Quote Originally Posted by stef110 View Post
No the X saddle will be just steel like it is now.

The base now have been baked for 26 hours at a max temp of 55 degrees in the end. Now it will be waiting on some measuring devices and epoxy to try to make the steel plates flat so i can mount the rail.
In the mean time im working on the Column design.
Im in contact with some Chinese sellers for a big servo for driving the spindle. currently im doubting what to do my BT30 spindle has a max rpm of 6000 but maybe in the future i will update it to higher rpm.
Now the servo i can buy will be or 8000 rpm or 12000 rpm but it comes with a 390 dollar higher price. On my current mill i also have a 6000 rpm spindle which seems enough but more is always better.
Would it be smart to already buy a high rpm spindle or just stick to an 8000 rpm max and use that money for something else.

After doing a great job of the base and you are not having the rail mounting surfaces machine, mounting them on epoxy is not a good idea, all your rail and mounting areas need to be machined