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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > FlashCut CNC > Newbie to Flashcut CNC - Error Code 1322
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Angry Newbie to Flashcut CNC - Error Code 1322

    I just re-set up an old Cameron CNC machine for the company I intern at. When I try and jog the z upwards, it gives this error stating that it has reached the limit of movement, even when I just jogged it in the other direction. I have no idea where to start in trying to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Newbie to Flashcut CNC - Error Code 1322

    Quote Originally Posted by JakeSnake View Post
    I just re-set up an old Cameron CNC machine for the company I intern at. When I try and jog the z upwards, it gives this error stating that it has reached the limit of movement, even when I just jogged it in the other direction. I have no idea where to start in trying to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance!

    Does the machine have homing switches at one end of each axis ? Did you home the machine to those switches before you jogged ?

    When you home the machine and it locates those switches, the MACHINE DRO locations are set to zero. At this point, the machine knows where its travel possibilities END. Usually this would be bottom left corner for X and Y and UP for Z axis.

    If you do not have home/limit switches, jog your machine as far as you can to the bottom left corner in X and Y, then up as high as you can in Z.

    Then in the MACHINE DRO window, set all to ZERO. Then when you jog down and back up, it will not give you that message until it hits the machines ZERO location. The message is simply trying to tell you you are attempting to go beyond where it thinks it can go mechanically.
    Chris L

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