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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    After much deliberation I have decided to purchase an OMNI 1313. I have used these forums a lot in preparation for this decision but I didn't see alot out there for people ordering a mid-size machine and thought recording my experience may help the next person that comes along.

    Let's start with what I am planning on using this machine for and why I decided to order this machine.

    I started with CNC a little over a year ago with building a MPCNC (mostly printed cnc). The machine was fun to build and has been great for what it is. However, it is limited in size and limited in speed/torque. As I have been working to move my hobby into a hobby-business I need to move to something more reliable, faster, and more powerful.

    I am mostly cutting signs and carvings out of hardwood. I also plan to use this to do some cabinet/furniture making. Again squarely in the hobby / hobby-business space.

    I chose to go with a 1313 for two reasons:
    1. I have a garage shop with limited room and a full size machine would not fit.

    2 I chose not to go smaller (say a 1212) because the 1313 seems to be when most manufacturers went up to the beefier table and gantry, it also was the point when they moved to a rack-and-pinion x/y. Basically it felt like the 1212's where maxing the specs of the components.

    So where am I in the process?
    The order is placed and the down payment is made (as of tonight). I will update this thread with more details (including the machine specs) as I go through this process.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    It has been 10 days since the order went in, I figured it would be good to post a quick update...

    Build Status: Not Started (I was told my machine is in "design" and to expect it to start in manufacturing Friday or Saturday.)

    I will say that Omni has been a pleasure to deal with so far, my sales rep has been nearly instantaneous in replying (given he is awake). As long as this schedule holds I hope to have my first build pictures next week!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Hi my name is Lautaro, i'm from Argentina, sorry my bad English. A mounth ago i bought a 2030 wood router to omni cnc, still no answer, Zach told me last week that they have pproblems with goberment pollution checks. So the painting of the frame it's suspended untill they recieve some aprobal. Don't know if this it's true ir not, but i'm very worried about it. Have you talk with Zach about something like this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    I have not heard your specific issue from Zach (yet), but I have yet to receive my first progress photos either.

    Here is my communication log with Zach so far :
    8/9: Told that the machine was finishing "design" and they would start 8/11 or 8/12
    8/16: Pinged Zach on progress (after not hearing anything), was told they had started already making the frame
    8/21: Pinged Zach and asked for first photos of frame (per agreement), told that he checked but didn't have them yet

    On my timeline, I am not yet worried about schedule. Theoretically they could still be in the first week of my build and it doesn't seem unreasonable that I wouldn't have photos yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    I have now gotten the "waiting on government to approve painting" information. I am being told that the government is going to be retesting for approval on the 15th.

    I am a little concerned with what this backlog will mean to quality control coming out the other end, but will hold judgement until I start seeing progress photos.

    To recap:
    15-Days from order to build start
    Currently 23 days from build start to now and it will be at least another 7 days until they paint they will frame.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    I have ordered a 1212 with some upgrades (3 kw spindle, bigger Z axis ball screw). Paid for it 9 weeks ago, was told that it would take 12 DAYS to build. They have not started it. Got various excuses, some including the government, now it's more on the line of "waiting for components"... I am in contact with Jack Liang, he's definitely less responsive since he has received the money. He doesn't even bother to make complete sentences anymore. All I get is "waiting components" once a week or so...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    I wish I could give you hope from my end. Here are my latest updates:

    9/18: Was told that they had been approved by the government to start painting again and there were 30 machines in the backlog
    9/25: Asked if I should expect progress photos this week, was told that they will be sent this week

    I will feel better once I start to see photos

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    Ok, so I have been told that they had started building my machine and that I should expect progress photos tomorrow. Fingers crossed ...

    I will be sure to report here because until now none of the deadlines have been met, if I get pictures tomorrow that would be a first in 10 weeks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Wao View Post
    Ok, so I have been told that they had started building my machine and that I should expect progress photos tomorrow. Fingers crossed ...

    I will be sure to report here because until now none of the deadlines have been met, if I get pictures tomorrow that would be a first in 10 weeks.
    Any photos?

    My "week" was up last night and when I contacted Zach he first said he would ask the factory and then when I didn't hear anything overnight I asked again this morning and was told they would "pick up" my frame in 3 days and then send first pic. I would certainly feel more confident if one of us saw documented progress.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    I sent a chat last night after not getting my first photo as promised. I was informed by Zach that this week is a National Holiday (not sure why he agreed to send me something on a Holiday...) but he sent me the following picture to show that my frame had come in:

    The only issue is that my machine is a 1313 (i.e. should be roughly square) and these are all larger rectangular machines. I am assuming at this point that this picture was to prove that they got frames in and not meant to be a photo of my specific machine. Given the week off, I will check-in again next Monday. The wait for a first photo continues.....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    Well I did receive a picture showing a frame as well. It's not the same pic as yours so that good

    After that no more news, no deadline or anything... Will try to get some update today...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log


    10 Weeks after the order was placed I have my first photos. From the last photo and this one it is obvious that the factory is jammed full of machines. I don't have a great feeling yet for when they will start assembling my machine, but the fact that it isn't in a stack in the corner makes me feel a bit better about it getting started. I plan to try to get some more details tonight on when I can expect my next progress photos.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    Two weeks since I received my first pictures, bugged Zach to send me new photos (See below).

    Some observations:
    1. Some progress has been made (rails are now attached and gantry is started)
    2. Not really sure the controller cabinet is the actual one that will ship with my machine, looks to be next to a machine that is much further along than mine.
    3. My machine is not as crowded as it was in the last pictures so they are obviously getting machines through
    4. I prompted Zach by saying it seems like we are still 4-6 weeks out from shipping, he said that it will be shorter than that. (Just my latest attempt to get a timeline, we will see)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    A quick note.

    Heard from Zach last night that they are 3 days out from being complete. No photos as of yet, but I expect to see some in the next couple of days.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    I have some catch-up to do so I will be making a few posts.


    As promised I recieved completed machine photos from Zach! Amazing how fast they can move once they start working on the machine in earnest. The only issues I see is that I do not see the pendant for doing the auto z-height adjustment and it isn't clear to me how the mahine is grounded (I asked Zach for clarifying photos of both. In terms of being done he did send a video of the machine, unfortunately it is not of it actually cutting anything (request sent for that as well).


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log


    Took about a week but I got back all of my requested clarifications. The pendant was there, it is just mounted in a different position then I had seen before. Grounding is in the back of the machine. Most importantly the machine works! I have contacted my customs broker and got the paperwork started, now just waiting for the machine to be packed up!


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Omni 1313 Build and Ship Log

    Last night I recieved the "Bill of Lading" from Zach and photos of the machine crated up, I was hoping to see photos proving that they included everything they were supposed to, however that did not happen and it is too late now. This is obviously disappointing, but not a huge deal. The Bill of Lading says it will be loaded onto a ship in a week, by my math that says it will likely show up while I am on vacation for the holidays, hopefully that doesn't lead to any complications....

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG-20171119-WA0001.jpg  

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