Thanks AI (I saw some of your previous posts with helpful info re linear PSU... actually I think it was why I started looking into it.)

I've got some idea of the circuit design, including the different rectifier options/smoothing etc but was wondering about specing the actual transformer, re the secondary winding(s), and how best to wire them for DYN2s use. E.g put them in serial, v- vmid v+, or in parallel.

So far I'm looking at a 1000VA Tx but not sure about picking the correct secondary winding combination. e.g 2x25v, to 2x33v, which would be used in series. Or go for higher voltage secondaries say 50-60V but run them in parallel to get the higher current.

I had been working on the assumption of calculating backwards. i.e DYN2 need 60v + 10-20% headroom, then reduce by a peak factor, to get a working RMS value... so roughly 50-55v with 15-20A
These Tx seem to output more volts than their datasheet, and I didn't want to risk an overvolt, although I've now seen others mention using a 68v Tx.