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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > CamBam > Odd things happen to my G-Code
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  1. #1

    Odd things happen to my G-Code

    OK - I'm not even sure where to begin. I've had my CNC for several years, but really haven't used it much. It was broke down for a while and I did some upgrades last year, I guess I got frustrated and walked away from it until today. So, I did a couple of simple drawings and exported G-Code to open in Mach3. I opened the files and all I got was a ton of ovals, seriously like 30. I'm not sure I have my Ports & Pins configured correctly or something. I've been tinkering with it, but can't get it figured out. Three different files all exported as a bunch of ovals. I recently replaced a microstepper and changed to ethernet communication. I also think my files aren't scaling out correctly, I thing the Y axis is stretching the files. Anyone ever heard of this? What can I do to get back up and running? Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    I can startup your machine completely

    where are you located ?

    how can I contact you ?


  3. #3

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    Quote Originally Posted by mattcnc123 View Post
    I can startup your machine completely

    where are you located ?

    how can I contact you ?

    Hi Matt, thank you for the reply! I'm in Venice FL, My Email is [email protected] - I look forward to hearing from you an seeing if we can figure this out. Thank you again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    The ovals (circles) are due to the wrong IJ mode?

    Do you possibly have a scale factor set for one axis in Mach3?

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    Quote Originally Posted by originalsigns View Post
    OK - I'm not even sure where to begin. I've had my CNC for several years, but really haven't used it much. It was broke down for a while and I did some upgrades last year, I guess I got frustrated and walked away from it until today. So, I did a couple of simple drawings and exported G-Code to open in Mach3. I opened the files and all I got was a ton of ovals, seriously like 30. I'm not sure I have my Ports & Pins configured correctly or something. I've been tinkering with it, but can't get it figured out. Three different files all exported as a bunch of ovals. I recently replaced a microstepper and changed to ethernet communication. I also think my files aren't scaling out correctly, I thing the Y axis is stretching the files. Anyone ever heard of this? What can I do to get back up and running? Thank you!
    Most likely all you have to do is go to the General Config and change the IJ as Gerry has posted

  6. #6

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    Most likely all you have to do is go to the General Config and change the IJ as Gerry has posted
    Thank you for the advise! - I'm away from the shop, had a family emergency. I'll be able to try this out on Monday night. I don't know much about setting these things up, this is stuff I've never messed with. I know I've never even heard of the IJ or 90.1, but I'll sure dig around and give it a try. My machine was running well until I changed the microstepper controller, do you think that has something to do with why it's acting up? Someone had mentioned to me about the software registration might be faulty and the circles might be a security feature built into Mach3 tokeep me from running the G-Code. Has anyone ever heard of that? Anyway - Monday night Ishould be able to fiddle with the setup again, wish me luck, and thank you again!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    Some Mach3 wizards can change the IJ mode, as well as other g-code you might have ran.
    The controller has nothing to do with it.

    Someone had mentioned to me about the software registration might be faulty and the circles might be a security feature built into Mach3 tokeep me from running the G-Code. Has anyone ever heard of that
    No, it's the IJ mode.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    Quote Originally Posted by originalsigns View Post
    Thank you for the advise! - I'm away from the shop, had a family emergency. I'll be able to try this out on Monday night. I don't know much about setting these things up, this is stuff I've never messed with. I know I've never even heard of the IJ or 90.1, but I'll sure dig around and give it a try. My machine was running well until I changed the microstepper controller, do you think that has something to do with why it's acting up? Someone had mentioned to me about the software registration might be faulty and the circles might be a security feature built into Mach3 tokeep me from running the G-Code. Has anyone ever heard of that? Anyway - Monday night Ishould be able to fiddle with the setup again, wish me luck, and thank you again!
    There is no such thing for security It's amazing what people will say, Mach3 will run 500 lines of code without registration

    Can you Jog and Home the machine since you changed the controller

  9. #9

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    My machine can jog and responds fine to the keyboard. I just checked the IJ in the "Config"/"General Config" I changed the IJ setting and the crop circles are gone! I think there's still an issue of scale on the "Y" axis. I'm going to tinker with that tonight, any advise? thank you guys so much for all the help! Cheers!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    Quote Originally Posted by originalsigns View Post
    My machine can jog and responds fine to the keyboard. I just checked the IJ in the "Config"/"General Config" I changed the IJ setting and the crop circles are gone! I think there's still an issue of scale on the "Y" axis. I'm going to tinker with that tonight, any advise? thank you guys so much for all the help! Cheers!
    It may not be the scale, it could be the setup of the step/per have you set the steps/per, all axes will have to be changed setup if you have not done it before, you can do a rough check with a ruler to see if each axes moves the correct amount

    In MDI move 1 axes at a time Zero the readout before you start G1X2.0F12. the axes should move 2 inches if you are setup using metric than just use metric numbers G1X50F300.

    You need to fine tune the step/per to have any accurate machining there is a feature in Mach3 to help you with this you will find this on the Settings Page ( Alt 6 )

    Axes Calibration just above the RESET Button this is how and where you can calibrate the Steps Per inch or metric

  11. #11

    Re: Odd things happen to my G-Code

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    It may not be the scale, it could be the setup of the step/per have you set the steps/per, all axes will have to be changed setup if you have not done it before, you can do a rough check with a ruler to see if each axes moves the correct amount

    In MDI move 1 axes at a time Zero the readout before you start G1X2.0F12. the axes should move 2 inches if you are setup using metric than just use metric numbers G1X50F300.

    You need to fine tune the step/per to have any accurate machining there is a feature in Mach3 to help you with this you will find this on the Settings Page ( Alt 6 )

    Axes Calibration just above the RESET Button this is how and where you can calibrate the Steps Per inch or metric
    Thank you! I'll check this out this evening and hopefully be back to machining soon. I'm so excited about the circles being gone, that was such a headache. All this is pretty new to me, thank you for all the help.

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