I loaded 2.02 this afternoon. I was checking out the feeds and speeds mentioned in this thread, and the software completely locked up. I could not get anything to work to free it up so I had to hard reboot. After that it seemed to work fine and I did not duplicate the issue again but did not really try to as I was checking out several of the new things in this release.

The conversational feeds and speeds for the mill only had Aluminum and plastic as main selections, with sub-selections for 6061, 2024, etc. for aluminum, and ABS, HDPE, delrin, etc. for plastic. It looked like they only provide a single feed and speed for any aluminum selection and one for any plastic selection at this time. I did not see a mention of "if" or how the user can update the tables in the release notes. If not, then Tormach must plan to expand that in a future update.