hello zedodia unfortunately, i can't help with such specifics, because i don't know that control/machine, etc; maybe you should ask such particularities inside the fanuc forum : https://www.cnczone.com/forums/fanuc/

also, so far, the fattest soubroutine that i made was using 30-40 variables, but most of them were declared inside the soubroutine, and only a few of them ( maybe 5 ? ) were passed through layered macros; something like this :

    main program
    call soub lv01 = v1 lv02 = v2 lv03 = v3 lv04 = v4 lv05 = v5

    lv06 = 06
    lv07 = 07
    lv08 = 08
    // bla bla bla :)
    lv34 = 34
    lv35 = 35

    // at this point, it does not matter that lvo1-lv05 are passed through layers, and that lv06-lv35 are not passed
    // all what maters is that all required variables are initialized; does not matter how :)

    // do something with variables lv01, lv02, .., lv35

when you use a certain amount of variables, like more then 10, 20, etc, code complexity increases, and, even if it works, you may hit into a case where you may realize that you lose too much time with configuring the input data, because there are too many values ... i am not saying that one should give up, but, i am saying that there are methods to deliver faster initializations for complex parametric codes, like using presetting programs, or pc software / kindly