I have a little problem I use some help with. I've found that it get quite a bit of vibration with movement. It's greater on the y axis, much less on X and no issue on Z. The vibration is more pronounced with short movements, i.e., under an inch. I reduced my velocity on Y from 600 to 300 and that helped some. I haven't played with acceleration yet, but I'm going to.

All this led me to conclude that I should have bolted the CNC to my concrete floor. Doing so now is a problem. Here are a couple of photos to illustrate what I'm up against:

This photo show the type of foot I'm using. The photo is deceiving, though. It looks like the foot sticks out beyond the extrusion, but it doesn't.

This shot gives a clearer picture. The feet don't stick out.

While not necessarily clear, I have a threaded plate on the bottom of the extrusion. The foot has a 1/2" threaded part that swivels some and screws into the plate on the extrusion. A pretty standard machine foot.

If the feet stuck out, I'd just drill holes though them and into the floor, epoxy threaded rod into the concrete. Not and option. Not enough room to drill.

The obvious solution would be to just start over - dismantle everything, add bolts in the floor and reassemble. Not something I want to do.

I recall reading posts from Dave Faulkner about his 2 x 4 Saturn 2 (welded steel) slamming around pretty hard in operation and needing a substantial, or at least rigid, base to hold it. My machine is not as heavy as a Saturn 4 X 4, but it's nearly twice has heavy as the Avid/CNCRP Pro 4 X 4. I don't recall this being an issue with the Avid machines, but I've haven't gone on an extensive read trying find anything as yet. I feel like I'm overlooking something - probably something obvious. Suggestions???

Any ideas short of a dismantle/rebuild?

Thank you in advance.
