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IndustryArena Forum > Laser Engraving and Cutting Machines > Commercial Laser > KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later
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  1. #1
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    Aug 2016

    KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Hi All

    Originally my aim was to build laser machine from scratch and during that time I spend lots of time in China. So I bought myself Reci 80W tube directly from manufacturer etc.. But After my work changed dramatically I just could´t handle such big projects any more. So I sold tube, controllers etc away to one another hobbyist. Anyway I still have regret that I get rid of those nice components. Few weeks ago I made up my mind to take some medicine to this craving... I bought myself... well almost cheapest possible 500x700 sized machine. As it was already in germany no Extra import charges et. Only 100€ postage to my door, so simple.

    After payed it with Paypal, some slight thought what have I done... Anyway I hope you are interested to see what I got and how I manage with it. I´m bit tinkerer and this will be my winter project. lets see what happens. Anyway I believe its detailed explanation to those who might to think getting one themselves. Even this is very common machine I didn't find too many detailed explanations of machine specifications. Ebay add is also very unclear and manufacturer is pretty impossible to reach. Levor as brand haven't got any good feedback, so its bit exiting situation. After few months I´ll know, also how much money needed to top on purchase price.

    Package itself is Plywood box, no surprises there. Inside is lots or Styrofoam.

    Accessory, well according package list.

    Exhaust Fan is only 250W with 18 cubic meter, = ~ 635cft It seems bit small.... But let see. Also Chinese plug which is not big deal...

    Tube: Big mystery, Anyone any idea? 120Cm long and 80m thick 85 max 80 agreement power.

    Ruida Controller, that should be pretty nice.

    Machine is with linear rails, which is also big thing to me. X-axis no reduction.

  2. #2
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    The steppers. 57bhh51-280a-31

    The Drivers. JMC 2M542, these are pretty nice drivers. I have had many of these and no issues, also found 2pcs from shelf.
    According stepper jumper they are set to 3.3 amps and 5000 steps. Thats lot of microsteps.

    Limit switch Fotek PL-05N I have heard people have had issues with these...

    Tube power source MYJG80R, no idea good or not. Any comments?

  3. #3
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Generally speaking electrical job seems fairly nicely done. Some minor issue on cable and switch fixing. Anyway I´ll go trough grounding very carefully before firing machine up. I also Miss my protective goggles to arrive, so I have time to do some preparing work.

  4. #4
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    More details on electrics.
    There are 3x electric outputs in rear of machine. Trick with this is, that those are wired trough:
    -Main Switch
    -Emergency switch.

    As I opened front panel I looked switches trough. Main switch is rated only for 4.5 amps.
    So in fact its very easy to overload switches specially if you connect extraction fan to rear of machine.

    I have no idea does 110V and 220V versions have same wiring's. If not people living in 110V countries, you dont have too much margin left.
    Otherwise measurement of grounding for machine itself was ok.

  5. #5
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Some words about my CW-3000. Its also very common option for many people.

    This draw my attention. paper was glued on top of machine. So I live in Europe where 220V our mains.

    Pretty neat looking from inside.. Actually I bought this also from Ebay with lowers price delivered to my home. So I´m pleased.

    Power source for CW-3000 is located between water tank and front panel. As you can see:
    -Its multi-voltage, So I can rest my case with compatibility.
    -Double insulated, in house only.
    -Mostly used for led strips I guess.
    By the weight and feeling I guess if I have issue with this Cooler it will be dead power source. But its not too difficult to change to new one.

    Interesting finding was grounding. Tiny soldering to aluminum of radiator. And loose connector to inlet socket.

    Copper is easy to solder, so new wire and connect also old one to it. Not pretty but should work.

    Actually good idea from manufacturer, water should be grounded. As if tube has malfunction it can arc to water, so grounding path should be available.
    Initially I was bit puzzled about why 24V system for pump. But its very safe is pump shall fail, water will not connection to more than 24V.

    As you might found out I´m big fan of groundings. But if you buy things from unknown sources its better to check these issues.

  6. #6
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    So after getting my Cooler unit to set up. Filled everything with water and push pump ON. Then it was time to get cup of coffee and I just thought let pump run so bubbles will go away from system.
    After I get back alarm was ringing for empty water tank. After small looking conclusions were.

    No single hose clamps in machine. And Chassis is pretty water tight. All my water was in compartment for exhaust air. Well no big deal and valuable learning for me.

    So back to electrics. I was bit puzzled about capacity of main switch, its OK for machine itself, but rear sockets are pretty unusable. So I decided to nicely remove existing rear sockets.
    Doing it nicely means that I open wiring harness and remove wires from next point of connection.

    Findings were pretty sketchy.

    Splitting of L, N, E and Stepper power lines were done like this. Same category finding with hose clamps. Easy to fix, but you will have sooner or later issues if you don't.
    Specially low voltage, high current Stepper power lines are easy to suffer for something like this. And if your stepper driver don't power what it needs, it can be reason for lost steps.

    I also managed to make test pulse with machine so its not DOA. But electrics and safety goggles first before digging into further.

  7. #7
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Today I got power-meter from Bell Laser. Excellent speed on delivery.
    Its surely nice to know how thins unbranded tube will perform.

    Still miss my goggles, so I have plenty of time to get electrics updated to EU-spec.

    Plan is to convert rear sockets to real EU-spec sockets and make separate switch board. Power to rear sockets will be taken before main switch, so basically machine key components electrics will not be touched by mod nor affected by use of rear connectors.

  8. #8
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Seller Ebay automatic send out some question have I used it and so on.
    They claim to do everything they can for customer etc... Mostly they ask for 5-Star feedback

    So for curiosity to see what happens, I send them very short message with very simple phrases.


    I have received item. Not used yet. I wait protection goggles.

    Just curiosity:
    What is tube Brand? I didn't find any markings on tube.
    What is type of mirrors and lenses?

    And Reply from seller:

    Neu: Neuer, unbenutzter und unbeschädigter Artikel in nicht geöffneter Originalverpackung (soweit eine ... Mehr zum Thema
    Marke: Vevor Curtain Poles
    Antriebsart: Mikroschrittmotor Herstellernummer: CXUNB006
    Hu00f6chstgeschwindigkeit: 1000mm/s Steuerungssystem: DSP
    PC Schnittstelle: USB2.0 und USB Disk Arbeitsflu00e4che: 20x28inch(500mm x 700mm)
    Software: AutoLaser Laserstu00e4rke: 80W
    Bildform: HPGL, BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, DXF, DST, AI Laserru00f6hre: glasversiegelte CO2 Laserru00f6hre
    Hu00f6henverstellbare Arbeitsplatte: 7.8 inch(200mm) UPC: 208804474526

    Its same text what is in ebay add.... :withstupi

    I guess these guys have serious issues with reading and understanding when it comes to customer support

  9. #9
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    80W (Actual Max 95W) CO2 Laser Engraving Engraver Cutting Cutter Tube 1600mm | eBay

    Regarding tube, I asked VE-RY CLE-AR-LY and NI-CE-LY again from seller. And they feedback my tube should be COLE brand. 80W 1200/80mm. So my curious is fulfilled.

  10. #10
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later


    Add-on wire harness and switch board.

    Auxiliary and machine are now behind different fuses.

    Fuse box and new AC cord.

    New true Eu-sockets. Originals will not connect grounding with out plugs. So its really nice to have this kind of stuff sorted out.

    Switchboard installed

    Stickers are tilted... :tired:

    Project didn't really cost that much money, maybe about 50€. But it took some hours to fabricate parts and tinker with wires.
    But now all connections are with real connector or soldered/crimped and most importantly component specs are not overridden. I believe this will enhance reliability in long run.

  11. #11
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Last weekend projects was to create new trolley to Machine. Fan neither cooling dont fit below machine with original trolley, so I just wondered why to spend so much floor space. And when everything is on-board its easy to move machine around. And new height is way more suitable for 6´3 person.

    Amp meter is also now available. Aluminum part is small lens and mirror tool. Lens and mirror nuts were pretty tight to open. Wonder why???

    Shape of nut is visible in lens... Hmm need to order new one.

    Pics after polishing, specially mirrors were very greasy.

    I was really happy to start machine for test runs.... But water pump failed in CW-3000. Bummer..

    Pump takes so much current that it will stall power source and no circulation.

    Lets see will I get spare pump or what happens.

  12. #12
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Mirror Alignment was bit off. And it took like 1 hour to get them bit better. I´m not going to go int depths of that since its anyway everyday business with these machines. YouTube has a lot nice videos how to..

    A3 flip, X and Y setup was pretty OK from factory. NOTE to upload vendor settings with RD-works to safe place.

    I compared edges of square against big machinist wise and perpendicularity of axis is hair off. I need to address it later with more better set-up.

    Another non-functional buy, Mahoney power meter. 80W cheap Chinese tube with 30% power. Max reading result was 86W, took some time to get camera so reading is bit less in picture.

    I bet that 72 seconds is some mistake in calibration sheet. Let see how they will handle guarantee issues.

    Simple graphs of power% vs Milli-amps. Nothing too interesting without power output.

    Regarding my CW-3000, I contacted seller and they promised to give me replacement pump.
    They have claimed to ship it out but no tracking number, bit questionable.

  13. #13
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Just short update on claims. cncmotorshop send me replacement pump to CW-3000 with DHL, so they handled guarantee case extremely well.
    Regarding Mahoney Laser Probe discussion went also in reasonable manners, and Gregg on Bell Laser also handled my case very well. Though I´m still waiting for replacement.

    What else spare mirrors, 1.5" and 2" lenses etc. small stuff. has arrived. Last weekend I build separate ventilation tube for smoke in my garage.

    Anyone any comments on micro-stepping values. 25 or 5000 steps / rev is awful lot and I´m bit thinking is that really way to go? Accuracy and torque is very low... or is it the thing with these machines?

  14. #14
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    Wink Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Got Replacement Probe from Bell Laser and results are in picture.
    Conclusion could be that probe is showing bit too high values or I´m pretty lucky with my tube output.:cheers:
    Initially I thought 80W is already very optimistic.

    Anyway linear range is from 19% to Approx 55%. Below 18% tube is bit unstable and makes buzzing sound, though it will make lasing action above 11% but its very weak.

    Just for optics efficiency. With original optics 70% power = 99W from tube = 81W after lens, so about 18% loss.
    I have only done cleaning and alignment of mirrors so far.

  15. #15
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    After cutting some parts from oversized plywood. I´m not too happy with table of machine. Frame of tabletop is 1.5mm higher than honeycomb. edge frame is also below honey comb adding another 1.5mm. And there are screw-heads protruding here and there to even make things worse. So center of table is hanging down compared to edges quite a lot... So adding table issues to plywood warped shape focus is not so stable trough whole part.

    So table have to be adjusted....

    Support frame had some uneven welds. So grind them flat and also weld fixing screw to frame instead leaving screw-heads between frame and honeycomb.

    Corner of profile is grinded. So edge is flush with honeycomb. And material can be used in next step.

    Reattach support frame and add cutted table edge material to shim center of table.

    Attached table back. Now flat area is 600x730mm. Also now table is accurately 50mm / 2" clearance to each direction. Originally table was rotated like 1/2" from long side, and that really stands out in bad way every time looked.

    Oversized materials can now go over table edge.

    After fiddling with 4 trapezoids I believe honeycomb is around within 0.5mm all over compared to laser head. Honeycomb itself is not totally flat, but so far I´m feeling better.

  16. #16
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Short story about my broken power gauge. After while of studying I got conclusion that gluing between black piece and shaft is far from perfect, meaning thermal conductivity was also very poor.
    That´s why test time for that piece was pretty high, 72 seconds instead 30 seconds. Replacement gauge needs 33 seconds.

    So 2 weeks in acetone to soften old glue and then install black piece with CPU-paste and droplets of epoxy to seal connection.

    After trying bit of test I get very nice correlation between replacement unit and fixed one. :cheers:

  17. #17
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    Re: KH-7050B 80W Aka Levor in Europe review, maybe bit tweaks later

    Originally Imachine has vents in left down wall of chamber. It causes smoke to go quite easily trough light path causing some power-loss.
    I has suspicious mind about some inconsistency in cut depth and come to conclusion that this might have some business with it

    New venting duct setup.

    vents are now in back top of chamber.

    Smoke flow is now more constantly towards vents and smoke dont block light path.

    After initial testing it feels that I get much more constant penetration. Meaning parts are really apart from each others. Which is good step forward from initial situation. :cheers:

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