I don't know if anyone else has the MP4 tool probe on their milltronics Partner 1, but I am working on building logic to do automatic tool breakage detection simply by checking the "break control" checkbox in the Fusion tool setup or by commanding a Manual NC Break Control. Still some work to be done, it's not just a copy and paste affair. I have the macro one-liner being output, but it still needs some safeties programmed specific to the quirks of the cent 5 control and the existing post.

I've been doing extensive post building for my HAAS machines and KIA lathe, so I'm trying to unify the code and functionality as much as possible between all 4 machines. My post also includes ProShop ERP tool management data on all machines, so before I release this I will need to remove that or at least toss it in the post config dropdown list.

Anyway, yell if this is something you're interested in- Might help motivate me to get it done quicker

FWIW re: the above conversation, I have thread milled straight out of fusion using one of the above linked post versions. Did a 1/2 NPT thread actually! Worked great, no problems. Same with helical ramping and such, not a problem in sight so far (well, except the .0005 of intermittent Z and Y oscillation that I haven't bothered to figure out yet).
Haven't tried tapping yet- I don't have rigid tapping on my machine, and I use my FlexArm for everything anyway.