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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Bridgeport Machines > Bridgeport / Hardinge Mills > BP Series 1 with Mach3- Z axis limits issues
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    BP Series 1 with Mach3- Z axis limits issues

    Ok just got the machine running again.

    Now I set the Z axis limits as described by Hillbilly, but when I take Z + and it trips the Z home limit switch it sets a fault and it can not be reset. I have to go into MACH3, turn off the Z Home settings and then hit reset.

    Then I can jog Z- away from the switch.

    Any suggestion son how to set soft limits in Mach3?

    or is it just as simple as it sounds or as simple as RTFM?
    Printing manual now :-)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I am not clear as to what your problem is as I dont know how your switches are set up. Do you have seperate switches for home and limits? Can you jog off the other limits when you hit them?
    Softlimits are easy to set up, all you have to remember is that the softlimits are in Machine coordinates although the latest version of Mach allows you to choose a few other options.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you need to enable the checkbox in mach which enables limit override. then when you hit a limit you can just click reset and then jog off the limit. thats how mine is set up.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks Matt.

    I think I'm starting to get a handle for MACH3 now. Problem is I only have like 40 - 80 minutes each day to work with the machine between my classes. If it weren't for all the damn students and having to teach them, I could get a lot more done each day :-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hey I'm in your class!!

    joking, it sounds like you have z+ limit set up as a limit switch and not a home switch. Mine is set up as a home so it doesn't trip the fault during toolchange, etc. You have to be carefull this way though, as their will be no more limit switch at the top, the steppers really don't have enough torque to do damage anyway though. You could use the lower z+ switch as a homing switch and the upper z+ switch as limit, but you will lose 1/4" of travel.
    If you try to make everything idiot proof, someone will just breed a better idiot!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The softlimits are easy to setup, set up the softlimits from 0 to -127mm (0 to -5"), a slow zone of about 20mm (an 1" will do) and set the %speed to 5%. This should work well just make sure you've switched them on.

    I've also put in 2 more wires in to the X and Y limit switch so I can home off these as well, then you can set softlimits in X and Y, X from -228.6 to 228.6 (-9" to 9"), Y from -152.4 to 152.4 (-6" to 6").

    Hope this helps


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ok, thanks! I'll try and set those in today and see how it works out.

    Also, the Z home works fine now.

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