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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > HURCO > Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    I have read some post on the internet however i am a bit dense on electronic/electrics
    Could someone point me out how to trace the problem, please.
    I can check it but need guidance.

    Machine: HurcoVMX24s
    Control : Ultimax /Max4(not winmax)
    Year 2007

    Machine was power off for one week when
    today i power it on, but control shows no sign of activity.
    Completely dead. No lights nothing.
    I have replaced the small battery and no success.
    The CPU box shows lights and seems to be working.
    All the fans work and the servos apparently have power.
    The spindle chiller has no power also, and no light on the top beacon.

    links to a video and some photos below.






    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    Any beeps out of the CPU?
    Re-seat the CPU board.
    Try and gently put a twisting pressure on the heatsink on the CPU (very gentle) with it turned off. It may be the CPU needs to be removed from its socket and re-seated. If you do try this, you will need some heatsinking compound.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Hello Bloke, i was prying you would help. Many thanks
    Did not notice because of the fans noise.

    Will try your suggestion and also take the cpu board out and clean the contacts.Using the static whistle.
    I notice the back board has some red leads on, like it is shown on the video.
    Did try to connect to server (machine has ultinet) but was down.
    We have had bad weather last Sunday with thunders, but Shop was closed and Machine was power down.
    Will take more photos.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by bloke View Post
    Any beeps out of the CPU?
    Re-seat the CPU board.
    Try and gently put a twisting pressure on the heatsink on the CPU (very gentle) with it turned off. It may be the CPU needs to be removed from its socket and re-seated. If you do try this, you will need some heatsinking compound.
    Hello Blake

    The control seems to beep, with regularity. However it not very noticeble with the fans working. Like beep for little time and the pauses them beeps. Not those intermittent fast beeps.

    Remove the board totally and removed the CPU, however it came together with the eatsink. It was a pain in the A... to remove the CPU from the eatsink. A couple hours later the CPU is finely re-seated into the board with new thermal paste.
    The CPU board looks good visually apart from one capacitor that seems a bit rounder on the top compared to the others.

    Also removed the graphic card, there is one capacitor on this one who does look real bad.

    Can i use other card similar to this model? if yes whats the procedure?

    I have not re-seated the cards yet, maybe trying first to fix the capacitor on the card?

    Post a few photos...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Peak01.jpg   Peak02.jpg   GFCapacitor.jpg  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    Replacing burst capacitors on the CPU may sort a lot of problems. It’s normally the 5V capacitors that bulge- particularly the ones alongside the CPU.
    You could remove the capacitor on the CPU by gently pulling it offthe board and leaving the legs behind - make sure the remaining legs do not short circuit though. Replace it with an equivalent after testing with it out of circuit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    I was meant to replace the capacitor on the graphic Card not the PEAK CPU.
    That is why i was wondering if a similar (not necessary the same model)could be viable?

    Somehow i have a felling that the problem might be either the Processor pins not getting good contact
    or the graphic card.

    Can you share a guess number how much Hurco would charge for a video card like that?
    We do not really have Hurco service around here, just a representative from Takumi.
    The real agent it in Spain.
    There are very few hurco machines here.

    I just love my machine, but this its killing me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    I have just re-seated both the peak card and the graphic card with no success.
    I have cleaned all the contacts, either on the boards and the slots with contact cleaner.
    The problem persists.
    I have not changed any capacitor.
    You think would be good to try a different processor?
    Also i notice that the back plate, has a couple red leds on and they are on by this sequence.

    Should i do/check something else?
    Thank you for your patiente, i realy do need some help here.
    Its the only machine i have.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    Take the graphics card out and leave it out. Plug the VGA cable into the VGA port on the CPU to see if you get any output.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Ok, will try that.
    I had disconnect the hdd hoping that if it was it at least would post some msg, but nope.
    I wasnt sure if i could leave the Graphic card out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Smile Thank Bloke, finally some hope...

    Graphic card out and screen already show some activity...
    But it is showing me the disk boot failure.
    Has it it something to do with the battery or did i connect the HDD the wrong way?
    I believe there is only one way to connect the HDD, but...
    Below are photos of the error and how i connected the hdd.
    Does Hurco sell this graphic card still?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20181203_123326.jpg   IMG_20181203_130846.jpg  

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    It could have lost the hard drive settings. Make sure it is set to manual and CHS
    Set it to 3303 cylinders
    16 heads
    65535 WPcomp
    0 LZone
    63 sectors

    Then change it from CHS to LBA to see if it boots.

    There are more settings to change but try these for now to see if it will move on...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by bloke View Post
    It could have lost the hard drive settings. Make sure it is set to manual and CHS
    Set it to 3303 cylinders
    16 heads
    65535 WPcomp
    0 LZone
    63 sectors

    Then change it from CHS to LBA to see if it boots.

    There are more settings to change but try these for now to see if it will move on...
    please forgive my ignorance...

    Once i power on machine what is the correct procedure to access cmos on this machine on the control?
    Its like a computer? Pressing F? on power on?

    Unfortunately at the moment the Hurco manuals i have are in German to the exception of the "Getting Started with Your VMX Machining Center" I found online.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    If you have a QWERTY keyboard attached, keep tapping the Delete key as it boots. The keyboard can be plugged into the purple socketon the CPU or if the cable is connected, into the back of the console.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Red face Got it to work

    Got it to work
    Many Thanks Bloke I owe you good.
    The HDD Settings were the correct ones. It booted up nicely.

    Here is a link to the machine doing the warm up.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    But now i got into a different problem.
    My previous WiFi connection to the machine via a WiFi router its not working.
    The ISA card gets recognized by the system.
    I can access the Network parameters function on the control
    Apparently there is connection. the card shows blinking leds. Can you interpret tihs blinking leads?
    I can connect to the router wifi , but cannot connect to the Machine.
    since i got home, i am wondering if there is also some function to activate the Ethernet card on CMOS.
    It was working perfectly before.

    Link to a video:


  16. #16
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    Nov 2018
    Maybe my router its not working correctly? I notice that the power button is flashing.
    But i can connect to him correctly.
    Tommorow i will bring the laptop and see if i can connect to the machine.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Angry This is so frustrating

    Driving everyday 100km to accomplish nothing gets very depressing.

    Unfortunately i could not get the network to work. It was working before flawlessly.

    All equipment is on the same subnet/ip range and still cannot connect. Tried to connect with laptop and nothing.

    Could it lose something in the BIOS? Need to configure some RQ settings in the BIOS? Since HDD was not recognized before i wonder.

    Please someone help. It seems i am Clueless here.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20181205_150208.jpg   IMG_20181205_150258.jpg   IMG_20181205_151102.jpg  

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    Hi, I’ve been working away for a couple of days but I’ll be back in the office tomorrow. If you PM me an email address, I’ll send the complete BIOS settings for your machine tomorrow. There are some that relate to IRQs that may stop the network card being seen.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Hello Bloke.
    I have pm you.
    If you did not received pls say so.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Hurco VMX24s/Control dead? Help please,please.

    Nothing yet...

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