Al, the lathe is an old school unit built in 1989 with 3 phase AC servo motors.

Thanks Tom.

I was concerned about creating two loops if the drives used the rotor position encoders on the motors to compare actual to commanded movement. As these RPD encoders are only used for 3 phase commutation I don't think I need to worry about this, and as such all I need to do is apply an analog signal to the drives from Kanalog.

I will replace the encoders on the axis with differential encoders suited for Kanalog, I was thinking:

Incremental encoder with shaft - CNCdrive - webshop
ENI-1024 magnetic kit encoder - CNCdrive - webshop

Would these do the job?

I did find a page on the Dynomotion site with detailed requirements on encoders, but for the life of me I cant find it now!

Update, just seen the Kflop only supports single-ended encoders, is this the same for Kanalog Tom? Can you suggest a suitable rotary encoder compatible with Kanalog?
