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  1. #301
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Hi Troy,

    I think I was mistakenly thinking when you said "Spindle Runaway" that it was accelerating up to full speed. But I'm thinking now you simply mean Z stops and the spindle continues forever which would be as exactlly expected if feedhold stops Z and the Spindle runs until Z reaches some point. Is that correct.

    I like all of mmurray70's points and ideas.

    I think the coasting and manual movement causing an unexpected Spindle reversal and startup could be solved by adding a check that the Spindle is on before reversing. ie change:

    if (chan[ZAXIS].Dest <= StopPoint) // If stoppoint Reached


    if (chan[ZAXIS].Dest <= StopPoint && ReadBit(SPINDLECW)) // If stoppoint Reached while being driven CW

    It might also be necessary to check for coasting and manual movement to the finish point of the Tap which could cause the GCode to expectantly continue on with the Spindle Off and such. So similarly change:

    if ((chan[ZAXIS].Dest > Z0) && (StopPointReached == 1)) // If Tap is out of hole and stop point has been reached


    if ((chan[ZAXIS].Dest > Z0) && (StopPointReached == 1) && ReadBit(SPINDLECCW)) // If Tap is out of hole and stop point has been reached and being driven CCW


  2. #302
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Hi Troy,

    I think I was mistakenly thinking by "runaway" that the Spindle was Accelerating to max or something. But rather feedhold is simply stopping Z and the Spindle continues to run forever waiting for Z to reach the stoppoint. Is that correct?

    I like all of mmurray70's points and ideas.

    I think the problem of coasting or manual movement cause an unexpected reversal could be handled with an additional test that the Spindle is currently on. ie change:

    if (chan[ZAXIS].Dest <= StopPoint) // If stoppoint Reached


    if (chan[ZAXIS].Dest <= StopPoint && ReadBit(SPINDLECW)) // If stoppoint Reached and being driven CW

    Similarly there could be a problem coasting or manual movement to the Tap finish point causing the Tap Cycle to complete and GCode could continue on with the Spindle off and such. So another check could be added there as well. change:

    if ((chan[ZAXIS].Dest > Z0) && (StopPointReached == 1)) // If Tap is out of hole and stop point has been reached


    if ((chan[ZAXIS].Dest > Z0) && (StopPointReached == 1) && ReadBit(SPINDLECCW)) // If Tap is out of hole and stop point has been reached and being driven CCW


  3. #303
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Hi Tom,
    Yes that is correct. When feed hold is issued the Z axis movement stops and spindle RPM ramps up to max RPM i have set in the VFD.
    Will give the code changes a try and let you know.


  4. #304
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Hi Tom,
    Tried code changes and still same issue, also now if i let tap cycle return to top of hole without interrupting, spindle shuts off and rest of gcode does not execute, it appears that the tap cycle is not completed. Then if i hit Halt button the spindle RPM ramps up again with no movement of Axis. Only thing that stops spindle at this point is a ESTOP.

  5. #305
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Good idea Tom, that is a lot simpler then i was thinking it might be.

    Another change that you will need to prevent a spindle start is:

    if ((chan[ZAXIS].Dest > Z0) && !ReadBit(SPINDLECW) && (StopPointReached == 0)) // If Tap is out of hole, in reverse and stoppoint not reached


    if ((chan[ZAXIS].Dest > Z0) && ReadBit(SPINDLECCW) && (StopPointReached == 0)) // If Tap is out of hole, in reverse and stoppoint not reached

    Troy, these changes will just prevent accidental spindle restarting, wont affect the feed hold issue. Instead of using the feedhold button on kmotioncnc i think you will probably have to use an external button and your own code. If you still dont have external buttons maybe you could set a userbutton and click that instead of the pause button.

    Also, i think you said your spindle stops by setting both CW and CCW bits at the same time or something? I dont see this change in your rigidtap program? you need to make this change to match your machine.

    Edit: I realized you can run your own C program for feedhold and resume. Try setting these up with your own code.

  6. #306
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    I have not made it to the point of making a C code program from scratch. Only done some edits of examples.
    As a sort of safety workaround i added a action to Feed Hold to set 2 bits which shut off spindle. This makes spindle lose sink with Z axis and faults out when trying to resume, but this is better than the spindle RPM ramping to max.

  7. #307
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Please post your m3 m4 and m5 c programs and ill see if i can put it together for you.

  8. #308
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Wow. I appreciate that. No hurries. I also attached my S spindle speed code if needed.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #309
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Ok first of all try this and see if it ends properly without runaway. This program has the changes that Tom and I posted to prevent accidental restarts, and its also changed to shut down your spindle the same way your M5 code does.

    Forget about feed hold for now, lets see if this finishes properly first.

  10. #310
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Quote Originally Posted by mmurray70 View Post
    Ok first of all try this and see if it ends properly without runaway. This program has the changes that Tom and I posted to prevent accidental restarts, and its also changed to shut down your spindle the same way your M5 code does.

    Forget about feed hold for now, lets see if this finishes properly first.
    Runaway only happens when a feed hold is executed.
    Your attached Ccode works fine without feedhold.

  11. #311
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Ok great, good to hear. Try these files and see if it will start and stop properly. So now if tapping is active it will just stop spindle instead of actually doing a normal feedhold. And resuming will restart spindle if tapping is active.

    Be sure to add the code from the reset file to your current reset/halt file, otherwise if you reset part way through a tapping cycle (without it finishing) the machine will still handle feedhold as if its tapping. So when your cutting normally and you hit feedhold then it will stop spindle and continue feeding which obviously wont be good. I would suggest testing for this before actually cutting anything.

    For now maybe just try the feedhold, resume and tap programs and see if it works. Just dont cut anything without sorting out the reset/halt file. Good luck with it.

  12. #312
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Ok. I made 2 user buttons. 1 is the feedhold program and 2nd is resume.

    When I click button 1 spindle shuts off but z axis stops moving before spindle comes to 0 rpm. I am testing at 150rpms.

    When I click button 2 to resume, spindle starts but there is no axis movement.

  13. #313
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Make sure you run the feedhold and resume programs in a different thread then the tap program. Also the way you have it is fine with user buttons but i think you can set it up to use the factory pause and resume buttons.

  14. #314
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Running them in different thread fixed it.
    Tried setting the factory feedhold and pause button but same issue, spindle stops after z axis and sink is lost.

  15. #315
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Are you sure the threads were right when using factory buttons? seems odd that it wouldnt work.

    So everything seem ok? Starting and stopping properly and in the right direction all the time? Try a program (cutting air) with normal cutting feedrate before and after a tap cycle and be sure it works in all situations.

  16. #316
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Just double checked threads and the tap Code is running in thread 2 and all other buttons are running in thread 3 with the main init button running in thread 1.
    Attached is my gcode iam testing with. default feedhold and resume work before and after tap cycle and after i use the feedhold and resume user buttons.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  17. #317
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Really strange the factory buttons are not working. Are you sure the threads were correct when you had it setup with factory buttons? Could tap program been running on thread 3 then and you fixed this after moving to user buttons?

    Also, try this g code with two holes and see if your spindle restarts properly for the second hole. The first spindle start in the tap program doesnt exactly match your machine. This would not be noticable on the first hole since spindle is already started before g84 is called. Second hole could be an issue, or might be fine.

  18. #318
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    The tap cycle has always been on thread 2. My user buttons was set as thread 2 until i changed them to thread 3.
    Tried revised gcode and after positioning to second hole spindle does not turn on again and Z axis does not move. But if i turn on spindle manually, the tap cycle continues at 2nd hole and gcode completes its cycle.

  19. #319
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    This should fix the spindle not restarting for your machine.

    Are you using a custom file to halt or reset program? Dont forget to add that line of code in from the reset file i posted.

  20. #320
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hurco BMC20 Dynomotion Retrofit

    Quote Originally Posted by mmurray70 View Post
    This should fix the spindle not restarting for your machine.

    Are you using a custom file to halt or reset program? Dont forget to add that line of code in from the reset file i posted.
    That fixed the restart at second hole issue. What was the change in code to fix that?

    Yes I added the rest code to my halt program.

    The feedhold and resume ccode programs still cause the spindle to lose sink with z axis when actions are set for factory pause button.

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