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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Has anyone heard news on the release dates for PathPilot 2.x or PathPilot Simulator?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    What's PathPilot Simulator?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
    What's PathPilot Simulator?
    It’s not documented by Tormach that I know about but PathPilot can run under Oracle’s VirtualBox. PP knows when this is happening & as such does not require the MESA hardware. In VirtualBox you setup a Linux machine to install PP into. After installation you can run PP and select the machine (one of the mill models or the lathe) you want to simulate & PP works just as if the machine were really attached.

    I do this all the time and it’s very handy to test out code or write conversational routines right on my desktop where I do all my CAD/CAM.

    It’s also handy to test out new versions of PP before I put it onto my machines!

    It's only necessary to create one VirtualBox instance to run/simulate any of the Tormach machines because each time you run PP it ask you what machine to use.

    So below is PP V1.9.13 running on my Windows 7 desktop simulating the Slant-Pro. I'm checking out the latest PP version before I update my machine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    I just tried running PathPilot (1.92) in Virtualbox it would not boot. It fails with the message "Mesa interface card not detected in controller."

    Any tips on how to get run PP in VirtualBox?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    There are a few things to be aware of:

    1) Create a Linux, Ubuntu (32-bit) virtual machine with 2048 MB of memory.

    2) You must create a “Fixed size” VDI disk image of 32GB.

    You can install from the CD or an ISO image of it. Earlier releases of the PP CD were not VB aware. The installation will look for the MESA hardware & bomb out if not found. You can get around this by booting into the Ubuntu desktop – hold down the left shift-alt keys. Then edit the file:

    so that it contains 1 line of either:


    and save it.

    Reboot and thing should work right. Now update to one of the later versions of PP so you don’t have to mess with this anymore.

    Also, you need to install the VB Guest Additions to get the screen size right and other features to work.

    I also fixed it so that I always boot into the desktop rather directly into PP. Then I have a desktop launcher for PP. This launcher runs PP in a fixed size window on my VB desktop so that's why my screen shot looks the way it does.

    Hope this helps ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Thanks for the help rdsi. I now have PP updated to V1.9.13 and working. Can't figure out how to install guest additions so I am moving the screen using the ATL F7 keys.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Yeah, this can vary a bit. In general when you download & install VB make sure you get the Guest Additions also. The versions must match between them.

    Then, once again, boot into the PP Ubuntu desktop. You should see a windows menu bar (File, Machine, View, Devices, Help). Select:

    “Devices→Insert Guest Additions CD Image …”
    then OK.

    This should install them. Then you can use the bottom right menu bar to adjust various settings including the display to get the effect you want.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    I now have the guest additions installed and working. Screen size will auto adjust fine. I can not seem to figure out how to keep the menu across the top of the Ubuntu desktop.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve303 View Post
    I can not seem to figure out how to keep the menu across the top of the Ubuntu desktop.
    If the menu bar is not visible you can pop it up using the right “Ctrl” key + the “Home” key.
    Then select View -> Menu Bar -> Show Menu Bar. That should do it. Note, in some display modes the menu bars are not visible by design and can only be accessed using the right “Ctrl” key + the “Home” key.

    Sounds like you’re on the right track …

    The next thing is to get a VboxShare going allowing you to have a common folder shared between the host & client.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Any idea how to keep the Ubuntu Desktop to open when PathPilot is running as in your screen shop above? When I start PathPilot the desktop will disappear and the screen automatically resets to a smaller but full screen PathPilot.

    Also unless I have a terminal open by typing "Ctrl" + "alt" + "x" then type "/usr/bin/gnome-panel" I do not see the Ubuntu menu bar.

    After that all I have to do is create a share.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Boot back into the Ubuntu Desktop. Use the pull down menu "Sytem > Preferences > Startup Applications". In the “Additional startup programs: “ un-check the Tormach PathPilot box.

    Now you will boot into the Ubuntu Desktop. So you just add a desktop launcher to run PP. When you exit PP you will be dump back into the desktop.

    To create a desktop launcher just right click the desktop, select “Create Launcher...” and enter the following:

    Name: PathPilot
    Command: gnome-terminal -x bash -c “~/operator_login”
    Then OK. You can change the ICON for this launcher if you want. I used the PathPilot logo.

    When running the launcher it will open a terminal up that then calls PP. This terminal can be minimized but do not close it while PP is running.

    The share thing allows you to access a folder on your PC through the PP USB file list. This is handy for exchanging files between your PC & PP. Otherwise you can use networking and/or a USB drive.

    Enjoy ...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Has anyone tried to run PathPilot under Microsoft Hyper-V?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    I get to the desktop by just clicking "exit" in pathpilot, this will bring up the Cancel OK window and PP will be greyed out, and the menu bar will show across the top of the screen and is functional. Just click "places" then select deskktop.

    When finished click cancel in the Pathpilot window and youre back in Pathpilot again. If you make changes to the Tormach1100-3.ini file (backlash settings), the changes wont be saved until rebooted.

    I would think Tormach would have made a provision to set the backlash in Pathpilot without having to do this?? I cant tell any difference in machining but it is necessary for probing to be accurate.

    I did figure out how to save and print the Tormach1100-3.ini file, I saved it to a usb stick then printed it on a windows machine using wordpad but it doesnt print the line numbers, so at least I have a file for comparison to the new file after an update, it would be nice though to have the line numbers .........

    I really like Pathpilot!! I cant say the same for Linux/Ubuntu, difficult for me to make changes etc.............
    mike sr

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Quote Originally Posted by kstrauss View Post
    Has anyone tried to run PathPilot under Microsoft Hyper-V?
    It might work but according to Microsoft documentation at this link: Supported Ubuntu virtual machines on Hyper-V
    Ubuntu is only supported from 12.04 LTS upwards. Since PP is based on 10.04.4 LTS there will probably be issues.

    Also, I believe Hyper-V requires Microsoft Server $$$ and lots of knowledge to setup.

    VirtualBox is absolutely FREE & easily runs on any standalone host - Windows, MAC and Linux ...

    I am considering creating a virtual machine for PP on my FreeNAS box. Then I could access it from any computer on my network or even from the internet.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Thanks. I found the 12.04 restriction after asking here. They do say that earlier versions will work but with unspecified "restrictions". It seems best to just install VirtualBox also. Actually Hyper-V is free and runs on Win7 desktop and later. I'm interested because I use it for running other stuff in a virtual machine.

    Next dumb question: How do I get an ISO of the latest version of PP? I installed from the original DVD two years ago and have just done updates so no recent DVD here.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Quote Originally Posted by kstrauss View Post
    Next dumb question: How do I get an ISO of the latest version of PP?
    The only way to create an ISO is from the Tormach PP CD. I don’t know what version they are shipping now. Could be an older version and you just update it to the latest.

    My CD is version 1.9.3 and I made a ISO from it using a product called WinImage. Since Tormach uses a product called R-Drive Image to distribute PP, there is no easy way to edit the ISO image to incorporate any updates. You just have to install it, from the CD or an ISO copy of it, and then apply the updates after the installation.

    This is not really a problem as I describe in the above posts. It just means that if PP complains about the MESA hardware not present there are a few extra steps to get it going in VB.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Ken, follow rdsi's instructions install from PP disk or iso then update to the latest version. I now have everything running except the shared folders and networking. I am new to ubuntu but I am beginning to get a handle on it.

    Now I have to add my tool offsets and get the shared folders to work.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Quote Originally Posted by kstrauss View Post
    Thanks. I found the 12.04 restriction after asking here. They do say that earlier versions will work but with unspecified "restrictions". It seems best to just install VirtualBox also. Actually Hyper-V is free and runs on Win7 desktop and later. I'm interested because I use it for running other stuff in a virtual machine.

    Next dumb question: How do I get an ISO of the latest version of PP? I installed from the original DVD two years ago and have just done updates so no recent DVD here.
    I don't remember the version number, but I just got a PP upgrade kit a few weeks ago and it was three or four versions old.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    rdsi, when trying to access shared folders I get "You do not have the permissions..." error in file browser.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails VB_ppCapture2.PNG  

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: PathPilot 2.x and PathPilot Simulator

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve303 View Post
    Ken, follow rdsi's instructions install from PP disk or iso then update to the latest version. I now have everything running except the shared folders and networking. I am new to ubuntu but I am beginning to get a handle on it.

    Now I have to add my tool offsets and get the shared folders to work.
    My only DVD is rather old -- 1.7.2 !

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