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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    MASSO and the KRMx02

    I just started a new series on connecting and using a MASSO controller with the KRMx02 CNC.
    Attachment 374666

    For those of you who haven't heard about the MASSO, its a standalone controller meant to replace the PC and controller software.

    I am doing a full write-up on my experience with the MASSO and my KRMx02.

    You can see the write-up here:
    MASSO Introduction — Kronos Robotics

    Its an ongoing process so I will post as I add new sections. Please feel free to ask any questions you like, and I will try and answer them.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Thanks for the research here. There is a lot of action in the low cost CNC controller world these days and it is good that somebody has the resources to review this hardware.

    My understanding is that the MASSO is under heavy development still and as such it has or had a few bugs. It would be good to hear how things have firmed up over the year. In general the concept that is MASSO is in many ways ideal as it should eliminate a lot of PC based issues we run into with other solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by msimpson99 View Post
    I just started a new series on connecting and using a MASSO controller with the KRMx02 CNC.
    Attachment 374666

    For those of you who haven't heard about the MASSO, its a standalone controller meant to replace the PC and controller software.

    I am doing a full write-up on my experience with the MASSO and my KRMx02.

    You can see the write-up here:
    MASSO Introduction — Kronos Robotics

    Its an ongoing process so I will post as I add new sections. Please feel free to ask any questions you like, and I will try and answer them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    When I first got the MASSO, I had it hooked up to one of my smaller machines. I could not afford down time on my KRMx02. I did a lot of testing. I found some show stopper bugs, that they promptly fixed. Once it got to a state that I felt was comfortable I moved it over to my KRMx02. And that is where I am now.

    I have been using Mach3 for years and have written many macros and wizards. Mach 3 has so many features that no standalone controller can stackup feature for feature, but there is something to be said about powering up the system and a few seconds later its ready to run a job.

    The folks at hind technology have been very responsive. They work on the bugs first, but are willing to add features. I did purchase this unit and since the KRMx02 requires a 5axis MASSO it cost me $575, I have no shortage of PCs with WIN7 all configured for CNC, so the MASSO is not a lot of benefit for me. Its my hopes that my KRMx02 builders will have yet another option if all works out.

    So far it is. I have been able to work through little issues here and there. I just got a SuperPID connected and working with the MASSO and will be posting that real soon. I will also be connecting a VFD as well.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    I just posted my MASSO to SuperPID 2 writeup.

    Attachment 374714

    The interface went pretty well overall. Couple minor glitches though.

    I did have to invert the MASSO spindle control signal (start/stop) with a relay board to drive the Run terminal on the SuperPID 2. Also the MASSO does not support a tach input so I cant get the actual RPMS to display on the MASSO.

    See the write-up here:
    MASSO and SuperPID — Kronos Robotics

    I am satisfied with the operation between the MASSO and the SuperPID enough that I am going back to my VFD and Spindle. So that means I will be doing a MASSO to VFD interface write-up in the future.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Thanks for sharing.

    A MASSO controller would be a nice upgrade for those, (like me) running GRBL but want a little bit more. I like the package; the computer, controller and BOB all in one.

    Have you got a chance to test the slave axis homing?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    The KRMx02 has a slave on Y. On the MASSO, you can slave X to A or Y to B. This means I need a 5axis MASSO.

    The slaving is very simple. Just enable on the B axis settings. "Slave to Y" option. All settings except, invert and backlash are ignored. Works as expected.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Just uploaded a video of the MASSO, KRMx02, and SuperPID 2.

    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    I just added a section on homing switches here:
    MASSO Homing Switches — Kronos Robotics

    I also added a depth probe here:
    MASSO Probe — Kronos Robotics

    I have a slave hooked up to the Y axis. Originally I was using one of the MASSO axis to drive the slave, and was able to get it to home properly. The MASSO can home using a homing switch only on the master or a homing switch on both the master and slave. I tested the master home only and while a little complicated to get setup, works very well.

    My slave is inverted so I can not connect it directly to the same axis. However the MASSO has differential outputs on the X, Y, and Z axis. I was able to connect both my Y (non inverted) and my slave (inverted) from the MASSO Y terminals. Worked perfectly and freed up two axis on the 5 axis MASSO.

    Here is a video of the KRMx02 and MASSO cutting a part for my DIN Rail Proto Board.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Quote Originally Posted by msimpson99 View Post
    ... The MASSO can home using a homing switch only on the master or a homing switch on both the master and slave.
    So this make it impossible to "auto-square" a machine using homing with the current version of the MASSO firmware?

    I like the probing sequence where it first "search" the probe at 30ipm then back off a little and actually probe at 5IPM.

    Is it possible to change the code of the homing sequence to have a "search" sequence?

    I like it a lot when the machine is at the other end and I need to home.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    I did not say that. I cant auto square on the KRMX02. Its too rigid. Not unless I want to start loosening bolts. And that would be silly. For this reason I cant test that feature, But I can assure you that you can add a homing switch to the slave axis. If you look at the configuration, you can set the master and slave axis to home at the same time.

    No, only one speed on the homing. Even Mach3 does not let you do that. Would be cool though.

    One thing I like about Mach3 is that it lets you override your soft limits. The MASSO does not. If my machine is far from the homing point and I power it up, I'm screwd. I have to home from that position. T
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    No, only one speed on the homing. Even Mach3 does not let you do that. Would be cool though.
    You can do this in Mach3 with a macro that changes the homing speed.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    You know of any examples of this?
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    This will home at the normal homing speed, then again at 10% of the homing speed, then reset the speed to the original set homing speed.

    While IsMoving()
    SetParam("XRefPer", GetParam("XRefPer")/10)
    SetParam("YRefPer", GetParam("YRefPer")/10)
    SetParam("ZRefPer", GetParam("ZRefPer")/10)
    While IsMoving()
    SetParam("XRefPer", GetParam("XRefPer")*10)
    SetParam("YRefPer", GetParam("YRefPer")*10)
    SetParam("ZRefPer", GetParam("ZRefPer")*10)

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Thanks I will try that out on one of my other KRMx02 machines when I get a chance.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Quote Originally Posted by msimpson99 View Post
    Hind Technology just released a firmware upgrade that supports subroutine calls. It works a little different then what I am used to. The sub programs are in separate files.
    Here is an example:
    That's pretty close to how a fanuc does subroutines. In a fanuc, to get (2) repeats, you would say M98 P22020 instead of P2020 L2. Otherwise the same.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    That's probably why HTG did it that way. I'm used to Mach3 where the subroutine is included in the same code. Makes it much easier to distribute code. The problem with having separate files is that things can get messy if you have a lot of programs with a lot of subroutines.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Quote Originally Posted by msimpson99 View Post
    That's probably why HTG did it that way. I'm used to Mach3 where the subroutine is included in the same code. Makes it much easier to distribute code. The problem with having separate files is that things can get messy if you have a lot of programs with a lot of subroutines.
    The fanuc sub program method is EIA standard for commercial cnc for the last 40 years. But while the subprogram is a unique "file," like O2020 in your example, you have always been able to embed them in your main program at the end, at least in the rs232 days. So a little bit yes and no at the same time! LOL

    Love your website/blog by the way. How's the Masso coming along? I'm surprised its not taken off more than it has. I am not (yet) a home/DIY CNC guy (working on my first router design), but I've been a commercial CNC machine professional for my entire career, and this is *exactly* what I want for a home CNC control. Closest thing I have seen to something like a fanuc.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Its going to be hard for any standalone controller to do what mach3 can do. I have tested a few and the MASSO seems to be the most promising.

    The test are coming along. I have found a few bugs, but they are fixing them. I look at adding some more entries next week or so. I will also be doing a VFD/Spindle hookup to the MASSO if all goes well.
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    Quote Originally Posted by msimpson99 View Post
    Its going to be hard for any standalone controller to do what mach3 can do. I have tested a few and the MASSO seems to be the most promising.
    Can you give me an example of some of the uniquely powerful things about mach3? I noticed the Masso has "wizards" that look like rudimentary conversational programming, which I thought was cool.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: MASSO and the KRMx02

    I plan on writing up these observations at the end of the series. Most of it is workflow and lack of control.

    One thing, is the program-ability of Mach3. I can change just about any function with code. I can write macros and assign them to buttons, keys, or even to functions on MPGs or other jog controllers. I have a long list t
    Author of: The KRMx01 CNC Books, The KRMx02 CNC Books, The KRmc01 CNC Milling Machine Books, and Building the HANS Electric Gear Clock. All available at www.kronosrobotics.com

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