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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Warner Swasey WSC-6 Fanuc 0t

    Hello everyone, Two weeks ago I purchased a Warner Swasey WSC-6, I believe the machine is a 1988. This machine has a Fanuc 0t, and I think it's a model A. It doesn't have the buttons on the screen.
    It had problems but I fixed them and the machine can run a program.

    Now the problem I am having is the Measure function on this controller appears broken. Let me explain, I had an 1982 Miyano BNC-34 with a Fanuc 3t controller. to set the tools you'd move the tool down to the stock, make your witness cut. move the machine back in Z only and measure your cut. Go to your tool offset page, select the tool and punch in MX1.5 then INPUT. Pretty much standard on all modern machines without a tool probe.

    Now back to the Fanuc 0tA, When I do the same thing on this lathe enter MX1.5 INPUT, all it does is enters -1.5 into the offset. It enters a negative number because the M key is the Negative key. Same thing happens to Z as well.
    When I try to do the Workshift in the same manner that works on every other Fanuc controller I've used. All it does if enters the number as above.

    I looked through the old programs that where stored in this lathe, And I found that each tool offset was programmed Into the program as G0 G90 G92 X7.503 Z4.302.
    I have never seen a modern CNC machine programmed this way. (FYI G92 takes place of G50 on this machine)
    Is there a fix to this? I assume that some Parameter was messed up in this machine and was never corrected. I have the Fanuc manuals, and a Service manual from warner swasey but nothing in that manual is helpful.

    Also, when you punch in G30 U0 W0 the machine moves to 2" away from X and Z home. I did find the parameter to change this 735 and 736. I tried using G28, but it would just try to plant the turret into the spindle.

    And lastly, there is no Tool Wear under the offsets. I've never seen a controller without them. If it possible the software on this machine is corrupted which is causing all these problems?

    I'm hoping this is something that I can fix on my own, sadly my experience with Fanuc controllers is very limited, especially the old ones.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Warner Swasey WSC-6 Fanuc 0t

    Alright, I did some digging on this today, Calling whomever I could. Turns out this is a Parameter Option. Quick google-fu and I was able to find out which parameter and settings to change. Now I have Tool Geometry and Wear. But I still have no Measure function as described above, Any thoughts anyone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Warner Swasey WSC-6 Fanuc 0t

    Ok, been doing more on this, the Measure function is Para# 0015 Bit 4=0. This turned on the tool measure function.
    Now after playing with the controller. The workshift will not activate.
    Example: I set all my tools in Z to the same point on the machine. Then using the measure function perform a workshift that works out to 3.069". the 3.069" gets entered into the Absolute Position under the position tab. So with my tool offset canceled and at the home position it reads Z 3.069. If i run the program from there it works just as excepted. But if I power the machine down, and start the machine back up. The workshift does not get calculated into the Absolute position. and if I zero out the workshift, it subtracts 3.069 form the current absolute position, so when i try the run the program, the machine overtravels cause Z is out of the machine travel now.

    Anyone have any Idea? It's been pretty quite around here.

  4. #4
    Hello i just bought WSC-6 ot-B control please help me i am suffering same problem

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