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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by SCzEngrgGroup View Post
    Am I the only one that finds it very curious that we suddenly have quite a few Centroid fans who have never posted to the forum before, suddenly posting on this one topic?
    I generally don't post to forums much at all, (here or elsewhere for that matter). I decided to respond with my experience as a counter point with the device and the support I have received. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Sounds like you had a bad experience for whatever reason. Sorry you did and I wish you well.

    Beevo - Arizona
    Metal Deformationist

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beevo View Post
    I generally don't post to forums much at all, (here or elsewhere for that matter). I decided to respond with my experience as a counter point with the device and the support I have received. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Sounds like you had a bad experience for whatever reason. Sorry you did and I wish you well.

    Thanks. I wasn't referring to you, but to several of the others.

    One just created his account today, just to make his post in this thread.
    Another has been a member since '14, but made his first-ever post today, in this thread.
    Another joined last year, but just made only his third post ever, in this thread.
    Another joined last year, and made only his fourth post ever, in this thread.
    Another, a long-time member, with lots of posts, but never before in this forum.

    Several of them criticizing, me, even though I very much doubt ANY of them actually saw the thread in the Centroid forum. I've been here over 10 years, and never once seen any of their names before on any of the many forums I frequent. How would they even know this thread exists unless someone pointed them to it?

    Tell me that doesn't sound like someone (cnckeith from Centroid?) sending in his friends, or perhaps doing it himself using pseudonyms "John Barron", anyone)? Not hard to believe, considering he felt it necessary to send me a final insulting e-mail last night after he closed my account and deleted the thread on the Centroid forum - perhaps so his management would not see HIS behavior in that thread?

    Ray L.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    It's a simple conclusion to come to when it's first post ever, sometimes the simple is correct

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    I will be thoroughly documenting my experience with the installation on a CRP plug and play router system. Essentially just bypassing the ESS in the control box. It will remain capable of reverting back to Mach 3 by plugging in the ribbon cables to the ESS and using the old computer. It is a production machine that is getting the Acorn, so I cannot have a lot of down time.
    I have done the parts gathering and developed a plan as well as a once over through the manual and watched many videos.
    I happen to love watching video tutorials. Especially ones done well that are helpful.
    Ray has pointed out some issues and I will know some of how to proceed if they appear because of this thread.
    I will most likely post questions to both forums to increase the chance for answers.
    I am being driven by the fact that my machines have become fairly low volume production machines for us and that Mach 3 is simply not the best controller for this now.
    Errors cause down time. Waste material. Bites the quota. Costs money. Causes stress because it bugs the hell out of me.
    I just have to get past Mach 3 and Acorn will get the first shot at getting me there.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?


    I dropped in to view the thread you posted only because it was a recent "Today's Posts".
    It's possible many others are also viewing the post because they were just curious.
    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, hope things work out.

    Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    According to their site - you can get factory support...

    - Optional Factory Direct Technical Support: $90/hr.

    I will say this again - it is one of the few hobby priced systems that does encoder threading and rigid tapping... (but of course I use linuxcnc which is free and does all that...)


    Quote Originally Posted by SCzEngrgGroup View Post
    - because without support (and that forum is your ONLY source of support for the Acorn) the hardware could well become little more than an expensive paperweight. Needless to say, neither I, nor my customers, will EVER be looking at Centroid again, nor will quite of few people I know who were planning to follow my lead.

    Ray L.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Again, sorry about your bad experience. I'm going to assume that I am the: "Another, a long-time member, with lots of posts, but never before in this forum." guy.

    I can tell you that:
    My post was 100% unsolicited. Period. I made my post in response to your whining. Period.

    Secondly, I am much more likely to post Centroid Acorn info on their forum, as people looking for Acorn info will go there first. I have found over the years that this forum is filled with the frustrated rants of inexperienced and bad experienced users like yourself, and I don't like bad JUJU.

    So.... back to the honey and vinegar thing.... Again, you have posted a list of uninformed guesses as fact and listed the things these users, including myself are doing wrong. I rest my case.
    Gary Campbell CNC Technology & Training
    GCnC411 (at) gmail.com www.youtube.com/user/Islaww1/videos

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Way to go Gary insult the heck out of someone for posting their problems.

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  9. #29

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by SCzEngrgGroup View Post
    Am I the only one that finds it very curious that we suddenly have quite a few Centroid fans who have never posted to the forum before, suddenly posting on this one topic?
    I noticed it right off the bat. Brigading is a common tactic on the internet. While I try to look at this through the eyes of both parties, giving Acorn the benefit of the doubt, it’s not helped when those with little post reputation are vehemently opposed to somebody that I have personally used as a successful source of information on many of my projects and someone who has a long and well vetted reputation on this site. I will say this, Ray, I think your vast experience and resultant high expectations were likely intimidating and perhaps seen as malicious when in fact you only wanted to get the most from the product you paid for. Either way, it’s crappy situation.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I value Ray's information highly. If I had not already bought everything and researched as much as I have, I might have considered sending it back. Had I not already bought it, I would not have. Many of us know how customer service should function. I pride myself in offering the best possible support that I can. My customers appreciate that and I do get a lot of repeat customers. I simply treat them the way that I would like to be treated.

    My products are not technology related though and I understand that customer support for those type things can be a whole different can of worms.
    That does not mean that you verbally stomp on your customers when they have legitimate issues with your products.
    It's Centroid's choice to use a public or at least customer based forum to help out with the workload in customer support.
    It is another thing to dismiss or especially delete items where incorrect manuals, errors in board labeling, old passwords etc. have been reported.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Quote Originally Posted by LeeWay View Post
    I value Ray's information highly. If I had not already bought everything and researched as much as I have, I might have considered sending it back. Had I not already bought it, I would not have. Many of us know how customer service should function. I pride myself in offering the best possible support that I can. My customers appreciate that and I do get a lot of repeat customers. I simply treat them the way that I would like to be treated.

    My products are not technology related though and I understand that customer support for those type things can be a whole different can of worms.
    That does not mean that you verbally stomp on your customers when they have legitimate issues with your products.
    It's Centroid's choice to use a public or at least customer based forum to help out with the workload in customer support.
    It is another thing to dismiss or especially delete items where incorrect manuals, errors in board labeling, old passwords etc. have been reported.

    You have brought up many valid points and I completely agree with what you are saying about customer service.

    Hopefully this issue resolves itself in a positive and polite manner.

    Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by CL_MotoTech View Post
    I noticed it right off the bat. Brigading is a common tactic on the internet. While I try to look at this through the eyes of both parties, giving Acorn the benefit of the doubt, it’s not helped when those with little post reputation are vehemently opposed to somebody that I have personally used as a successful source of information on many of my projects and someone who has a long and well vetted reputation on this site. I will say this, Ray, I think your vast experience and resultant high expectations were likely intimidating and perhaps seen as malicious when in fact you only wanted to get the most from the product you paid for. Either way, it’s crappy situation.
    Ray, I think your vast experience and resultant high expectations were likely intimidating and perhaps seen as malicious when in fact you only wanted to get the most from the product you paid for. Either way, it’s crappy situation.

    I completely agree.

    Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by LeeWay View Post
    I will be thoroughly documenting my experience with the installation on a CRP plug and play router system. Essentially just bypassing the ESS in the control box. It will remain capable of reverting back to Mach 3 by plugging in the ribbon cables to the ESS and using the old computer. It is a production machine that is getting the Acorn, so I cannot have a lot of down time.
    I have done the parts gathering and developed a plan as well as a once over through the manual and watched many videos.
    I happen to love watching video tutorials. Especially ones done well that are helpful.
    Ray has pointed out some issues and I will know some of how to proceed if they appear because of this thread.
    I will most likely post questions to both forums to increase the chance for answers.
    I am being driven by the fact that my machines have become fairly low volume production machines for us and that Mach 3 is simply not the best controller for this now.
    Errors cause down time. Waste material. Bites the quota. Costs money. Causes stress because it bugs the hell out of me.
    I just have to get past Mach 3 and Acorn will get the first shot at getting me there.
    Hi Lee,

    I think you'll like the Acorn. IMO, I think it's best to connect directly to the screw down terminals on the board. That being said, I replaced a ESS on my lathe with an Acorn and I used the Acorn DB25 connection to plug into a legacy BOB. It's been working really well. Very stable. Doesn't glitch out like my Mach3/Smoothstepper would occasionally do.

    Make sure you configure the Windows 10 PC per the instructional video.

    The setup wizard is nice and it saves a lot of time but every setting in can be configured from within the CNC12 software via parameters. The back of the manual describes all of them. Many of them take effect instantly and you don't have to restart the software after you make changes. But stick with the wizard at first - it loads defaults into 95% of the parameters and you only need to look at the important ones.

    If you've been using Mach3 for a while, the Centroid interface may feel unfamiliar, at first. But, once you get used to the screens I think you'll like it. IMO, the Centroid paradigm is more similar to a standard FANUC type of control than Mach3. I hope this helps.


  14. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by SCzEngrgGroup View Post
    Am I the only one that finds it very curious that we suddenly have quite a few Centroid fans who have never posted to the forum before, suddenly posting on this one topic?
    I thought the same when I read this forum topic. And I thought the same when I read a few other Acorn topic.
    It is at least not usual that 0 post people coming around just to post their good experiences with a product just because somebody else had a bad one.
    Real life people just do not work like this so yes it is suspicious.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I’ve had a 100 percent positive experience with my centroid acorn board and software. cnckeiths instructional youtube video on using the software’s conversational cam was amazing. i’m glad i switched over from mach4 and flashcut. No regrets. It does suck that they deleted your post but I agree with Franco that staying positive on any forum helps. Also, i’m sure they keep the cost of the board down by offering support at 90 dollars an hour for those that need it.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Daniel92563 are you able to help to solve any off rays problems with the board, or post some links to the correct up to date info for him.

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall View Post
    Daniel92563 are you able to help to solve any off rays problems with the board, or post some links to the correct up to date info for him.
    1. He edited his post, the most recent version has more details.
    2. Yes, pay for support so you can get the detailed help you want. But, he wrote he’s returning the board.

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Well reporting bugs, conflicting information in manuals, and other products errors should never have to pay for support. Needing to find out how to proceed after those issues and error messages were found should also not have to pay for support.
    Support charges should be reserved for the novice and ignorant customers in the form of one to one training and hand holding through particular usage or problem. Not from someone like Ray that is highly experienced and just trying to get past some bugs that have appeared with the Centroid products to get it booted up and operating.
    I will also give Keith the benefit of the doubt. Everyone has off days and no one knows what is going on on a personal level.
    Most of the posts I have read from him show that he is trying to help and they are pretty concise and informative. Cordial as well. Ray is a straight shooter and tells it like it is point blank. No BS. That can be misinterpreted sometimes.

    While I can see both sides and imagine exactly how it happened, I can also see how it should have happened and what kind of assistance and admissions would have retained a customer that could have indeed increased sales later on by documenting how his products could work with them.
    Cooler heads generally prevail in almost all matters and this chain of events are no exception.
    I do look forward to getting past Mach 3 myself and installing and ultimately using the Acorn. The machine this is going on is a relatively simple one, so I will be installing using the basics initially and following all the instructions.
    I don't expect any problems, but who really does?

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I try not post in contentious or negative threads usually but in this case I have to relate my experiences & voice an opinion since so much time and effort was expended by Ray to flame Acorn & Centroid.

    I bought an Acorn and the Pro ($99 at the time) software the very day that they were made available to the general public. I made the switch from Mach3 to Acorn because of its encoder lathe threading and industrial software. I have since bought a second Acorn & Pro Software due to the EXTREMELY good support and performance I am experiencing with the first one. It's an American company selling quality hardware & proven software. Yes, I'm having to un-learn Mach3 Turn software and CNC12 & Intercon is a learning process but it's well worth it to me. I am VERY grateful to Centroid for the Acorn project and all the great people on the forum.

    Call me a fan boy or whatever but I can assure you there are many, many happy Centroid customers and Acorn is just getting started! I am happy to go along for the ride. :cheers:
    Milton in Tennessee ya'll!

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Gosh man slow it down a little, take the time to check the water conditions before jumping in head first.
    Had no problems setting up the acorn board. While waiting for the board to arrive I read through the forums,watched all the videos and down loaded all the documentation. Heck i knew what the password and what the HOME ALL was before i got the acorn. Was up and running in about a half an hour.

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