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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Spindles / VFD > Huanyang Motor Overload
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Huanyang Motor Overload

    Hello, I have trouble with error EoAn in my Huanyang vfd. According to the error codes this should be due to Motor Overlad at normal operation speed.

    It have started to happen quite often even when i'm doing low load cuts. If I just turn the spindle on and let it spin without any material I dont get the error. Have anyone any experience or knowlede what to do with this?

    edit: Seems like it also stops randomly without any error. Could it be noise on the control signal to the VFD? Could that also give an overload error?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Huanyang Motor Overload

    Quote Originally Posted by PotatoMill View Post
    Hello, I have trouble with error EoAn in my Huanyang vfd. According to the error codes this should be due to Motor Overlad at normal operation speed.

    It have started to happen quite often even when i'm doing low load cuts. If I just turn the spindle on and let it spin without any material I dont get the error. Have anyone any experience or knowlede what to do with this?

    edit: Seems like it also stops randomly without any error. Could it be noise on the control signal to the VFD? Could that also give an overload error?
    What motor or spindle are you using and how do you have your Parameters set

    Sounds like a Parameter or wiring problem

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Huanyang Motor Overload

    I use a 2.2Kw water cooled Chinese spindle.
    I actually used your list for parameters last time I set the parameters.

    PD000=0 for Parameter unlock ( 1 ) for Parameter Lock
    PD001=0 (1 For Remote Control)
    PD011=120 (Minimum Setting 120) This can be set at 100 But 120 is a safer number to use with this VFD
    PD13= 08 is for Factory reset, Only use this to set VFD to Factory Default Settings
    PD014 Accel=12 ( Adjust to suit)
    PD015 Deccl=12 (Adjust to suit) ( PD15 is ignored IF PD26=1 Then the Spindle will Coast to a Stop)
    PD141=220 ( Motor Rated Voltage )
    PD142=9 ( Motor Max Amps) (Set for your motor Amp Rating 2.2Kw Spindle 9 amp Max)
    (Set for your motor Amp Rating 1.5Kw Spindle 7 amp Max)
    PD143=2 ( Motor Number of Poles)
    PD144=3000 (Max Motor RPM) =3,000= (24,000)

    The only difference is that I use remote controlled start and stopp PD001=1 but not remote controlled speed control PD002=0 due to inconsistent speed.

    Since I have messed around with the settings before it could be some other parameters I have set without remembering other places. I can try to do a factory reset and only set the parameters in the list and se if it changes anything.

    Just tried turning off the remote control for the start and stop signal for the VFD. Afterwards I manage to do a long run without any stops. Ill do some more testing and see if the problem re appears.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Huanyang Motor Overload

    Quote Originally Posted by PotatoMill View Post
    I use a 2.2Kw water cooled Chinese spindle.
    I actually used your list for parameters last time I set the parameters.

    PD000=0 for Parameter unlock ( 1 ) for Parameter Lock
    PD001=0 (1 For Remote Control)
    PD011=120 (Minimum Setting 120) This can be set at 100 But 120 is a safer number to use with this VFD
    PD13= 08 is for Factory reset, Only use this to set VFD to Factory Default Settings
    PD014 Accel=12 ( Adjust to suit)
    PD015 Deccl=12 (Adjust to suit) ( PD15 is ignored IF PD26=1 Then the Spindle will Coast to a Stop)
    PD141=220 ( Motor Rated Voltage )
    PD142=9 ( Motor Max Amps) (Set for your motor Amp Rating 2.2Kw Spindle 9 amp Max)
    (Set for your motor Amp Rating 1.5Kw Spindle 7 amp Max)
    PD143=2 ( Motor Number of Poles)
    PD144=3000 (Max Motor RPM) =3,000= (24,000)

    The only difference is that I use remote controlled start and stopp PD001=1 but not remote controlled speed control PD002=0 due to inconsistent speed.

    Since I have messed around with the settings before it could be some other parameters I have set without remembering other places. I can try to do a factory reset and only set the parameters in the list and se if it changes anything.

    Just tried turning off the remote control for the start and stop signal for the VFD. Afterwards I manage to do a long run without any stops. Ill do some more testing and see if the problem re appears.
    Then check that the spindle Ground Pin 4 has continuity to the spindle body, Just remove the plug, most don't and this needs to be fixed if it is not connected, blow the water out before you remove the top if you have to

    Show some photos of your wiring this can help to see if there are any problems also

    If you where not using shielded cables for the speed control and on / off then this can cause problems like this also

    Inconsistent speed could be from wiring not being correct

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