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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > G-Code Programing > Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreciated
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  1. #21
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    If manually inserting a retract for safety I prefer to enter a G53 for absolute machine position rather than G00 which is in the current coordinate offset. The negative for using a G53 is that it moves at the last F speed, so its also good to add an F value. G53 Z0 F300. On some machines I used to use a G28 or a G30, but now I have multiple machines different setups. I actually prefer to modify my M30 macro on each machine to include a G53 Z0 F300 along with an extra M5 M9 just in case. G28 and G30 don't perform exactly the same on every control program. For one machine I rewrote the post processor to insert all kinds of safety and tool change position code. On others I did that in the tool change macros.
    G53 and G0 are exactly the same either can be used for the same purpose if your program has and should be programed in G90 there is no difference, not all cam programs can have the post processor changed very easy so you got lucky with what you are using

    A lot of controls won't run a G53 without the G0 in the mix ether in a line before or on the same line like G0G53----

  2. #22
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    G53 and G0 are exactly the same either can be used for the same purpose
    if your program has and should be programed in G90 there is no difference, not all cam programs can have the post processor changed very easy so you got lucky with what you are using

    A lot of controls won't run a G53 without the G0 in the mix ether in a line before or on the same line like G0G53----

    What reference are you using that says G00 and G53 are exactly the same? All those I've read say G00 is a rapid move in the current work offset coordinate system, and G53 is a feed rate move in the machine coordinate system.

    Can't customize the post processor? Wow. I have only used a few CAM programs, but they definitely allow me to modify or create a new post processor. One I use even allows a script system to modify the code after the post processor is done, and its a cheap CAM program (under $200). Still haven't used most of the high end CAM systems. I guess they could be more limited, but Fusion which is arguably not low end allows for custom and new post processors as well. Further many CAM programs allow you to create templates or styles and libraries of styles. Often you can add customized header or footer code to your styles and when you apply a style (or template) to an operation it automatically applies that header and footer code. In one Cam program I use I just set universal things in the root style and all other styles in that library inherit those properties unless they are changed.
    Bob La Londe

  3. #23
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post

    What reference are you using that says G00 and G53 are exactly the same? All those I've read say G00 is a rapid move in the current work offset coordinate system, and G53 is a feed rate move in the machine coordinate system.

    Can't customize the post processor? Wow. I have only used a few CAM programs, but they definitely allow me to modify or create a new post processor. One I use even allows a script system to modify the code after the post processor is done, and its a cheap CAM program (under $200). Still haven't used most of the high end CAM systems. I guess they could be more limited, but Fusion which is arguably not low end allows for custom and new post processors as well. Further many CAM programs allow you to create templates or styles and libraries of styles. Often you can add customized header or footer code to your styles and when you apply a style (or template) to an operation it automatically applies that header and footer code. In one Cam program I use I just set universal things in the root style and all other styles in that library inherit those properties unless they are changed.
    G53 moves at the Rapid rate unless you tell it to use a feed rate, it is non modal so you have to remember it is a ( 1 ) shot code, I said it does the same thing but with some differences a G53 uses your absolute machine position this means all the moves are from your machine Home position and are not affected by datums like G54 Etc or tool length offsets

    So when programing you have to figure where you want to use it or you can have problems with the following code work offsets Etc

  4. #24
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Are you sure? I test all this stuff before I use it to see what happens. G53 does not change the work offset system in either Mach3, Mach4, or LinuxCNC. It just moves to the machine coordinate ignoring the current work offset. Every time I have tested it it moves at the rate set by the last F parameter. The only time it appears to move at rapid speed is if it there have been no commands with F parameters that have been executed yet in the current code file. I have just taken to setting an F parameter in G53 commands set to or above the max federate of the machine. I suppose if you inserted a G53 in the middle of an operations and the next g01/02/03 etc did not have an F parameter set it could potentially cause an issue, but I can't imagine a circumstances where would insert a G53 F(xxx) in the middle of an operation.

    That also appears to be the way it operates in "Fanuuc" compatible mode. I have buddies running Centroid systems who can cross check, but I think it will be the same since they run similar types of macros, styles, and post processor mods.

    Sorry, but as near as I can tell G00 and G53 are not at all the same. If you have a reference that says otherwise please share it. I am open to learning something new.
    Bob La Londe

  5. #25
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    To the OP. Moving to a work offset coordinate may work if you are sure its within the machine work envelope. Moving to a machine coordinates will always work, unless you hit a vise. LOL When I do safe position moves for tool changes I push the current XYZ off to variables, retract Z, then perform any other moves that are appropriate, change the tool, apply tool offsets, and then use a safe path return to the previous XYZ coordinate. Even that can have issues if for instances you are zeroing to a different level after a tool change, but for the most part it works.
    Bob La Londe

  6. #26
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    Are you sure? I test all this stuff before I use it to see what happens. G53 does not change the work offset system in either Mach3, Mach4, or LinuxCNC. It just moves to the machine coordinate ignoring the current work offset. Every time I have tested it it moves at the rate set by the last F parameter. The only time it appears to move at rapid speed is if it there have been no commands with F parameters that have been executed yet in the current code file. I have just taken to setting an F parameter in G53 commands set to or above the max federate of the machine. I suppose if you inserted a G53 in the middle of an operations and the next g01/02/03 etc did not have an F parameter set it could potentially cause an issue, but I can't imagine a circumstances where would insert a G53 F(xxx) in the middle of an operation.

    That also appears to be the way it operates in "Fanuuc" compatible mode. I have buddies running Centroid systems who can cross check, but I think it will be the same since they run similar types of macros, styles, and post processor mods.

    Sorry, but as near as I can tell G00 and G53 are not at all the same. If you have a reference that says otherwise please share it. I am open to learning something new.
    You are mistaken G53 does not change work offsets, and I never said it did, it just does not use work offsets when making a move, it works as I said by using the machine Home coordinates

    G53 does not need a feed rate if there is nothing then it travels at the machine rapid rate It is not Modal, G0 is a Modal code and this works off the work offset positions G54 Etc. they are quite different in that respect
    but both can be used to do the same thing when you want to move somewhere G53 is the absolute replacement for G28 incremental

  7. #27
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    You are mistaken G53 does not change work offsets, and I never said it did
    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    , it just does not use work offsets when making a move
    , it works as I said by using the machine Home coordinates

    G53 does not need a feed rate if there is nothing then it travels at the machine rapid rate It is not Modal, G0 is a Modal code and this works off the work offset positions G54 Etc. they are quite different in that respect
    but both can be used to do the same thing when you want to move somewhere
    G53 is the absolute replacement for G28 incremental

    You are officially full of ****. I NEVER SAID IT DID. In fact stating I did and quoting where I said it didn't is just deficient at best.
    G53 does not change the work offset system in either Mach3, Mach4, or LinuxCNC." I said it uses machine coordinates, and that's why its a better choice for safe consistent moves to a tool changes.

    You also said, "G53
    moves at the Rapid rate unless you tell it to use a feed rate." It doesn't in testing and in practice. It moves at the last F rate. I welcomed you to show me a reference that said otherwise. You didn't. I physically tested on machines before implementing.

    You also said, "
    So when programing you have to figure where you want to use it or you can have problems with the following code work offsets Etc." Absolutely no more problems than any other move that might not be accounted for in your CAM program. It doesn't matter if you use a G28 or a G30 or a G00 or a G53 if your code doesn't account for where the machine IS instead of just assuming its where it was when you finished the last operation. Knowing that for a fact having developed solutions for that sort of problem your comment either makes no sense at all or implies it somehow changes the offset system which it does not. The machine offsets on any modern machine control (modern being generous when consider how old G-code is) are correctly reflected after a G53 move, and the relative offset position is still accurate. If your next move afterward is incremental it could be an issue, but no more so than with any other move that isn't accounted for. I account for this in my tool change macros. Not all controls allow you to write your own tool changes. I get that, but the point is that the problem is no different with any move not accounted for by the following operation.

    Further to hammer home the point If you insert a G53 Z0 F(xxx) as part of a tool change it will ALWAYS go to Z0 machine coordinate 100% of the time, and unless you are doing something really esoteric and or your machine is broken it will always be a safe move. I include machines with out home switches in the broken category, although if a person homes at a safe height before the job even without switches its safe. Us a G00 to an arbitrary "safe" z height may crash your machine. You have to account for it every single time you program it, and change the value you use each time to make sure its safe, and if you are working with a tall pat and long tools you need to check it for every single tool.

    G00 and G53 are absofreakinglutely NOT THE SAME.

    Just to be fair on the feed rate I'll test again, shoot a video, and if I am wrong I'll own up. Unlike you who won't own up to anything.
    Bob La Londe

  8. #28
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    P.S. Even if I am wrong about feedrate that doesn't change the fact that a G53 Z0 should always be safer than a G00 Z3.
    Bob La Londe

  9. #29
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    P.S. Even if I am wrong about feedrate that doesn't change the fact that a G53 Z0 should always be safer than a G00 Z3.
    The only one full of it is you as usual messing up someone else's thread

    This is what you posted not me (G53 does not change the work offset system )

    I replied that nobody said it does, you are in you own little world and don't have a good understanding of basic code and how it is used

  10. #30
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    P.S. Even if I am wrong about feedrate that doesn't change the fact that a G53 Z0 should always be safer than a G00 Z3.
    Not at all they are being used to do ( 2 ) different things, it's called programing as I said there are a lot of controls that won't even run if you program a G53Z0. like this

  11. #31
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Well there are certainly some machines that do not fully implement a Fanuc G-Code instruction set or that interpret it differently.

    However, you said "You are mistaken G53 does not change work offsets," and in the same post you quoted me saying, "G53 does not change the work offset system in either Mach3, Mach4, or LinuxCNC." That's just stupid on your part. Your pathological need to be right and everybody else to be wrong is causing you to argue what appears to be a mutually agreed point. Go have a cup of coffee and think about that for a minute. They whole reason is for that branch of the discussion is because you claimed a G53 could negatively impact what comes after a G53. See comments below on that subject.

    This code snippet on a system that fully implements code will retract to machine coordinate Z=0 at F10
    G00 Z-5
    G01 Z-6 F10
    G53 Z0

    This snippet of code will retract at F10000 or machine rapid whichever is slower.
    G00 Z-5
    G01 Z-6 F10
    G53 Z0 F10000

    Now an interesting point was in testing just now at the MDI interface is that G53 Z0 was not affected by a prior G01 at the MDI command line, but in G-Code it was.

    I don't have a machine that doesn't perform the way described, but if placing a G0 on the same line as the G53 cures the problem then so be it. Do that. Dude. A G0 will always move relative to the work offset and a G53 will always move relative machine coordinates. If you think its safer to run a G0 and have to double check that its physically within your work envelope every time go for it. I use a G53 for Z safe height in code and it works on all six 3 axis (1 is 4 axis) machines in my shop every single time. Regardless of their vastly differing work envelopes and configurations. Actually on 5 of those machines I have that programmed in the tool change macros and on the 6th I use a modified post processor to insert that in the tool change code when the CAM program generates code. I don't know how to modify the tool change macros yet on that machine.

    You claimed using a G53 could cause problems, but I pointed out it would not cause any problems not caused by any other manually inserted code. Now you have changed to saying it won't run on some machines. Changing your argument shows some growth atleast. However as stated if writing G00 G53 Z(x) works on some machine then do that. It will always take you to the same physical machine coordinate for Z(x). G00 Z(x) will not. There may or may not be enough room to retract to your example Z3 in the machine coordinate system, but unless there is a clamp, or work piece in the way there will always be room to move to a machine coordinate within the work envelope of the machine.

    I do plan to test what you said about placing a G0 on the same line as the G53. If it works as you describe on my machines it would be cleaner than F10000.

    To the OP:
    I have a sandbox machine where I can execute code to see what it does and how it performs without actually risking crashing a machine. I have profiles for all of my machines on my sandbox so I can test for a particular machine. Of course you need to know how your machine will respond to various conditions and to code you are using before implementing anything new. Test it with your hand on the E-Stop button if you have to, but even that may not prevent a crash if you make a poor coding choice. E-stopping might reduce the damage from a crash, but its not guarantee. Its always best to write code snippets and test to make sure it will perform like you want in the real world.
    Bob La Londe

  12. #32
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    Well there are certainly some machines that do not fully implement a Fanuc G-Code instruction set or that interpret it differently.

    However, you said "You are mistaken G53 does not change work offsets," and in the same post you quoted me saying, "G53 does not change the work offset system in either Mach3, Mach4, or LinuxCNC." That's just stupid on your part. Your pathological need to be right and everybody else to be wrong is causing you to argue what appears to be a mutually agreed point. Go have a cup of coffee and think about that for a minute. They whole reason is for that branch of the discussion is because you claimed a G53 could negatively impact what comes after a G53. See comments below on that subject.
    [LEFT]This code snippet on a system that fully implements code will retract to machine coordinate Z=0 at F10

    This snippet of code will retract at F10000 or machine rapid whichever is slower.

    [COLOR=#222222][FONT=Arial]Now an interesting point was in testing just now at the MDI interface is that G53 Z0 was not affected by a prior G01 at the MDI command line, but in G-Code it was.

    I don't have a machine that doesn't perform the way described, but if placing a G0 on the same line as the G53 cures the problem then so be it. Do that. Dude. A G0 will always move relative to the work offset and a G53 will always move relative machine coordinates. If you think its safer to run a G0 and have to double check that its physically within your work envelope every time go for it. I use a G53 for Z safe height in code and it works on all six 3 axis (1 is 4 axis) machines in my shop every single time. Regardless of their vastly differing work envelopes and configurations. Actually on 5 of those machines I have that programmed in the tool change macros and on the 6th I use a modified post processor to insert that in the tool change code when the CAM program generates code. I don't know how to modify the tool change macros yet on that machine.

    You claimed using a G53 could cause problems, but I pointed out it would not cause any problems not caused by any other manually inserted code. Now you have changed to saying it won't run on some machines. Changing your argument shows some growth atleast. However as stated if writing G00 G53 Z(x) works on some machine then do that. It will always take you to the same physical machine coordinate for Z(x). G00 Z(x) will not. There may or may not be enough room to retract to your example Z3 in the machine coordinate system, but unless there is a clamp, or work piece in the way there will always be room to move to a machine coordinate within the work envelope of the machine.

    I do plan to test what you said about placing a G0 on the same line as the G53. If it works as you describe on my machines it would be cleaner than F10000.

    To the OP:
    I have a sandbox machine where I can execute code to see what it does and how it performs without actually risking crashing a machine. I have profiles for all of my machines on my sandbox so I can test for a particular machine. Of course you need to know how your machine will respond to various conditions and to code you are using before implementing anything new. Test it with your hand on the E-Stop button if you have to, but even that may not prevent a crash if you make a poor coding choice. E-stopping might reduce the damage from a crash, but its not guarantee. Its always best to write code snippets and test to make sure it will perform like you want in the real world.
    Nobody is interested in what you do this thread was to help the OP with his program which you are not doing in any way

    And I never changed anything I stand by what I have posted

    Yes I claimed a G53 can cause problems, if it is not used correctly which is correct the OP had more than one problem though I don't see you addressing any of those problems because you just don't know

    Here are the spec's for a G53 and how it works one of the main things it does is temporarily cancels work offsets when it is executed which you keep saying it does not, just you lack of understanding of how these codes work you can interpret wording how ever you like, if it works for you

    G53 Move in ABS Coordinates

    Absolute machine coordinates:G53 - move's in a linear motion to a point expressed in absolute coordinates, program G1 G53 X~ Y~ Z~ A~ B~ C~ (or similarly with G0 instead of G1), where all the axis words are optional, except that at least one must be used. The G0 or G1 is optional, if it is in the current motion mode. G53 is not modal and must be programmed on each line on which it is intended to be active. This will produce coordinated linear motion to the programmed point. If G1 is active, the speed of motion is the current feed rate (or slower if the machine will not go that fast). If G0 is active, the speed of motion is the current traverse rate (or slower if the machine will not go that fast). It is an error if: G53 is used without G0 or G1 being active,

    G53 Machine coordinate system Takes absolute coordinates (X,Y,Z,A,B,C) with reference to machine zero rather than program zero. Can be helpful for tool changes. Nonmodal and absolute only. Subsequent blocks are interpreted as "back to G54" even if it is not explicitly programmed.

    G53 -This preparatory function temporarily cancels works offset and positions the machine axes from machine home. It is non-modal; so the next block will revert back to the previously selected work offsets

    The G0 or G1 does not have to be on the same line, but if either is not active, ( active meaning in use before the G53 line ) then you have to add a G0 or a G1 to the G53 line

  13. #33
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    You've got to be tweaking. Nobody is that pathological naturally.

    G53 does not trash the work offset. It has no negative affect. As you can see in this video the displayed work offset coordinates remain accurate through out. It does not cause a problem.


    You are just full of ****, and the fact remain a G53 safe Z height move is safer than an arbitrary G0 move because you don't have to check that it will be safe. If it was safe last time it will be safe next time and every time. Undercutting not withstanding of course.

    If you wanted to be "safer" you could save the current coordinates to variables, and then return to them after executing your tool change, but if you are only doing a safe z move to implement your tool change its not necessary. Still that assumes the machine behaves as does the virtual one in my video clip.

    Other problem? You mean where he had 2 T(x) values. You already corrected that. Not helping... maybe not helping you, but you can't be helped and your own words betray you.
    Bob La Londe

  14. #34
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    You've got to be tweaking. Nobody is that pathological naturally.

    G53 does not trash the work offset. It has no negative affect. As you can see in this video the displayed work offset coordinates remain accurate through out. It does not cause a problem.


    You are just full of ****, and the fact remain a G53 safe Z height move is safer than an arbitrary G0 move because you don't have to check that it will be safe. If it was safe last time it will be safe next time and every time. Undercutting not withstanding of course.

    If you wanted to be "safer" you could save the current coordinates to variables, and then return to them after executing your tool change, but if you are only doing a safe z move to implement your tool change its not necessary. Still that assumes the machine behaves as does the virtual one in my video clip.

    Other problem? You mean where he had 2 T(x) values. You already corrected that. Not helping... maybe not helping you, but you can't be helped and your own words betray you.

    You obvious have no understanding what's so ever of G-code in general and how it is coded

    You are not going to see it in a Video, OMG, which I'm not even going to watch, you have to understand how the G-Code RS-274 standard is written in hard code that's the only place you can see what each code is doing

    You can't have ( 2 ) forms of coordinates active at the same time, work offsets and machine coordinates, the G53 would not work unless the work offset is temporarily canceled

    Coordinate system offsets are used to shift the coordinate system from the machine coordinate system. This allows the G code to be programmed for the part without regard to the part location on the machine. Using coordinate system offsets would allow you to machine parts in multiple locations with the same G code.

    G53 is not part of the work offset coordinates system

    G53 works off the Machine Home Coordinates so for it to work it has to temporarily cancel work Offsets for it to work

    You would not see this in a Video just more of your uneducated BS

  15. #35
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    You've got to be tweaking. Nobody is that pathological naturally.

    G53 does not trash the work offset. It has no negative affect. As you can see in this video the displayed work offset coordinates remain accurate through out. It does not cause a problem.


    You are just full of ****, and the fact remain a G53 safe Z height move is safer than an arbitrary G0 move because you don't have to check that it will be safe. If it was safe last time it will be safe next time and every time. Undercutting not withstanding of course.

    If you wanted to be "safer" you could save the current coordinates to variables, and then return to them after executing your tool change, but if you are only doing a safe z move to implement your tool change its not necessary. Still that assumes the machine behaves as does the virtual one in my video clip.

    Other problem? You mean where he had 2 T(x) values. You already corrected that. Not helping... maybe not helping you, but you can't be helped and your own words betray you.
    It's not just me that knows how these codes work, check out G53 at https://www.cnccookbook.com/g-code-m...ist-cnc-mills/ he says the same thing hope this helps you get over it and have some logical thinking as to how G-code works, I guess you are going to tell him he has it wrong too

  16. #36
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Active. No. Still accurately showing its relative position when you switch back to it. Yes. What's the point in having multiple work offsets if they do not remain accurate when you are using a different one. They do. Switch from one to another and back causes no harm. Unless you have a crappy machine with a partial instruction set implementation the control still knows where it is. That's the whole point.

    I am familiar with Mr Warfield's website and huge concatenation of other people's work. I'll leave it at that.

    I adequately proved my point.

    I guess I'll just have to accept that you are one of those jackasses who thinks screaming the loudest and longest makes you right. I'll let you keep screaming, but I am done with you. Go ahead. Rant on little boy.

    Bob La Londe
    Yuma, Az

    Bob La Londe

  17. #37
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    Active. No. Still accurately showing its relative position when you switch back to it. Yes. What's the point in having multiple work offsets if they do not remain accurate when you are using a different one. They do. Switch from one to another and back causes no harm. Unless you have a crappy machine with a partial instruction set implementation the control still knows where it is. That's the whole point.

    I am familiar with Mr Warfield's website and huge concatenation of other people's work. I'll leave it at that.

    I adequately proved my point.

    I guess I'll just have to accept that you are one of those jackasses who thinks screaming the loudest and longest makes you right. I'll let you keep screaming, but I am done with you. Go ahead. Rant on little boy.

    Bob La Londe
    Yuma, Az

    No I'm not screaming, you will know when I do that, you have proved who the jackasses is in this case, for not being able to comprehend basic G-code and how it is written (wedge)

    You have not proved any point at all, you have shown how little you do know about the subject

    Nobody has said there is any cause of accuracy change, making stuff up is making you look ridiculous

    You still don't get it at all the work offset does not change and nobody said it did,

    I guess Faunc have it all wrong as well, because the snips I posted, that you said where wrong all came from the Faunc manual so who is looking a little----- right now

    Here is a nice snip of how a G53 works not quite enough wording but enough to get your dentures grinding

  18. #38
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    Re: Need help with g-codes for my CNC mill, I'm new and bad at it any help is appreci

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob La Londe View Post
    Active. No. Still accurately showing its relative position when you switch back to it. Yes. What's the point in having multiple work offsets if they do not remain accurate when you are using a different one. They do. Switch from one to another and back causes no harm. Unless you have a crappy machine with a partial instruction set implementation the control still knows where it is. That's the whole point.

    I am familiar with Mr Warfield's website and huge concatenation of other people's work. I'll leave it at that.

    I adequately proved my point.

    I guess I'll just have to accept that you are one of those jackasses who thinks screaming the loudest and longest makes you right. I'll let you keep screaming, but I am done with you. Go ahead. Rant on little boy.

    Bob La Londe
    Yuma, Az

    No you have proved who the jackasses is in this case, for not being able to comprehend basic G-code and how it is written (wedge)

    You have not proved any point at all, you have shown how little you do know

    Nobody has said there is any cause of accuracy change, making stuff up is making you look ridiculous

    You still don't get it at all the work offset does not change and nobody said it did,

    I guess Faunc have it all wrong as well, because the snips I posted came from the Faunc manual

    Here is a nice snip of how a G53 works not quite enough wording but enough to get your dentures grinding

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  4. roland camm3 mill any info appreciated
    By m8kingit in forum Benchtop Machines
    Replies: 1
    Last Post: 08-23-2008, 03:38 PM

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