Quote Originally Posted by ger21 View Post
If I had to guess, I would say that no, it won't work.

And I just looked at the manual, and it doesn't look like you can slave/unslave through macros.
Did you see the other idea I had? Was thinking maybe I can bring in another axis, C, slave it to Z. This c axis will be pinned out to nothing, unused pin. When doing the XZ swap, I will also do a BC swap. C will then take the pin out of B and become active along with z movements, which are now moving horizontally. At this point the b axis will take the old pin out of C (pinned out to nothing). So after the dual swap, x is moving vertical with a disabled slave b (pin out to nothing) and z is moving horizontal with slave C (now pinned out to horizontal slave motor) . Does that make sense? Or am I not thinking this through properly?