Hope the DWG is not to fuzzy..... But I think im understanding. Basically P5 connected to FWD will go on or off with mach3 commands as long as we have Mach3 I/O's set up right. Mach must tell G540 when to close the circuit, like an M3.... So Mach3 needs to be told to listen for an M3 to go High or Low with an "Enabled P17 Output" for its P5 counterpart to correspond in kind.....

My brain is digesting this....... hopefully correctly!? lol.... Tell me if im wrong, can you see my fuzzy attachment?

With this config I now see 10Vdc +/- 1 Vdc on P7 of G540, but something is still not right... I really think its my Mach settings as I am becoming more confident in my understanding of the wiring between VFD and G540 for spindle control.