Just because you don't believe doesn't make it not true.. Realtime on linux works very very well. I would go as far to say it works perfectly.

I have tested and loaded down a ton of linux/linuxcnc systems. No issues. I do use a few windows programs still - acad 12 and I have been dabbling in fusion... I run both in virtual machines. I have a XP vm and a 10 vm.

Both vm's running while linuxcnc was running. again - amazing.

Lots running...

Quote Originally Posted by OlfCNC View Post
I don't really beleive in Realtime on a so complex system as a computer. I think it is better to have it on a simpler device like a microcontroller or FPGA which will not hickup, the user cannot overload it like he can a computer.
And how do you run CAM softwares on Linux? Does AutoCAD, Fusion360, Vectric and so on can run on Linux? I like to design while machining and I don't think it's possible with Linux but maybe I'm wrong?!