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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Question Passing arguments through layered macros

    Exploring the NCT Faunc based controller we have now and im trying to get my head around macros. I understand how they work and how to pass an argument though. However while it is probably not something I will use (ever if not often), im interested to know.

    When calling a macro from the main program, we use G65 <insert subprogram> and pass arguments through with a letter to correspond to a local variable. You can then call a macro from within the first macro using the same procedure - and so on and so on, layering macro within macro (does anyone do this).
    My question is how do you pass an argument from the main program to each layer of macro? Or can it only be done from the layer above calling the macro?

    Quick example.
    G0 X0 Y0 Z0
    G1 X100 Y100 Z0
    G65 <MACRO1> A20 <----A20 MAKES LOCAL VARIABLE #1=20
    G0 X0 Y0

    G1 Z#1
    G1 Z0

    G1 Z#2
    G1 Z0

    G1 Z#3
    G1 Z0

    One idea i had, though its not really calling the variable and rather passing the argument which sorta defeats the purpose is:

    G0 X0 Y0 Z0
    G1 X100 Y100 Z0
    G65 <MACRO1> A20 <----A20 MAKES LOCAL VARIABLE #1=20
    G0 X0 Y0

    G1 Z#1
    G1 Z0
    G65 <MACRO2> B#100

    G1 Z#2
    G1 Z0
    G65 <MACRO3> C#101

    G1 Z#3
    G1 Z0

    in which case you may aswell not pass the argument and rather just use global variables.

    Any thoughts or ideas? or can it simply not be done?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    hello zelodia i don't know exactly how things are for your machine, i don't have great experience with fanuc, but i can share a few things, hoping to help you

    fastest performing codes are those with linear arhitecture, thus no conditions, no formulas, only coordinates + GM codes; a linear arhitecture requires less processing time from the controller

    codes with non-linear arhitecture perform a bit slower, and require more processing time from the controller; depending on controller, there may be some functions available to speed up the processing time, so to have a non-linear code that perform almost as fast as a linear code

    a code with soubroutines is a non-linear code, and each soubroutine represents a nesting level; in other words, each individual soubroutine is a linear code only at a specific nesting level

    passing arguments to a soubroutine can be done using common and/or local variables; there may be also system variables, system local variables, reserved locals, extended adress chars, custom arrays, bytes arrays, file read/write, but this is less common ...

    generally speaking, common variables have global behaviour, while local variables have only local behaviour :
    .., a global variable can be used regardless of nesting level
    ... a local variable may be used :
    ...... only inside current nesting level
    ...... only inside current nesting level + deeper nesting levels, thus it may act as a "global" variable, starting from the nesting level where it was created; for example, if you use a program that calls soubroutine 1, and inside soubroutine 1 you create a local variable and also call another soubroutine, then that local variable may be available also inside the 2nd soubroutine, because it was created at a superior nesting level

    such behaviours are very control specific, so you have to be sure about how your controller handles such situations

    some controllers use more then a single set of local variables :
    ... set 1 ( eq #100-#200 ) may be volatile, thus it's content is no longer available after cnc reset and/or cnc power cycle ( on / off )
    ... set 2 ( eq #500-#600 ) may not be volatile, thus it's content is recorded, so not to lose it in case of reset and/or power cycle
    ... set 3 may be a limited set, designed for passing parameters to a soubroutine ( A #1 , B # 2, etc )

    machines with dual spindles, may have each set specific to each spindle, for example, there may be set 1 for spindle 1, and another set 1 for spindle 2, thus, you may use #100 inside code for spindle 1, and another #100 inside code for spindle 2

    some controllers use a 'nil / empty' state, so to show that a variable had not been initialized yet

    it may be possible to check if a local variable had been initialized or not, allowing one to create soubroutines with overload content; this is a high-specific technique

    it may seem a bit confusing, i don't know, i tried to explain it as simple as possible, but, once you master them, you may be able to create stable&versatile parametric soubroutines, that will help you deliver better codes / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    I think the best and easiest way is by writing the vars to a file.
    Adding some datestamp and sanity checking, and one has a very robust system.

    Endless details abound like checking for the name/existence of the file, ability to create it, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    I think the best and easiest way is by writing the vars to a file.
    hello hanermo, the cnc operates at the flash memory level; when you use a print/read function, you target a device <> flash, and downtime will appear / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    Maybe some cnc do.
    Haas does not.
    I think almost all cnc do not.

    Any programmer can code the vars to load on macro startup, and to update as needed to file.
    It is silly to use direct variables from a file vs a trivial programming effort.

    Quote Originally Posted by deadlykitten View Post
    hello hanermo, the cnc operates at the flash memory level; when you use a print/read function, you target a device <> flash, and downtime will appear / kindly

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    hi hanermo, some downtimes are small, hard to percept ... this makes it hard to guess that something happens; if the frequency is increased, then the downtime may start to be perceptable

    to quantify this behaviour, then is needed to record the duration of the process, and this requires an implemented stop watch inside the controller; the higher the resolution, the better

    and to update as needed to file
    if initializations are done inside the program, then is no more needed to write the values to a file; of course, there are values ( log data ) that can not be initializated inside the program, and in this case it may be ok to store them inside a file / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    hello again zedodia, i have been thinking : in your post, you have a code with 3 ( or 4 ) nesting levels ( 0 main 1 macro1 2 macro2 3 macro3 ), and you wish to send, from the main nesting level, a variable to every other nesting levels

    if i may, what do you wish to achieve ?

    passing variables through nesting levels is commonly used in next situations; target soubroutine is :
    ... designed for cutting, and operations is :
    ...... simple, so is more convinient to initialize the variables inside the main program
    ...... complex, thus there are many parameters involved, but some of them may be initialized inside the main program
    ... not designed for cuting, thus it is a general resource

    i asked about your purpose. because you may need a pre-setting program; such programs store all those variables that are needed, but with different values, so to help toogling between iterations pretty fast, only by 2-3 keystrokes ( program select + run ), and not by direct program editing / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    Thanks Deadlykitten for the long winded answer. I am very aware how to code and how linear progs are more processing power efficient than parametric etc, and how variables are used .. I am merely asking if anyone know how to pass arguments thought multiple layers or if anyone does it. As stated it is not something i would ever use (i think), and just interested to know how it can be done.
    The prog supplied was purely for an example cause im not going to post a massive code that will take ages to read.
    Essentially if a have a program that cuts a square, and a macro to cut a smaller square within, at first layer of macro called i know i can pass arguments to define (what ever i want) the size of the sqaure and the position for example. however if i was to call a macro from within the macro to make another smaller sqaure, how do i pass the argument to the second layer to define its size and location (using the same example). What im getting at is the idea of using macros is so you dont have to alter the macro program from itself and rather give it arguments to define its 'what ever'. However once you get to a second level, i see no way to define the arguments unless it comes directly from the 1st layer macro. The machine i have says it can go upto 16 levels of macro/subroutines. While this is good its has capability, is it really of any use?

    Hanermo - I think the best and easiest way is by writing the vars to a file.
    Adding some datestamp and sanity checking, and one has a very robust system.

    Endless details abound like checking for the name/existence of the file, ability to create it, etc.

    can you elaborate on this at all? do you mean a file with all the variables (#1-#999 or what ever you use) defined, which loads the memory with this info, then run the programs?
    how do you add date stamps and 'sanity checking'?
    not really sure what your getting at here.

    thankyou both

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    hello zedodia

    linear progs are more processing power efficient than parametric
    depending on controller, there may exist the possibility to remove or reduce drastically this gap, thus allowing to keep the versatility of a parametric program, without infusing downtime

    The prog supplied was purely for an example
    somehow i was not sure about your intention, and i can't give a good advice without knowing the purpose ... i mean if i think of too many ways, i can't decide which one is better hoping that there is a 'better' way

    Essentially if a have a program that cuts a square, and a macro to cut a smaller square within
    for such a part, you don't need to go over nesting level 1; program would be like this :

        [ main program ]
        preparatory codes ( tool-change offset fixture rpm etc )
        call square_soubroutine var_1 = a1 var_2 = a2 ... var_n = an
        call square_soubroutine var_1 = b1 var_2 = b2 ... var_n = bn
        call square_soubroutine var_1 = c1 var_2 = c2 ... var_n = cn
        [ square_soubroutine ]
        content optimized for cutting a square, using var_1, var_2 ... var_n
    i can try to suggest ideas, but i can't share a real solution, unless i see a real reason to pass through multi nesting levels

    ok ... now, i will share an example about a code that i use, where variables are passed through levels :

        [ main program ]
        preparatory codes ( home position, fixture )
        call operation_1 var = 04
        call operation_2 var = 53
        call operation_3 var = 17
        [ operation_1 ]
        call verify_offset
        call prepare_tool
        content for operation 1
        [ operation_2 ]
        call verify_offset
        call prepare_tool
        content for operation 2
        [ operation_3 ]
        call verify_offset
        call prepare_tool
        content for operation 3
        [ verify_offset ]
        checking if offset for tool [ var ] is within some safe limits, otherwise stop the cnc
        [ prepare_tool ]
        go to safe position, and index to tool [ var ]
    i hope that this example helps; there are also other cases when i go 'through nesting levels'

    However once you get to a second level, i see no way to define the arguments unless it comes directly from the 1st layer macro
    yes, this is true, but, more precise, the argument must "allready exist at 1st layer" ; this means :
    ... argument was created inside 1st layer ( pls check sample 1 )
    ... argument was created before 1st layer ( pls check sample 2 )
    * another option, is that the argument is created when the 2nd soubroutine is called ( pls check sample 3 )

    ( sample 1 )
        [ main program ]
        call soubroutine_1
        [ soubroutine_1 ]
        variable = 500
        call soubroutine_2
        [ soubroutine_2 ]
        do something with 'variable'
    ( sample 2 )
        [ main program ]
        variable = 500
        call soubroutine_1
        [ soubroutine_1 ]
        call soubroutine_2
        [ soubroutine_2 ]
        do something with 'variable'
    ( sample 3 )
        [ main program ]
        call soubroutine_1
        [ soubroutine_1 ]
        call soubroutine_2 variable = 500
        [ soubroutine_2 ]
        do something with 'variable'
    The machine i have says it can go upto 16 levels of macro/subroutines. While this is good its has capability, is it really of any use?
    this depends how you see things, and how far you wish to go, and how much time you have to experiment

    not everybody is using soubroutines, but those ones that do it right, have more skills and more control over the machine, and their programs perform better

    so far i have reached nesting level 6 or 7, but most operations are executed inside nesting level 2 or 3 i use deeper nesting levels for general soubroutines, that target optimizations that are not related to cutting; for example : checking axis positions, computing home positions, checking machine states, checking offsets, etc .... well, i have a few / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    Thanks Deadlykitten. Im not really doing anything with them 'yet'. im just exploring the possibilities of them atm to see whether they will be useful for my job. Essentially I have to rewrite all of my programs for work (3-4years worth) because we have moved from an old 98' model masterwood 327 to a retrofitted 98' model masterwood 327 (lol). The controller is an NCT 204 (which i cannot find any info on cnczone. Seems to not be a popular thing. Already i am finding so many things i need to incorporate moving from the old MW327 language to Fanuc - which is a headache at best atm. code structure is different and not as 'easy' to use. Something as simple as having to add G39 after every linear move to make the cutter run smoothly around the workpiece is a pain. We work with timber so having a micro pause usually mean a burn mark.
    Tool offsets are different (code structure and sequence) and i cannot simply run a while/end sequence altering the offset diameter as easily - I used to be able to use a 'Q' value after G41/42 to offset the diameter, now i have to use G10 and alter the table then alter it back after a loop in finished. All in all my codes are almost doubled in length to do the same task. Calling subroutines or macros will be very useful to me once i get my head around the best way to approach them (I always attempt to make all my programs parametric rather than static). Thats why I am asking this question.

    Is that an exact code you run? or just an example. the 'call' function and 'var' looks more like a computer language rather than Gcode to me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    hello, about your question on passing values, simply declare all variables at the begining of the program, and after that use them how you wish, inside the main program or inside a soubroutine; something like this :

        [ main program ]
        #101 = 1 ( comment 1 )
        #102 = 2 ( comment 2 )
        #103 = 3 ( comment 3 )
        main program content, maybe some operations with #101 and #102
        call soubroutine_a
        [ soubroutine_a ]
        soubroutine content, maybe some operations with #102 and #103
    your code sample has many variables, but is also simple, so i would recomand you to keep the variables at the begining of the program

    if somehow you wish to use same soubrtouine twice inside same program, then try this :

        [ main program ]
        call initialization_1
        call soubroutine
        call initialization_2
        call soubroutine
        [ initialization_1 ]
        #101 = 1 ( comment 1 )
        #102 = 2 ( comment 2 )
        #103 = 3 ( comment 3 )
        [ initialization_2 ]
        #101 = 11 ( comment 1 )
        #102 = 22 ( comment 2 )
        #103 = 33 ( comment 3 )
        [ soubroutine ]
        do something here with #101 #102 #103
    we have moved from an old 98' model masterwood 327 to a retrofitted 98' model masterwood 327 (lol)
    is this an antivirus ?

    We work with timber
    i have no clue what timber is ...

    codes are almost doubled in length to do the same task
    this means more programing time, if codes are long-handed ... is there also a benefit with that retrofit ? does the machine moves faster now, or is there an advantage, so to justify the retrofit ?

    Calling subroutines or macros will be very useful
    well, build your soubroutines, or at least update those ones from before the retrofit ... if i may, what soubroutines do you wish do use ? i am asking this, because, in the near future, i may be able to help you deliver them faster

    Is that an exact code you run? or just an example. the 'call' function and 'var' looks more like a computer language rather than Gcode to me
    is only an example; some of my codes are filled with stuff but i use 'call' to execute a soubroutine, i may also use 'var', and i can use soubroutine names up to 16 chars / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    is this an antivirus ?
    I would say more so a virus lol

    i have no clue what timber is ...
    timber....? timber = wood (material)

    this means more programing time, if codes are long-handed ... is there also a benefit with that retrofit ? does the machine moves faster now, or is there an advantage, so to justify the retrofit ?
    Oh how i'd love someone else to address these questions with the employer lol. So far the only benefit is the machine actual moves. The old one died. You'd sorta have to work here to understand.

    well, build your soubroutines, or at least update those ones from before the retrofit ... if i may, what soubroutines do you wish do use ? i am asking this, because, in the near future, i may be able to help you deliver them faster
    Previous machine did no have macros or ability to use them. It was very simple - but effective.

    Thanks again. I will explore subroutines more soon and see what else i can learn.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    timber....? timber = wood (material)
    so far i believed that when stuff happens, people used to scream timbeeeeeeer but i had no clue that it is a wood ?!
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    I guess your in Antarctica (lol) so you got no wood lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    Ive just come across another aspect i cant get my head around. When calling a sub or macro, we have 33 common variables we can pass through. How do you pass them all through. Just running a test i can only pass through 25 or them.

    ok so they all pass through except 'N' (probably because N is used for line number references)
    how do I pass through 'N' and variables #27-#33?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    hello zedodia unfortunately, i can't help with such specifics, because i don't know that control/machine, etc; maybe you should ask such particularities inside the fanuc forum : https://www.cnczone.com/forums/fanuc/

    also, so far, the fattest soubroutine that i made was using 30-40 variables, but most of them were declared inside the soubroutine, and only a few of them ( maybe 5 ? ) were passed through layered macros; something like this :

        main program
        call soub lv01 = v1 lv02 = v2 lv03 = v3 lv04 = v4 lv05 = v5
        lv06 = 06
        lv07 = 07
        lv08 = 08
        // bla bla bla :)
        lv34 = 34
        lv35 = 35
        // at this point, it does not matter that lvo1-lv05 are passed through layers, and that lv06-lv35 are not passed
        // all what maters is that all required variables are initialized; does not matter how :)
        // do something with variables lv01, lv02, .., lv35
    when you use a certain amount of variables, like more then 10, 20, etc, code complexity increases, and, even if it works, you may hit into a case where you may realize that you lose too much time with configuring the input data, because there are too many values ... i am not saying that one should give up, but, i am saying that there are methods to deliver faster initializations for complex parametric codes, like using presetting programs, or pc software / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    Too easy. I agree with what your saying. However while complex at first, in the end will make my job very simple and quick to configure. thankyu for your help

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    i have some parametric codes, and they deliver nice toolpaths, with minimal auxiliar movements, etc

    but, because of their complexity, sometime i spent too much time configuring them, because i have to check then entire range of variables, and, in the end, i change a few ... in other words, there are too many parameters involved, and too many possible code outputs, that simply blows my head off sometime i need too much time to understand the structure of an old soubroutine, so i have, on my 2 do list, a method for faster parametric initializations, but i did not yet had time to work on it; however, it should be based on some images, because images are faster too see&understand, than reading code

    at begining, my codes were simple&short, but, in time, they got larger, so to handle specific particularities, and also to deliver optimized behaviour : they work, but being so complex, requires too much time to understand and configure them; now, i just need to boost the initialization time, because, now, i reached a limit of my-self, beyond which i am no longer productive / kindly
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    Quote Originally Posted by zedodia View Post
    Thanks Deadlykitten for the long winded answer.
    Hello zedodia,
    Empty vessels make the most noise.

    With regards to your question,

    In your example code below, there would be no requirement to pass #100 and #101 in MACRO1 PROG and MACRO2 PROG respectively, as they are Common Variable, seen by all programs.

    G0 X0 Y0 Z0
    G1 X100 Y100 Z0
    G65 <MACRO1> A20 <----A20 MAKES LOCAL VARIABLE #1=20
    G0 X0 Y0

    G1 Z#1
    G1 Z0
    G65 <MACRO2> B#100

    G1 Z#2
    G1 Z0
    G65 <MACRO3> C#101

    G1 Z#3
    G1 Z0

    If you wanted to pass Local Variables through Nested Macro Programs and not set Common Variables in your Main program, you could pass all of the Local Variables used in MACRO1 PROG, MACRO2 PROG and MACRO3 PROG via the Call Block in MAIN PROG.

    G65 A20 B40 C60 (IN MAIN PROG)


    G65 B#2 C#3 (IN MACRO1 PROG)


    G65 C#3 (IN MACRO2 PROG)



  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Passing arguments through layered macros

    Quote Originally Posted by zedodia View Post
    Ive just come across another aspect i cant get my head around. When calling a sub or macro, we have 33 common variables we can pass through. How do you pass them all through. Just running a test i can only pass through 25 or them.

    ok so they all pass through except 'N' (probably because N is used for line number references)
    how do I pass through 'N' and variables #27-#33?
    Argument specification II uses A, B, and C once each. Apart from
    these three letters, it uses I, J, and K up to 10 times each (i.e., 10 independent
    sets of I, J, and K are used). Thus, it can pass initial values to
    all the 33 local variables.

    I can post more details if you are interested.

    You seem to be familiar with argument specification I only. In this method, L, O, N, G, and P cannot be used for passing variable. (I remember this as LONG Program)

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