28 still used the old one.

    He told me the paths on just relatively normal stuff seem a lot better and smoother. He is happy with it.

    I've got a pretty tall personal project lined up for him but he is busy currently, as Ulua season has started.

    When he gets time, we'll be pushing it pretty hard. not much to report on until then. Definitely not anything "buggy" here though...

  6. #6

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Quote Originally Posted by The Engine Guy View Post
    Trial = Demo = Trial, one and the same thing, :
    I quote here from BCC UK email to me -

    "I have read from your notes that you would like to download the V29 software so I have attached the link below. The demo software is fully unlocked which means that you’ll have the full use of the 2.5D, 3-Axis Standard, 3-Axis Pro and right the way through to 5-Axis Pro, Mill-Turn and just about every other module going.
    With that said, BobCAD have restricted the ability to post process any code generated from the demo version due to historic reasons."

    I am interested in seeing the improved paths working before making a decision, there's no way I'd buy without seeing end-to-end function right through to the paths actually cutting parts and have replied stating this but UK support are obviously not in a position to help as I've not had a timely response as was always the case with USA based support, I'm forming the opinion that if I do decide to go with V29 I'll want to deal with the Organ Grinder and not The Monkey! ;-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    C'mon V30

  8. #8

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Quote Originally Posted by jrmach View Post
    C'mon V30

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Quote Originally Posted by jrmach View Post
    C'mon V30
    Hi James

    Got that about right, seems BC are a bit like MS with the old good software-not so good-good software-not so good version by version

    Going back to the newer software (I started at V18) which arrived as BC 2007 and then became V22 and settled down a bit with V23, then we got V24 which was quite nice, V25 not so nice, V26 much much nicer, V27 not so nice, V28 great, V29 no so great although large strides were made on the Lathe side which was lonnnggg overdue and some quite nice fancy toolpaths in the CAM side, however it doesn`t seem to have adressed much on the CAD side

    Yes, following on from the above criteria then V30 should be a very nice version indeed, can`t wait to try it out


    Hmmmm, odd that they are not saying that there are a few days of full generate code ability, was always there before, maybe if you contact the Sales Team (Shudder) someone will authorise a few days of capability on a Demo for you, I have seen that done before

    :rainfro: :rainfro: :rainfro:

  10. #10

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    So I called the UK company, spoke to a lady who said she would see if the guy who emailed me was available, obviously he wasn't because without further interaction I was connected to a line with a repetitive message saying "Please Hold" for several minutes before it automatically hung up on me!
    I find it difficult to say how unimpressive I find this!
    Going back to the US site to try again, I don't want to deal with a company which terminates calls with an automated hang-up!
    - Nick

  11. #11

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    UK distributor did call back this morning, I'm assured their Virtual Office service is responsible for the hang-up.
    They can't authorise a Trial Download so the UK have to ask the USA if I can have what I requested from the USA before they fobbed off my request to the UK.
    You could make it up but, you'd have to have an inventive mind!
    I await an outcome ;-)

  12. #12

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Anyone needs IKO, NSK, THK, TBI, CPC, PMI, CSK, STAF, ABBA, HIWIN, SCHNEEBERGER linear guides ball screws supplier/exporter
    Here I am.
    And I can help send goods to your office via DHL/TNT/UPS/FedEx, etc.

    Andy Lee

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    I am guessing that V30 will be a ways out, as they just finally launched v6 for solidworks today. They were hoping it would have been released back in December.
    Work: Hurco VMX42/VMX50 - Shopsabre 4896 - Bobcad V4 4axis pro
    Home: RF45 with Ajax CNC Controller - Bobcad V27 3 axis pro

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Deal with the organ grinders, they are very easy people to deal with, no more pushy than any sales people, once you are dealing with the tech guys they are great.

    Drive a hard bargin and then take some paid for support, it is well worth it.


    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    I quote here from BCC UK email to me -

    "I have read from your notes that you would like to download the V29 software so I have attached the link below. The demo software is fully unlocked which means that you’ll have the full use of the 2.5D, 3-Axis Standard, 3-Axis Pro and right the way through to 5-Axis Pro, Mill-Turn and just about every other module going.
    With that said, BobCAD have restricted the ability to post process any code generated from the demo version due to historic reasons."

    I am interested in seeing the improved paths working before making a decision, there's no way I'd buy without seeing end-to-end function right through to the paths actually cutting parts and have replied stating this but UK support are obviously not in a position to help as I've not had a timely response as was always the case with USA based support, I'm forming the opinion that if I do decide to go with V29 I'll want to deal with the Organ Grinder and not The Monkey! ;-)
    Barrie @ Composite Specialities Ltd. using BobCAD V29 Mill 3 axis Pro, Geomagic Design, Bricscad V16 and MOI V3

  15. #15

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Well the UK guys came through and I now have the pleasure of a fresh windows build on a clean drive in a test machine so that'll be a while before I find the spare time ;-)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    I was fobbed off to the UK vendors who didn't understand "Trial" and gave me a link to the "Demo", yeah, I can't find the Demo guys, it's not like it's plastered all over BCC's site or anything! :-(

    - Nick
    Please take the time to download fusion 360 from autodesk...more robust, less expensive and you don't have to deal with pushy salespeople...
    I have v24, once they axed my support there was no reason to look at BC software anymore. You can get Fusion for free if you make under $100K a year or are a hobby guy...Full retail is around $300 a year...I just got offered it for $120 for the first year...give it a try...you'll be pleasantly surprised. Did I say more ROBUST!! I have been making a living running my cnc router, BC has always been the biggest hitch getting stuff done...no more

  17. #17

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Quote Originally Posted by vpl View Post
    Please take the time to download fusion 360 from autodesk
    I just plain old don't fancy downgrading to storing my work on someone else's cloud storage, I have 15Tb of Raid 5 storage across 3 separate buildings with wired network connectivity and UPS capacity to hold it all up for significant periods. I have worked during internet outages (CAD, CAM and CNC) and power outages (CAD and CAM) where the inability to do so would have cost me time and money, I'm not particularly interested in a solution which reduces robustness in this area.
    Plus I have a sneaky feeling about what might be coming for free and cheap Autodesk customers once Autodesk has a large enough user base hooked and decides it's time to raise annual corporate revenue ;-)

    - Nick

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Fusion now lets you store everything locally, you do not need to rely on the cloud at all anymore. You just need to change some settings to download everything.

    I personally still use the cloud, its nice to jump between home computers without setting up a network.
    Work: Hurco VMX42/VMX50 - Shopsabre 4896 - Bobcad V4 4axis pro
    Home: RF45 with Ajax CNC Controller - Bobcad V27 3 axis pro

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: I've Requested a Trial Download of V29

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC8 View Post
    Fusion now lets you store everything locally, you do not need to rely on the cloud at all anymore. You just need to change some settings to download everything.

    I personally still use the cloud, its nice to jump between home computers without setting up a network.
    Cheers Mike

    I just found that way as well of saving out to the PC that is connected at the time, as you rightly say, quite easy

    All cool stuff so far

    :rainfro: :rainfro: :rainfro:

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