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Thread: haas vf3

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    haas vf3

    i´m stucked
    someone who can guide me
    My machine presents alarm by low and high voltage at the same time in the spindle
    check motor, wiring and pcb's all good´s
    i check the vector drive component by component and everything seems fine
    could what be happening?
    someone who can help me with this
    any one helpme, thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: haas vf3

    Which number alarms?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: haas vf3

    These are the alarms that present machine:

    123 SPINDLE DRIVE FAULT Failure of spindle drive, motor or regen load. This can be caused by a shorted motor,
    overvoltage, overcurrent, under-voltage, failure of drive or shorted or open regen load. Under-voltage and overvoltage
    of DC bus are also reported as alarms 160 and 119, respectively

    160 LOW VOLTAGE The line voltage to control is too low. This alarm occurs when the AC line voltage drops more
    than 10% below nominal.

    177 OVERVOLTAGE SHUTDOWN An overvoltage condition persisted longer than the interval specified by parameter
    296 and caused an automatic shutdown.

    checking motor ok, pcb connections ok and vector drive ok of everything measurable
    I can not find the fault

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: haas vf3

    problem solved
    sub-source commuted vector drive with damage
    it was necessary to review element by element
    and be testing by energizing the control card
    it was necessary to change some components
    as I went over it until it worked

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: haas vf3

    Que quiere decir por "sub-source commuted" ? Tuvo que cambiar partes del vector drive or otros?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: haas vf3

    asi es al revisar la unidad vectorial trae una fuente conmutada que que al revisar es la provoca el alto voltaje al tener fallas esta te da un mal buss y no obtienes la salida de voltaje correcto o presencia de voltaje cuando no deveria estar, lo que provoca la alarma 123 falla en drive de husillo y por primera impresion crees que el motor esta en problemas o las conexiones de tu pcb de control.
    Me llevo varios dias el revisar elemento por elemento y estar haciendo pruebas hasta detectar que un circuito de 6 puntas no media correcto y un diodo dejo de funcionar al cambio de estos se energizo correcto el vector con mediciones normales dando por bueno la reparacion.
    Hoy es el cuarto dia trabajando correctamente y tres dias atras a razon de 24 horas sin problemas.
    Me quito el sueño por varios dias pero logre mi objetivo de ponerlo en funcionamiento.

    Un saludo erikfriesen

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