Quote Originally Posted by Goemon View Post
I think that the higher entry price eliminates the hobby market though (I don't know how large that was anyway).
I guess its not real large market but I see and know people with some AMAZING hobbies. For me the cost of support tooling was equal or more then the cnc machines and still adding up. I just replaced my air compressor with a large full duty cycle unit. Needed to retire the small one to portable needs before it burned up and burned my shop down.

edit: I keep forgetting that just a few years ago the cost for a decent cad and cam solution was between 3k$ and 10k$ and now more or less free entry. Recently I had to change cad software to something that could be maintained long term. I can now draw models in hours if not minutes that took days or weeks to draw before. I enjoy this upgrade a lot . keeps me out in the shop more.