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Thread: Totally Lost

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Totally Lost

    Hey everyone,

    Hoping for a little help figuring out what I'm messing up here, 'cause, I'm clueless.

    Trying to clear a pocket in a piece of walnut that is 1 inch thick. I used Fusion 360 to generate the code for a triangular pocket that is supposed to be centered in the 1" dimension of the wood but it keeps insisting on being offset to the back of the stock when viewed from in front of the mill.

    In fusion the pocket is perfectly centered when I check the measurements and the simulation shows it centered as well.

    When I look at the g code manually it seems to be directing a cut that would be centered in the wood in Y.

    I've set Zero to the front left corner in the fusion 360 stock and physically on the mill with a digital probe. Visually checking shows the tool over the correct corner of the stock.

    I have tried a number of things to correct this, but with no joy. I've stopped and re started fusion 360 and totally redrew the component in a new project. I shut down the mill (1100) completely and re started and re-zeroed the stock.

    I'm stumped, so I'm asking for ideas, I've attached the fusion 360 file, a screen shot of a section of the code, with a couple of Y moves that say to me the cut should be centered around 0.5", the center line of the stock, and a picture of the start of the cut on the stock showing how off center it is.

    Apparently fusion 360 files can't be attached, so I changed the extension to zip. To open it, just change it back to f3d.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: Totally Lost

    The file download doesnt seem to have a f3d file in it.What are you using for the stock size when you do the setup in CAM? If its larger than the model then that would explain the offset.

    EDIT: Changed the file type and it worked. Stock looks ok.

    Did you measure the stock to verify it is 1" thick?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Totally Lost

    If the code as written seems to be sending the tool to the right coordinates at the outset, but instead it's going somewhere else, I'd suspect some of those G-codes at the top of your program. Try eliminating the G50 and G54 from the top line and try running it again. If that fixes your issue, you might want to edit your post processor to keep it from adding them at the beginning of each program you write.

    If it's not really supposed to go to Y = .485, but you want it to go to Y=0 instead, then something else is going on.
    Andrew Werby

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Totally Lost

    I cant make heads or tails out of the contents of that zip file.... Why don't you upload just an F3D file, or post a public link to the design so we can all view and download it from there? Right-click on the design in the data panel, then select "Share Public Link".

    Ray L.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Totally Lost

    The fusion file is the one at the bottom of the picture, listed as bolt pocket 2 v1.zip. if you download it and change .zip to .f3d, it should open.

    I do want it to go to Y = .485 but it's not doing that.

    Ray, I didn't know you could do the share public link thing, thank you for educating me on that.

    Here is the public link, I hope it works.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Totally Lost

    I've had this happen to me and I wasn't using Fusion360, I was using SprutCam. It was driving me nuts cause I couldn't find anything wrong with the G-Code and my SprutCam simulations showed that my tool paths were working as they should. When I'm in to much of a hurry this will still happen to me from time to time but now I know where I went wrong.

    In my case it wasn't a CAM software snafu and it wasn't technically an indexing or indicating mistake. It turned out to be that I input the wrong numbers when I was zeroing my stock. I use those little manual wigglers to index/center my stock on the mill. The little ball end of those wigglers are 1/4" diameter. I always index on the front left X and Y corner on the Y-side closest to me. This means that my Y-Zero should be input at -.125" and my X-Zero should be input at -.125" as well when that little wiggler ball touches off and remains steady as it spins.

    As I stated, this has happened to me more than once. On one of those occasions I was way off by a quarter inch because I had mistakenly (rookie mistake) entered in the number, .25". That was the diameter of the little ball on the end of my wiggler. There was two things wrong with this incorrect data input. The first was that when centered in the tool holder the amount of that quarter inch diameter round ball is actually reduced by half when it touches off on the edge of my stock. The second error I made was to not include the "-" (minus) in front of my .125" input number. I hope that makes sense to you guys. Trying to explain it with the written word makes it sound more complicated than it really is.

    Other times when this has happened to me it's been because I simply forgot to include the "Minus" sign in front of my measurement. ("-") I don't work on wood I generally work on aluminum so if worse comes to worse and I make one of these mistakes and I've already made the bad cut, there's still a chance I can salvage the part if I'm using a piece of stock that's a bit bigger than my finished part will be whittled down to.

    I don't know what diameter you're touch probe is but from the looks of your photo it looks like your end mill is about a quarter inch off of center. What I've just written above may not even apply in your case but it sure looks alot like the way my aluminum parts have looked in the past when I've entered the wrong numbers when setting up my stock on the mill.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Totally Lost

    The g-code is fine (it runs correctly in CutViewer Mill, producing a perfectly symmetrical, centered slot), so there is something wrong with the way you're setting up the machine.

    Have you somehow managed to enable scaling on the machine? Does the slot come out the right size, despite being in the wrong location? Are you certain you're setting up your G54 offsets properly, and not setting them in some other fixture? If you do G0 X0 Y0 does it go to the left-front corner of the stock? If you do G0 X5 Y1 does it go to the right-rear corner of the stock?

    Ray L.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Totally Lost


    Yep, I've been down that road a few times myself - LoL
    One of the good things about the touch probe is that is sets the zero positions automatically, so it eliminates that particular human error, assuming it's working correctly of course. And the tool does go to the zero corner correctly prior to starting the cut.


    First, thank you for taking the time to run the code, knowing it works for you eliminates a lot of sources for the error. I can stop worrying about fusion 360 and concentrate on the machine setup.
    The tool does, as I said above. does go to the front left corner when I type X0Y0 into the MDI, but I didn't try any other position such as the back right corner as you asked. I will try that when I get back into the shop in the morning. Also I didn't let the code run out to the end to check the slot size, I'll try that also. I'll look into the scaling possibilty,as well, and there aren't any other fixtures set up, unless I did it by accident.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Totally Lost

    Well it's time to take my medicine, even though I seem to have taken a double dose of stupid pills yesterday!

    I solved my problem and found I had made one of the dumber rookie mistakes.

    When I started the job I selected I piece of walnut scrap from my wood pile and measured it to be 1" thick, but it wasn't long enough since I needed 4 pieces, 5" long. Grabbed the next piece in the pile and failed to measure it since it seemed the same size. As you can guess, it wasn't, it was only 7/8" thick and of course this caused all my problems and lead me down the rabbit hole, trying to figure out what was wrong with fusion 360 or my mill, when the only thing broken was my brain. LoL

    But I still want to thank everyone who tried to help me, and it wasn't a total loss for me, Ray taught me about the public link option in fusion 360, and I'm sure I'll use that again.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Totally Lost

    Just thought I would give a suggestion, that for milling wood I found the best cutters to be Onsrud Super O solid carbide single flute cutters, 65-023 is an example on Amazon.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Totally Lost

    Thank Jerrry, I'm going to take a look at those, they seem pretty nice.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Totally Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by MFchief View Post
    ...I seem to have taken a double dose of stupid pills yesterday!...
    Don't feel bad, you're not alone there... I've been doing dumb things working on cars lately. Best to keep away from CNC machines until my brain comes back from vacation...

    BTW - One more small Fusion tip - I noticed you seem to have added a special plane just to use for mirroring the first body. You don't need to add that plane - just use the face of the first body as the mirror plane.

    Ray L.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Totally Lost

    Hi Ray,

    I actually tried to do it the way you suggested, but could make it work. I'll try again tomorrow.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Totally Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by SCzEngrgGroup View Post
    Don't feel bad, you're not alone there... I've been doing dumb things working on cars lately.
    Ray L.
    Hopefully not on the Jag you have posted pics of in the past

    Anyway, a couple weeks ago I posted a note on how I introduced a tiny error by setting the ucs a tiny bit off when drawing the part and sending it to cam. I blamed everything, setup, Hamier, tool height gauge. …you name it. Then I stopped for a minute decided to run a different simple part to check everything in the shop. It ran just fine, so that narrowed the tiny error to either cad or cam setup.
    When you don't spend a lot of time in these programs,its so easy to stumble on a step and cause a problem that will have you casing your tail for hours or even days.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Totally Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    Hopefully not on the Jag you have posted pics of in the past
    Nah, my recent stupidities are limited to our two BMWs. Though we did have a real ordeal last Weds. with the Jag when it died at dusk. 45 miles from nowhere. With no cell service. Thankfully, due to the kindness of strangers, we did eventually (after midnight) finally get a tow back to civilization. I can't feel too bad though - in 21 years/50K miles, that was the first time the Jag failed to get us back home. For a 55 year old car, that doesn't seem too bad to me. And it was a 10-minute repair, once we finally got a working replacement part (and the first replacement part did NOT work...).

    Ray L.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Totally Lost


    I tried you mirroring suggestion this morning and it worked fine. Not sure what happened before, but I suspect that when I attempted to select a face to mirror on, I accidentally deselected the body.

    Any way, your method works great!

    Thanks again\

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