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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Milltronics > Milltronics VM 3018 9000 Control DXF Conversion Inconsistent.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Milltronics VM 3018 9000 Control DXF Conversion Inconsistent.

    Our company has only had this machine for about 5 months and I was just kind of thrown in here without any formal training. I'm learning a lot, but I know there's still a lot more I need to learn. The interesting thing I'm experiencing recently was .dxf conversion. I've had a lot of success with it, but for some reason this one particular .dxf has been giving me trouble. The .dxf is a cad drawing of a cam and a return for a S1f Left Cam. The drawing has three profiles, the cam, inside of the return, and the outside of the return. I've been able to pick up a start point for both the cam and the outside of the return, however it's the inside profile of the return that I can't seem to pick up. I've had previous .dxf files that had similar geometries that went well without a hitch, but for some reason this particular one won't pick up the inner profile of the return.

    The other problem I've been having is sometimes the directional path of the tool won't go where I told it to, and will start conventional cutting instead of climb cutting. I'm not sure if our control software needs a software update, or if there's just something that I'm missing.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Milltronics VM 3018 9000 Control DXF Conversion Inconsistent.

    The one issue is that DXF is not really a standard it has been changed many times. It could be a problem with points not lining up there is a parameter in the control to bridge the gaps in the lines and arcs. They must be lines and arcs poly lines will not work.
    You can send your DXF to [email protected] to have us look at it to see if we can see what is wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Milltronics VM 3018 9000 Control DXF Conversion Inconsistent.

    Hi Camoto91, were you able to resolve the DXF file problem?

    The parameter Mark is talking about is a MISC, parameter call "cad epsilon" it sets a "look out" radius value, At the end of a line / arc it "looks out" and if there is another segment within that radius it will connect up.

    This is to make up for some drawings that may not have all there segments "connected"
    The default setting is 0. so ALL segments MUST be connected. ( because, ALL cad drawings segments are always connected, right??) ;-)

    try setting the parameter to .010, This will "look out" .010" and if there is another segment , it will connect.

    another thing I find every once in a while is that an ARC center is not where you might expect it to be.

    Also, As Mark pointed out, DXF is a " Auto Cad" file format. Auto Cad changes these files ( updates) and changes how they are imported. The CNC software is "posted" with the DXF file format that were available at that time.
    If a newer version of Auto Cad / DXF format is used, The CNC will not know about these changes. You can try outputting the cad file in an earlier version.

    See this, https://knowledge.autodesk.com/suppo...7-version.html

    Let us know what you find out.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Milltronics VM 3018 9000 Control DXF Conversion Inconsistent.

    Ho Camoto91, Did you ever figure out the DXF problem??


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Milltronics VM 3018 9000 Control DXF Conversion Inconsistent.

    Hey SportBob,

    Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I didn't realize I wasn't getting notified but yes, we managed to fix the problem. It's been a long time since then so I can't exactly remember correctly what we did but I believe we realized that the tool path was not completed all the way around so it never got picked up by my programming software.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Milltronics VM 3018 9000 Control DXF Conversion Inconsistent.

    Hi Camto91,, FYI, there is a parameter in the MISC parameters called cad episolon, what this parameter does is to "look out" past the end point in a DXF files and " see" if there are any lines tat could be connected to. if so it will go ahead and pick up those lines.
    The value is in inches, one common value to enter is .010 , so it would get to the end of a line and then "look out" .010 inch radius and connect to any points.

    This helps to avoid problems when all cad lines are not "perfectly" connected.

    This is all C5, C6,C7, 7200 8200/ b and the new 9000 controls.

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