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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    HI Ray,
    I spent a lot of time making videos and posting them to YouTube with the aim of trying to simplify connecting up Acorn. I even went out and created one on Sunday evening just for one guy and it helped him and it started to help others. I am by NO means an expert. I don't work for Centroid, I am one of their beta testers. I believe in it and really enjoy working with it.

    It truly is a good product and I have enjoyed working with the Team at Centroid. Its only been out 5 months, they listened to the users and now in its 3rd hardware revision to support assignable pin outputs on the DB25 along with a couple of other customer driven improvements. Remarkable to me how fast they have responded. They are not a large company.

    I truly wish you well in your projects, if you decide to give Centroid Acorn another go, I will personall try and help if you get stuck, and that is a promise. I'm sorry if I some how missed your troubles with Acorn. I wished I could have helped you or helped you more. The number of folks using Acorn in such a short period of time has jumped far beyond anyone's expectations so its been hard to keep up.

    It is a great time to be involved with DIY CNC SO many great options to choose from and SO many people willing to share their experiences and try to help others. We are a great Community.

    Respectfully & Sincerely,

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I have been cranking through the Acorn upgrade on my lathe. I am upgrading from a reasonably well sorted Mach 3 parallel setup to Acorn. So far I have no complaints. Did I think it was going to be super easy? Probably not, but so far my experience has been positive. The Centroid forum has tons of info. Tons of you tube videos out there. Honestly when I read through the Centroid manuals I keep thinking they are really well done compared to everything else I have looked at in the hobby cnc world. I don’t think I have even posted on the centroid forum or created an account yet because I haven’t needed to. At this point I have the Z and X axis motors running and VFD spindle control working. I am starting on limit switches now. I have been in the automation industry for 20 years. If I just start working with new software/hardware and I find what I think is a bug I would generally make a note of it. But until I really get familiar with the platform and how it works I am not going to report anything. I try to spend some time getting up to speed on a new product and understand how everything works before I start making bug reports. Jumping to PathPilot sounds like your just going from the frying pan into the fire! Linux and no OEM support of non standard configurations is a deal breaker for me. Sorry if Centroid closed your forum account. That sounds like that wasn’t the right thing for them to do. If i was in your shoes I would suck it up and put that Acorn board on the Novakon. At any rate I’m pretty amazed with Acorn lathe so far myself. I have made about 6 test parts so far with out anything close to a hiccup although my configuration is still pretty limited. Hope things work out for you!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_Escarcega View Post
    HI Ray,
    I spent a lot of time making videos and posting them to YouTube with the aim of trying to simplify connecting up Acorn. I even went out and created one on Sunday evening just for one guy and it helped him and it started to help others. I am by NO means an expert. I don't work for Centroid, I am one of their beta testers. I believe in it and really enjoy working with it.

    It truly is a good product and I have enjoyed working with the Team at Centroid. Its only been out 5 months, they listened to the users and now in its 3rd hardware revision to support assignable pin outputs on the DB25 along with a couple of other customer driven improvements. Remarkable to me how fast they have responded. They are not a large company.

    I truly wish you well in your projects, if you decide to give Centroid Acorn another go, I will personall try and help if you get stuck, and that is a promise. I'm sorry if I some how missed your troubles with Acorn. I wished I could have helped you or helped you more. The number of folks using Acorn in such a short period of time has jumped far beyond anyone's expectations so its been hard to keep up.

    It is a great time to be involved with DIY CNC SO many great options to choose from and SO many people willing to share their experiences and try to help others. We are a great Community.

    Respectfully & Sincerely,


    Stepping up to the plate and offering help is what our community is all about, I am extremely proud to be in your company Sir!

    Have a most awesome afternoon!

    Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Nice so if someone has a problem it is ok to have a go at them, so what if you had a good experiences you are doing half of what ray was going to do he needed to know how to do extra stuff for a reasion, before you have a go are you doing or did apple to apple

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by SCzEngrgGroup View Post
    Thanks. I wasn't referring to you, but to several of the others.

    One just created his account today, just to make his post in this thread.
    Another has been a member since '14, but made his first-ever post today, in this thread.
    Another joined last year, but just made only his third post ever, in this thread.
    Another joined last year, and made only his fourth post ever, in this thread.
    Another, a long-time member, with lots of posts, but never before in this forum.

    Several of them criticizing, me, even though I very much doubt ANY of them actually saw the thread in the Centroid forum. I've been here over 10 years, and never once seen any of their names before on any of the many forums I frequent. How would they even know this thread exists unless someone pointed them to it?

    Tell me that doesn't sound like someone (cnckeith from Centroid?) sending in his friends, or perhaps doing it himself using pseudonyms "John Barron", anyone)? Not hard to believe, considering he felt it necessary to send me a final insulting e-mail last night after he closed my account and deleted the thread on the Centroid forum - perhaps so his management would not see HIS behavior in that thread?

    Ray L.
    It goes both ways Ray we know how you can be

    Your are wrong in what you are saying, I don't see any conspiracy, just go to YouTube and see some of the installs using the Acorn, we all know you have had many conflicts before so this is nothing new to expect from you, the product is solid and very good, I will be testing it soon as well, so now seems a good time to do it, Centroid have been around for a long time and there software is solid, for a hobby user being able to get a control like this is a great step forward

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?


    I have been on this forum forever and really enjoy building cnc projects. I started way back when Mach-2 was being developed by Art Fenerty. He was a super star at supporting his software, and ultimately sold the product so he could get his life back. LOL

    The thing I have enjoyed about the forums is how everyone is willing to help each other. Keep in mind way back when you never had any option but to call technical support. I have Mach3, Mach4, KmotionCNC, and now the Centroid Acorn. All of these systems have strong points and weak points, that is just the simple truth.

    I was shocked to see the negative comments towards Cnckeith. My experience with Keith is exactly the opposite. I asked question and he would provide answers or tell me to watch one of Marty’s fantastic videos. Keith himself has also posted several videos. There are a lot of new Acorn users and as these people learn now to setup their machines they try and help others. I have helped many myself, and Marty and Keith are just super stars. Are there issues with the Acorn software, sure, but what software out there does not have some bugs. Ray made some observations that are accurate, for example some things are not in the manual. If you recall that same issue was true for Mach3 until a third party wrote a great manual that was very detailed.

    How well does Acorn work? My experience has been pretty positive. When you load your gcode in Acorn it actually behaves correctly. Most of you who ran Mach3. Surely had unexpected things happen, so far I have not seen that happen with the Centroid software. I enjoy watching all the user videos that get posted by various users building their own machines, after all many of us enjoy that aspect.

    Bottom line is everyone’s mileage will vary on all these products, but we all hang out on these forums to help each other.

    Just my two cents


  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_Escarcega View Post
    HI Ray,
    I spent a lot of time making videos and posting them to YouTube with the aim of trying to simplify connecting up Acorn. I even went out and created one on Sunday evening just for one guy and it helped him and it started to help others. I am by NO means an expert. I don't work for Centroid, I am one of their beta testers. I believe in it and really enjoy working with it.

    It truly is a good product and I have enjoyed working with the Team at Centroid. Its only been out 5 months, they listened to the users and now in its 3rd hardware revision to support assignable pin outputs on the DB25 along with a couple of other customer driven improvements. Remarkable to me how fast they have responded. They are not a large company.

    I truly wish you well in your projects, if you decide to give Centroid Acorn another go, I will personall try and help if you get stuck, and that is a promise. I'm sorry if I some how missed your troubles with Acorn. I wished I could have helped you or helped you more. The number of folks using Acorn in such a short period of time has jumped far beyond anyone's expectations so its been hard to keep up.

    It is a great time to be involved with DIY CNC SO many great options to choose from and SO many people willing to share their experiences and try to help others. We are a great Community.

    Respectfully & Sincerely,
    Thanks Marty,

    Your video's have been a great help to my success installing the Acorn. As others have said, watching the setup videos, including yours, has been a great help. I have, with my diy mills moved from Mach3 to linuxCNC and now Centroid Acorn. So far, in my short time using it, I feel like I can use the mill without hovering over the E-stop button and its fairly intuitive too.

    As far as why I posted here after a long hiatus, I'm actually getting back into hobbyist machining due to the Acorn. As I said above, its making me feel like I can trust the hardware and software to do what its supposed to do without worry. Far more enjoyable that way ! So the foundation is good, they might need to listen to the criticism more, but looking at the timeline, I think it was a bit of knee jerk reaction on everyone's part. I just happened along this thread due to the headline and noticing the date between the first post and the author giving up. It caught my attention. No conspiracy here, and I'd bet others posted for similar reasons. The Acorn has been a good experience for me, so it didn't make much sense to hear this story. I hope everyone can make up and move on and learn from it. I bet neither party wanted it to go this way, thats for sure.


  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Ray didn't get banned because he was pointing out problems, it was his attitude and accusatory manor.
    I wish Ray the best in whatever CNC project he has next, but I assure you that the Centroid folks are doing their best with the relatively new board on the market.

    Of course this is all my opinion, as well as it was Ray's opinion as to "why".


  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Considering the Centroid Acorn?

    Quote Originally Posted by SCzEngrgGroup View Post
    Thanks. I wasn't referring to you, but to several of the others.

    One just created his account today, just to make his post in this thread.
    Another has been a member since '14, but made his first-ever post today, in this thread.
    Another joined last year, but just made only his third post ever, in this thread.
    Another joined last year, and made only his fourth post ever, in this thread.
    Another, a long-time member, with lots of posts, but never before in this forum.

    Several of them criticizing, me, even though I very much doubt ANY of them actually saw the thread in the Centroid forum. I've been here over 10 years, and never once seen any of their names before on any of the many forums I frequent. How would they even know this thread exists unless someone pointed them to it?

    Tell me that doesn't sound like someone (cnckeith from Centroid?) sending in his friends, or perhaps doing it himself using pseudonyms "John Barron", anyone)? Not hard to believe, considering he felt it necessary to send me a final insulting e-mail last night after he closed my account and deleted the thread on the Centroid forum - perhaps so his management would not see HIS behavior in that thread?

    Ray L.

    Well Centroid did not send me here. Im on here over 10 years .Since I like to play with CNC machines in my free time, I did follow your post on the acorn forums. What did I get out of your posts? Not really much, a laugh that you seemed to want it all at your fingertips and cry when it is not there. Time to grow up. Yes I have a few Centroid boards, quite a few Mach 3 and 4, A few Masso boards, LinuxCNC , Win CNC. When it don't go right I step back and read again, watch a few videos, go to the forums and ask questions (NO GO AND DEMAND ANSWERS). Ray I don't know you, and in 10 years I only know 1 person on here really good. I mostly read and not post. That's my thought on it anyway. Like it or not I don't care.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I have enjoyed my set up and use of the Acorn.
    It was and is a little different than what I was used to but that was to be expected.
    The interface does seem much more professional than M3.
    I too have had an issue or two with the documentation.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    A lazy man does it twice.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Just a little note to say that when I read this thread, I almost decided to not buy an acorn. I did go through most of the systems available, and most seemed to be home-built units with a questionable amount of experience or expertise on the part of the designers. After eliminating the toys from the list, the acorn was still a strong contender with this and a few other negative reviews the major point of concern. In my case, I already had servo motors, so it appeared to be well suited. I'll see what I think when the unit arrives this week...

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Cool Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    You will love it when you get done hooking it up. I have AC servos and it works flawlessly. I just love how it never does anything unexpectedly a very stable software load. They continue to make more changes for the router group, so the Acorn crowd is growing.

    Quote Originally Posted by hackish View Post
    Just a little note to say that when I read this thread, I almost decided to not buy an acorn. I did go through most of the systems available, and most seemed to be home-built units with a questionable amount of experience or expertise on the part of the designers. After eliminating the toys from the list, the acorn was still a strong contender with this and a few other negative reviews the major point of concern. In my case, I already had servo motors, so it appeared to be well suited. I'll see what I think when the unit arrives this week...

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I’m very happy with my Acorn conversion. Centroid was very responsive to the questions I had on the forum. Ironically I’m buying a Novakon Torus Pro and will be converting it to Acorn when I get it. CNC12 is amazing. Stable, reliable, predictable, consistent. Acorn is excellent.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I too am happy that I took the plunge and ordered the Acorn. I can see now that it is superior in many ways to other solutions on the market.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Not happy at all with centroid.
    Before buying I ask some technical detail and after few emails, no more replays.
    Another important detail, very careful with your software needs !!!
    Many basic functions in other solution it is extra in centroid +$$.
    Read all small letters to don't cry later.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Quote Originally Posted by ciufuliciboy View Post
    Another important detail, very careful with your software needs !!!
    Many basic functions in other solution it is extra in centroid +$$.
    I wonder if you could give some examples? I haven't found anything that requires extra $$$ yet. It's very clear that their software has different levels (free, pro etc)

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Quote Originally Posted by ciufuliciboy View Post
    Not happy at all with centroid.
    Before buying I ask some technical detail and after few emails, no more replays.
    Another important detail, very careful with your software needs !!!
    Many basic functions in other solution it is extra in centroid +$$.
    Read all small letters to don't cry later.
    You don't cite examples or your experience. You could have posted here or to the Centroid User forums to hear from others USING the hardware and software: Centroid Acorn CNC Controller - Centroid Community CNC Support Forum

    Centroid Acorn and CNC 12 is more solid than Mach3. Hardware and software from the same manufacturer. The free software that comes with it is very functional. You need to determine your needs and whether or not you need to upgrade.

    Besides, do the math, what does the Mach license cost, how much are you going to spend on hardware from another company, and then try to integrate it?
    Centroid is not new, they have been in the business for over 30 years and are actively improving the hardware and software.

    That said, Mach and other software packages are fine for many folks, Centroid is just another choice for DIY and OEMs.
    My .02 FWIW.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_Escarcega View Post
    You don't cite examples or your experience. You could have posted here or to the Centroid User forums to hear from others USING the hardware and software: Centroid Acorn CNC Controller - Centroid Community CNC Support Forum

    Centroid Acorn and CNC 12 is more solid than Mach3. Hardware and software from the same manufacturer. The free software that comes with it is very functional. You need to determine your needs and whether or not you need to upgrade.

    Besides, do the math, what does the Mach license cost, how much are you going to spend on hardware from another company, and then try to integrate it?
    Centroid is not new, they have been in the business for over 30 years and are actively improving the hardware and software.

    That said, Mach and other software packages are fine for many folks, Centroid is just another choice for DIY and OEMs.
    My .02 FWIW.
    It is my short experience with centroid.
    After few questions about my servo connection to centroid , few blurred replays and silence from support.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    I spent no more on my Centroid conversion than I would have spent on UCCNC. The free, forum based support has been all I needed. I like that the manufacturer offers paid support as an option.

    The stability and feature set are without a comparison at the price point.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: My Experience with Centroid Acorn

    you guys a beating a dead horse they lost out UCCNC won

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

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