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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Wireless Probe for Haas TM

    I'm in the process of shopping for a used Haas TM1 or TM2 and because of budget restrictions I will be looking for a machine in the 2001 to 2004 range.

    So with that in mind I want to make sure the machine will be compatible with some of the current technology such as a Wireless Probe.

    So a couple of questions:

    Question 1:

    One of the probes I was looking at said it needs version 14.* software.
    Do all Haas machines use the same firmware/software but just different versions depending on year of manufacture?
    The reason I ask is I tried to find info on the Haas site showing a software version history but wasn't able to find anything.

    So with all of that in mind another question would be are models manufactured in the 2001 to 2004 range able to be updated to current software ?

    Aprx Cost?

    I'm familiar with firmware updates on other equipment, so Is it possible to do the software update myself, or does it require a Haas tech?

    Any other insight on this would be appreciated.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Wireless Probe for Haas TM

    Youre going to need a Maincon upgrade. Looking at around 12K alone for parts, then tack on labor for the tech to install. I had this done on a 98 vf2 and an 04 vf3 last year.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Wireless Probe for Haas TM

    Thanks Much for the info.... It looks like in the long run it may be more cost effective to spend the money upfront to get a newer model.

    I wonder about what year they started putting the newer updated Maincon on the machines?



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Wireless Probe for Haas TM

    Quote Originally Posted by kentdesautel13 View Post
    One of the probes I was looking at said it needs version 14.* software.
    Do all Haas machines use the same firmware/software but just different versions depending on year of manufacture?
    The reason I ask is I tried to find info on the Haas site showing a software version history but wasn't able to find anything.

    So with all of that in mind another question would be are models manufactured in the 2001 to 2004 range able to be updated to current software ?
    I couldn't say what year Haas went to version 14 software, but it was a while ago. The easiest thing to do would be to check it on any machine you are interested in. It's listed in the parameters page.

    No, you couldn't upgrade to current software, as they made a hardware change a couple years back, and the systems are not compatible. You could get newer software, but check with your local HFO for how far you can upgrade without changing any parts. If the machine works fine, though, I wouldn't mess with it.
    My blog: http://www.fletch1.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: Wireless Probe for Haas TM

    Often a machine can be upgraded to a slightly newer software (as in, like a couple years newer, but usually no more modern than that) however it varies wildly depending on the exact hardware installed in the machine. There isn't much way to know ahead of time unless you can supply the exact date of the machine, then the HFO can assist.

    Updating the software carries some risks though. Like Fletch said above, many technicians will tell you that it's best to leave a machine alone unless there's a *specific* reason to update it. The controller's memory is complex, there are many layers which interact with one-another. In practicality, an updated machine may require some tweaking to restore 100% functionality even after the update is complete and the machine seems to be working. The reason for this is because the newer software will have added parameters that may be trying to control pieces of hardware that isn't physically installed in the older machine, or it could point to hardware that has been updated. Just as a quick example, I had to update one of my 2012 mills recently then was stricken with transformer alarms. It took a while before we could track down the parameters responsible for it (admittedly an easy fix).

    Anyway, a newer machine would certainly bring benefits, don't despair too much in your search. I agree that a machine capable of running the WIPS system would be drastically preferable compared to an older machine. You can still add probing to the pre-WIPS machines, but it's less plug-and-play, and the control will never have the nice user interface that writes probe cycles for you (instead you will need to type them manually)..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Wireless Probe for Haas TM

    1. You dont need a maincon to make the WIPS work. The machine only need to have a Coldfire processor. 2. Coldfires came out around 2003 maybe 04, so you will most likely have a CF processor but you still need to check the machine manually. 3. To know if it has a CF processor for sure without seeing the machine in person, make sure it has a LCD display. 4. Some people will tell you, including Haas that you have to have the big LCD monitor to run WIPS, not the small first series one. BS - I have converted machines older than that to WIPS machines.

    So, in summary, look for the following: LCD display, 13.5 or better software (M14 can be put on a M13 machine if there is a CF) and a CF processor. If it has these, all the other boards will be able to handle a WIPS system.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Wireless Probe for Haas TM

    If the machine has a skip input (as far as I know every Haas does) and you have macros enabled (just costs $ for the code) you can have a probe. Some of the older machines didn't have enough memory to load all the macros to use Renishaw easyset but you could write your own or even pick and choose what to use. There are even several other there that wrote their own such as the one the user "Probe" did. If its any consolation I have a full wisp system including tool setter running on a 1995 (brushed) VF-2 running version 8 software.

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