Hi Tom,

I sent you a personal message so check your in box.

Yep, I also watch Lars Christensen and he has some really informative videos. So far I have not tried to cut anything with Fusion 360 but may give it a try one day.

Yep, those Y Web depth negative moves can be very expensive if you are not totally aware of your inputs especially when you use the standard length probe. The sad part was that I had my finger on the feed hold button and when I saw the probe tip go by (what I thought was the designated negative level) I could have just pressed the feed hold button and it would have stopped, but I panicked and reached for the Emergency Stop. By the time I got to the Emergency Stop the probe body hit the vise. (OUCH). I guess the reason these moves aren't protected is because Renishaw offers different length probes. Hope this never happens to you.
