Ahhhh the incredible way to save Thousands, Buy from China!!!! I'm up to my 6th Chinese Machine purchase over the past 4 Years, CNC ( 2 off ) Lasers ( 2 Off ) UV Printer ( 2 Off ) Both CNC's and Lasers and 1 UV Printer are still operating as of today. Would I recommend purchasing from China? Yes, but its always a Gamble. No Warranty, no matter what they have in writing. Do you think they will repair any Faults and send a Technician out to you? Maybe the really big Named Companies but then your paying Big Name Prices too for that service. My Worse Ever purchase was a UV Printer from WayPrinter in China. $8,000 worth and 3 months after landing it was moved outside with a plastic sheet over it for the past 3 years ready to load and take to the Dump but somehow my Wallet kept reminding me how much it cost me so its stayed there until finally I have someone who will take a look at it and try and get it working.
What went wrong?

Day#1 unpacking, the top of the Printer was broken ( welding was poorly done )
Day#2-4 Installing Software and running Test Prints I discovered all the Ink Lines would continue popping out and spraying ink over all the inside. Their Solution, use masking tape and Tape all Ink Tubes onto anything they should stay attached to. My Solution, buy a little Brass Fitting that prevents this happening.
Day#5-9 - Advancing the Print Bed 2mm below Print head I discovered the 4 Threaded Rods ran out of Thread and so I had to wait for a Video on pulling the machine down and manually wind each Rod down back onto the thread. Took about an hour but like with all there correspondence ( after Payment ) you may need to keep emailing them until they reply. This Fault ( their Fault ) happened around 3 times until I screwed a piece of MDF onto the Tray so it couldn't ever happen again.
Day 11 - Found a piece of Metal on the bench under the printer. Turned out to be part of a Bearing, NOT an easy job, had to call in a Welder to Cut the Framework Steel, remove the old broken Bearing and then replace and weld up the Frame hoping everything was still square. There response to their 2 year Warranty, send the Printer Back and $1500 and they would replace the Bearings.
After they login to my computer they couldn't get the Printer to print and then they just stop responding to any email, even emailing other staff members I never received any response.

The Next one I bought from Hong Kong which went 100% Smoother ( oh if you don't count the AFP ( Australian Federal Police ) Banging down the door one early morning. Seems the Company felt generous and gave me 1 litre of UV ink Cleaner which over here in Australia is called our "Date Rape" Drug and 1 litre is equal to LIFE in IMPRISONMENT. So an hour of recorded statements, forwarding all my emails to and from the company I was cleared 3 weeks later and told I was going to Live a Jail Free Life. I was even in Hong Kong the same year so it didn't look good for me, until they saw none of my emails ever mentioned the work CLEANER and without that I would have been facing Court to plead my innocence. The last question they asked me ( The AFP ) was did I have any questions and the only think I could think of "When do I get my Ink?" they responded that because it was part of a possible Drug Bust the Cleaner and all other items ( $600 worth of Inks ) would be destroyed. Lucky ( again ) for me the Lady Federal Agent saw my concern of ordering another $600 worth of Ink so she personally delivered everything ( Except the Cleaner ) to me the next day. Both were VERY Nice towards me, even spooky cause the next day 45min away in Costco this guy walks up to me and asks "Hows your Printer Going?" and it was the Male Federal Agent on his day off lol

The Hong Kong Company didn't react to the seizure and said they do that to any Australian company that buy their inks, So now I just email the order with "NO CLEANER" :-) Also made me more aware of importing any Powders ( Especially White ) or Liquids unless I know 110% what the material is.

The odds of all the above happening? VERY RARE, but I'm always the one that get Breathtested ( Never Drink ), always the one the Body scan at the airport goes off, and they love me for manual drug swabs ( Never taken Drugs ) so unless your like me GO For IT lol