Sales guy came by. He called a guy and the guy said that since this is an umbrella changer, the tool numbers have to match the pocket numbers. I call foul or BS or something. Simply edit the tool number in the pocket would allow higher tool numbers to be used and always be the same type of tool from job to job.
Without this ability, I have to renumber our tools to fit the job. This means the same tool number from job to job will be calling for different tool types. How do you keep track of the tools on what will obviously become a crash happy machine? We only make about 15 parts. 7 tools at most per part. All use some similar tools and some different ones. I would not have bought the machine if I knew this was a limitation.
How does anyone else utilize such a senseless piece of equipment?
So this is effectively changing pockets when a Gcode call out is done for a tool and not actually a tool number?