Quote Originally Posted by smegger View Post
My first post here. I've been programming at my new job for two months now, and went away on training but no matter how much I use it, I can't warm up to it. I started with MasterCAM, then Gibbs, but EdgeCAM takes the cake for works CAM software I've ever had the misfortune of using.

If any of you are professional programmers, here is what you'll have to look forward to on the 3 axis package. I realize I'm using the default post but my local reseller hasn't been willing to help me set up a post for my machine.

- Very annoying to draw wireframe/geometry especially arcs
- Cannot extend a line once it is drawn
- Cannot pick a drawn point for where a hole center is located
o Often cannot select drawn geometry for a tool to follow (“Entity not found”)
- Sometimes an error regarding file saving might pop up and if it does, all functions within Edgecam are impossible. Clicking will not result in anything, and the program must be shut down from the task manager
- “Internal errors” with no possibility of troubleshooting; functions are aborted with no explanation
- On the default vertical mill post, some feed rates default to 950 IPM for no reason at all
o As well, this post ignores fixed axes for tool changes (moves all 3 home no matter what)
o Move tool home doesn’t generate a G28 Z0, it just moves Z to ~24”
- Green dots appear all over the part in the stock layer when stock is updated. These serve absolutely no purpose to the user and get in the way of selecting geometry
- Cannot change direction/angle of cuts on face mill or parallel lace
- Selected geometry on many cycles cannot be changed after the fact and must be deleted if any changes wish to be made
- Any changes made to the appearance (hiding of toolpaths, machine, fixtures, tools, etc.) will be undone when the file is closed
- When using “reload solid,” sometimes the new one will not line up, and if you try to move it, you will not be able to because it says, “cycles need to be regenerated” no matter what
o You will be prompted to reselect geometry but they cycle in question is not specified, so you are left to select geometry blindly
- When using the “edge loop” feature (similar to curve edges in MasterCAM), non-connecting edges will require you to use edge loop once for each segment that is not attached
- Sometimes when toolpaths are made not visible, they cannot be turned back on
- When browsing files, you can’t type the directory, it’s only drop-down menus
- When defining a tool, max spindle speed is ignored and changes anything above 10,000 to 9999 RPM
1. use the arc dialog command, it's fairly straight forward
2. Extend a line by using Trim first, because in order to extend a line you need something to extend to.
3. Hover over the drawn point and press F to retain it.
4. Right click and make sure intellisnap is turned on.
5. Is normally a file location/ network problem. If it's freezing, activate a PCI and it normally unfreezes it.
6. Internal errors are to do with incorrect selections within cycles. (asking it to do something that can't be done e.g. milling past the depth of a blind pocket)
7. sounds like your post is set for hi feeds at rapids.
8. When selecting move to tool change, lock the x and y. (to make it modal, right click the modifier and select customize)
9. in the code wizard, go to rapid to toolchange and insert G91 G28 Z0.0
10. The green dots you see are the points of the stl stock model. Try shading the stock.
11. yes you can. Alter the angular modifier and the left/right options.
12. course it can, either clear out what's already selected with the reset all picks or just press the reselect within the cycle
13. This is because your template is set to show all these features in the first place. Saving should sort it out.
14. If the solid has been modified on your alignment faces, it can't line up. You can still align it using the initial alignment command. Click the auto regen button to off.
15. In preferences select highlight instructions and they will go yellow when the regen stops.
16. Try using profile from edges instead of loops, if the model is of poor quality, use geometry from edges to create a 2d wireframe.
17. Right click the tool and press display layer, or press stop on the simulation if display all set ups has been turned off
18. seems fine to me
19. this is because you have 9999 set in your post and have use max rpm from code generator active..

20...Either, Stay away from cam systems or Invest in some training and Learn to use the software before you condemn it, as you'll find it can cope with any job you throw at it if you know what you're doing.