I Hope they can sort it out for you, otherwise it pushes you a bit to install linear rails... I have seen a few guys get gibs made but I'm not sure if there are people who can do that locally for you

Thanks for sharing your build, I am watching on with interest, I'm looking at converting a machine in the next 6-8 months. I also want to step it up as you have and get the machine under CNC then move forward from there. I've heard DMM 750w servos direct drive are a good match for a machine of this size/type.

Which controller are you planning to use? I searched for SZGH but found a 3 axis grinding controller, the SZGH 990.

I use a hobby CNC router with Mesa 5i25 and Gecko G540 under LinuxCNC, and find it very powerful and reliable, but a bit more work to set up. I think I will go LinuxCNC on my build.

Keep sharing your progress!