Hey guys. Sorry to be so delayed in response. I didn't see any notifications there was activity.

After I had taken my PC offline, it worked fine for the most part.

Unfortunately, I let things update just in case that global ransom ware was a potential issue, now I have super crappy issues. First, KmotionCNC crashed and blue screened win 10. After it started back up, my KmotionCNC configuration/tool table file was destroyed, among others. I did have all but the very latest configurations backed up, so not too much damage beyond shock and awe, and more of my time down the drain. After uninstalling all MS updates back to early March, it ran once then after the next power up it returned to the same error I had at the beginning of this thread at power up of my servos ("Read Failed - Auto Disconnect" and then crashes windows entirely). Basically, my entire system is a very obnoxious boat anchor, for now at least.

Are there any updates in the works at Dynomotion to combat the MS arrogant approach that fast and forced updates are somehow productive? Seeing how updates are the apparent cause of the pain, does that question itself seem a bit conflicted?

I am wondering if this is all down to a USB driver issue.

The story I have been told is Win 10 Pro can have updates turned off. However, from my research that falls short of true, since I cannot find the option to turn off what MS may consider critical safety updates. Therefore, I cannot recommend anyone running a PC with Win 10 with any updates beyond the initial installation dating later than the beginning of this year, and to make damn sure the system is never connected to the internet. I will just fall short of saying Win 10 is not a reliable or suitable OS for CNC applications, although that would be a verdict if made by others that I could not dispute.

If Dynomotion has any direction as to Win 10 safe or not and the proper setup, or if their products should be limited to prior OS's, please provide direction.

Thank you.