Quote Originally Posted by Roadstercycle View Post
It's really a hard question to answer without somebody that is well versed in both to give an unbiased opinion. Besides just getting familiar with either one, one of the main differences is that the Acorn CNC control is on the board instead of the computer running the program. I bought 2 of them because I wanted encoders and rigid tapping on my lathe and mill and the solid reputation of Centroid. It's a matter of how conversational Intercon is compared to Path Pilot. Again somebody has to have had both to give an honest opinion. My son really likes his Centroid system but again that's all he's used. Once I get my Skyfire cranking I'll finish up the Lathe and at least give some feedback. I know it's not what your looking for but it will be something at least.

I guess what I really want to know is how well does the acorn work. I always had weird issues with Mach 3. I just want something that works. A friend of mine has a Centroid and he seems quite happy with it but its not an acorn its one of the higher end boards. I really do not care which I use as long as its stable and predictable.

Thanks for the input km3p,

I'm leaning towards getting an acorn and giving it a go.